How many white supremacists are there?

We know, you always shooting each other.

The Nazi press melted down because so dumbfuck shot 8 black and 2 white people in Buffalo - meanwhile blacks shot 33 blacks in Chicago and not a peep.

You hypocritical clowns are a joke. The ONLY person you shame is yourself.
A black mowed down 50 white people, killing six. Biden sure didn’t call him a black supremacist, and he sure didn’t visit to comfort the white families.

The double standards that Democrats apply, based on race, is disgusting.
Oh, so we are just talking shit?

Cool. I can play that game.

The shooters, they are all employees of seawytch. He trains them in his volcano lair and dispatches them based on astrological signs.
So adorable...and stupid.

It's a pattern. They should just straight up call it "The Republican Replacement Theory".
You don’t support your state?
Go ahead and backpedal and retreat all you like cuck. That's all the admission I need. Care to explain to me why Republicans are the only ones who seem interested in celebrating these dick bag Democrats from back in the day?
Go ahead and backpedal and retreat all you like cuck. That's all the admission I need. Care to explain to me why Republicans are the only ones who seem interested in celebrating these dick bag Democrats from back in the day?
Retreat? Your example was a governor of a state celebrating his state history! Don’t offer up examples if you don’t intend for me to respond.
Retreat? Your example was a governor of a state celebrating his state history! Don’t offer up examples if you don’t intend for me to respond.
Why would he and Republicans want to celebrate the rise of a racist apartheid state? If you were a decent human being wouldn't you celebrate the end of that deplorable time rather than it's existence? Wouldn't you celebrate the people who defeated those ass clowns rather than the perpetrators? Republicans celebrating the Confederacy is like Germans celebrating the Nazis.
Why would he and Republicans want to celebrate the rise of a racist apartheid state? If you were a decent human being wouldn't you celebrate the end of that deplorable time rather than it's existence? Wouldn't you celebrate the people who defeated those ass clowns rather than the perpetrators? Republicans celebrating the Confederacy is like Germans celebrating the Nazis.
I have zero evidence that was so!
A black mowed down 50 white people, killing six. Biden sure didn’t call him a black supremacist, and he sure didn’t visit to comfort the white families.

The double standards that Democrats apply, based on race, is disgusting.

And I'll bet my dollar to your dime he won't be charged with a hate crime either.
We know, you always shooting each other.

The Nazi press melted down because so dumbfuck shot 8 black and 2 white people in Buffalo - meanwhile blacks shot 33 blacks in Chicago and not a peep.

You hypocritical clowns are a joke. The ONLY person you shame is yourself.

The root word of news is "new" and those shootings happen in Chicago every week. It's nothing new. However a white psycho going out to kill blacks is indeed rare.
Vouchers taking money away from the public school, and giving it to a private school, would be like Ford giving it's employees vouchers to buy a Chevy, or a Toyota, or a Kia.

If you want better schools, there are elections for school boards.
Spend effort in teaching RRR's and not waste resources battling CRT that is only taught at the college level.

Just because they don't call it CRT doesn't mean they are not brainwashing kids with the same garbage. The three R"s? That's what we suggested when the commies had a fit over Desantis's law that stopped teachers from teaching 5 to 8 year olds perversion.

School boards do not make better schools. If people want better schools, they need to pass a levy to fund those better schools which many blacks in poorer areas won't pass. That's why vouchers were introduced in the first place.

Taxes to educate children are not the exclusive property of public schools. It's taxpayers money to educate their children one way or another. It belongs to them, not the public school.
I did a little traveling this past weekend. As soon as I was about 60 miles out of DC, the political feel did a 180. Even businesses were posting “Let’s Go Brandon” posters in their windows! And at the gss station? OMG. None of the people were falling for Biden’s lies as to why the prices have skyrocketed. Americans are mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore.

If JP Morgan is correct gasoline will hit a national average of $6.00 or more come August.

A friend of mine stopped over yesterday and we got to talking about politics. I told him if the Democrats didn't get totally wiped out this next election it will prove that Democrats are cheating the system and we will have a revolution in this country. Biden and the commies are hated so bad at this point I can't imagine any leftist running for reelection could get elected again.
What did you need me to see? Celebrating the civil war start. Are you suggesting it didn’t happen? Again, I have no evidence you need me to see?
I gave you evidence of Republicans celebrating the very people you try and accuse me of supporting. Fail harder you moron. 😄

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