Diamond Member
unfortunately many of the lunatics that commit mass shootings do so out of hate [of course] and perceived grievances combined with a desire to be famous and remembered and feared because of their actions ... so a new way of dealing with these monsters after they commit their evil acts should be followed ... in my opinion mass shooters should be wiped from history completely ... whether the shooter survives a confrontation with police or doesnt survive [ if said shooters survives they should face the death penalty] their names should be stricken from news reports and all references to their lives history background social media ect ... should be erased .. their remains should then be disposed of in an unmarked location where no family or friends ect. can visit ! remove them from history completely ... their names never uttered again in the public domain [msm history books magazines] ect ... let it be the known law of the land and take away their chance at fame before they commit the act !