Harpy Eagle
Seems as good a place as any other for this.
In the thread about private car ownership it was stated that in Europe the average car is only used 4% of the time. My initial thought was "wow, that is really low".
But if you are basing it only on a 24 hour day, is it really.
Since I no longer commute to work daily I can say I drive my car maybe 5 hours week. My wife maybe 6 hour a week for her car.
So, at most our two cars are driving 12 hours a week unless we are travelling.
So, out of a 168 hour week we use ours about 3.6% of the time.
Just wondering how much other people drive theirs.
And no, I am not suggesting we get rid of private ownership, just genuinely curious
In the thread about private car ownership it was stated that in Europe the average car is only used 4% of the time. My initial thought was "wow, that is really low".
But if you are basing it only on a 24 hour day, is it really.
Since I no longer commute to work daily I can say I drive my car maybe 5 hours week. My wife maybe 6 hour a week for her car.
So, at most our two cars are driving 12 hours a week unless we are travelling.
So, out of a 168 hour week we use ours about 3.6% of the time.
Just wondering how much other people drive theirs.
And no, I am not suggesting we get rid of private ownership, just genuinely curious