How many times did Sessions state, "I don't recall"???

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
The problem with this argument against Sessions is, as snowflakes demonstrate on this board all the time, Democrats love to twist people's words and the 'meaning' of words. (A La Bill Clinton and his pathetic defense based on the definition of the word 'is'.)

Sessions claims he understood the question to be - have you ever met with any Russians OUTSIDE YOUR OFFICIAL CAPACITY / DUTY AS A POLITICIAN. Liberals may not like that he claims this was his understanding and think he is ling / BSing, but they can NOT prove 100% that Sessions did NOT misunderstand the question asked to him and/or the intent of the person asking the question.
- Blame the one asking the question for not asking, 'Did you meet with any Russians IN ANY CAPACITY? In what capacity were those meetings?'

Instead, liberals are left grasping at straws and DECLARING 'this' is what was really mean, 'THIS' is what really happened...based on 'MY' interpretation.
- 'YOUR' 'Interpretation' doesn't do squat in a court of law - far from actual conclusive evidence.

Oh, and before you snowflakes start attacking me - I don't like Sessions...never have. I would not mind at all seeing him proven guilty of something and perp-walked out of the DOJ, replaced by someone more objective, who has a backbone / 'testicular fortitude', not afraid to do their job.

I just want to make sure every American gets their Constitutionally protected 'fair trial' and are found 'guilty' by the use of 'evidence', not 'I KNOW', 'EVERYONE knew', 'I BELIEVE', 'He HAD to know / believe'. When it comes to assigning 'guilt' consider me as someone from Missouri - 'SHOW ME'!

Bullshit - he was asked if he has seen members of Trump campaign communicating with Russians re. the election.

Sessions better be careful.

Reagan kept saying "I don't recall," then God gave him his wish.
That's not funny. That's mean. Alzheimers is no joke.

My mother suffered form Alzheimer's and ultimately died of dementia... it's ugly watching a perfectly, physically healthy person lapse into that mental state.
I agree. It is a terrible disease. I do believe in Karma. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Reagan was basically a complicated man, a good man who did some bad things. The Iran-Contra mess was one of them.
Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
The problem with this argument against Sessions is, as snowflakes demonstrate on this board all the time, Democrats love to twist people's words and the 'meaning' of words. (A La Bill Clinton and his pathetic defense based on the definition of the word 'is'.)

Sessions claims he understood the question to be - have you ever met with any Russians OUTSIDE YOUR OFFICIAL CAPACITY / DUTY AS A POLITICIAN. Liberals may not like that he claims this was his understanding and think he is ling / BSing, but they can NOT prove 100% that Sessions did NOT misunderstand the question asked to him and/or the intent of the person asking the question.
- Blame the one asking the question for not asking, 'Did you meet with any Russians IN ANY CAPACITY? In what capacity were those meetings?'

Instead, liberals are left grasping at straws and DECLARING 'this' is what was really mean, 'THIS' is what really happened...based on 'MY' interpretation.
- 'YOUR' 'Interpretation' doesn't do squat in a court of law - far from actual conclusive evidence.

Oh, and before you snowflakes start attacking me - I don't like Sessions...never have. I would not mind at all seeing him proven guilty of something and perp-walked out of the DOJ, replaced by someone more objective, who has a backbone / 'testicular fortitude', not afraid to do their job.

I just want to make sure every American gets their Constitutionally protected 'fair trial' and are found 'guilty' by the use of 'evidence', not 'I KNOW', 'EVERYONE knew', 'I BELIEVE', 'He HAD to know / believe'. When it comes to assigning 'guilt' consider me as someone from Missouri - 'SHOW ME'!

Bullshit - he was asked if he has seen members of Trump campaign communicating with Russians re. the election.

Thanks for the link and direct quote....

There it is again from the Left - 'We KNOW'

...which is why they all KNEW Moore was a perv for years...but JUST decided to target election time. :p
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.
Did you watch the hearing?

I did.

One dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said, "I don't recall" in a previous hearing. Do you think Sessions counted?

Of course he didn't. So of course when asked how many times he had said, "I don't recall", he is going to say..."I don't recall".

Then the same dickhead asked Session how many times he had said "I don't recall" in a different hearing.

Sessions gave the only answer he could. "I don't recall."

Then the dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said "I don't recall" so far TODAY.

Sessions gave the only answer he could: "I don't recall."

So the dickhead ran up Sessions recollection count with bullshit questions like that.

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, especially considering how big Russian interference story got. Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.
Did you watch the hearing?

I did.

One dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said, "I don't recall" in a previous hearing. Do you think Sessions counted?

Of course he didn't. So of course when asked how many times he had said, "I don't recall", he is going to say..."I don't recall".

Then the same dickhead asked Session how many times he had said "I don't recall" in a different hearing.

Sessions gave the only answer he could. "I don't recall."

Then the dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said "I don't recall" so far TODAY.

Sessions gave the only answer he could: "I don't recall."

So the dickhead ran up Sessions recollection count with bullshit questions like that.

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, especially considering how big Russian interference story got. Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.

Really? Then what was he shutting down?

I do now recall the March 2016 meeting at the Trump Hotel that Mr. Papadopoulos attended, but I have no clear recollection of the details of what he said at that meeting," Sessions said. "After reading his account, and to the best of my recollection, I believe that I wanted to make clear to him that he was not authorized to represent the campaign with the Russian government or any other foreign government, for that matter.

5 key moments from Jeff Sessions' testimony before House Judiciary Committee

He CLEARLY understood that this foreign adviser to Trump campaign was dealing with Russians. Yet in his testimony he categorically said there were no such contacts that he knew of.
Last edited:
Sessions better be careful.

Reagan kept saying "I don't recall," then God gave him his wish.
That's not funny. That's mean. Alzheimers is no joke.
It is just. Funny and humor having nothing to do with it. I believe in Karma.
Don't try to justify it. It was over the line. Alzheimers is not a joke. You'd know if someone close to you had it. Also, karma is not meant to be vengeful.

"The law of karma is a fundamental principle of the Buddhist worldview. In brief, karma refers to the idea that intentional actions have consequences for the agent, in this life and in future lives; in fact, it is karma that leads to rebirth. Buddhists understand the law of karma as another manifestation of dependent arising (paṭicca-samuppāda), the law of cause and effect, whereby everything that exists arises due to specific conditions. In this sense, the law of karma is a sort of natural law, so that actions are naturally followed by consequences, not as the result of divine judgement. But they will follow: the Buddha emphasised that actions lead inevitably to appropriate consequences."

Karma is not about divine judgement.
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.
Did you watch the hearing?

I did.

One dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said, "I don't recall" in a previous hearing. Do you think Sessions counted?

Of course he didn't. So of course when asked how many times he had said, "I don't recall", he is going to say..."I don't recall".

Then the same dickhead asked Session how many times he had said "I don't recall" in a different hearing.

Sessions gave the only answer he could. "I don't recall."

Then the dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said "I don't recall" so far TODAY.

Sessions gave the only answer he could: "I don't recall."

So the dickhead ran up Sessions recollection count with bullshit questions like that.

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, especially considering how big Russian interference story got. Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.

Really. What was on the special prosecutor Muller’s Indictment, after all the details by the media of where to look for damning collusion evidence came forth?
- US Uranium, especially 20% of the US supply, should never have been sold, especially to nations hostile to the US.

Whenever a snowflake tells you 'nothing to see here', notice how their hands are behind their back. It's because they have 'blood' all over their hands.

Morons....will ALWAYS remain morons....and you're the paragon of morons who refuse to face even hard facts......

Let me ask you a very simple question for your half brain to handle.......

Has ONE ounce of U.S. uranium reached Russia's hands?

What you........are actually "concluding" is that Russia is the worst of deal-makers since after "bribing"Clinton, they got CRAP in return....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission assured Congress and the public the new owners couldn’t export any raw nuclear fuel from America’s shores.

“No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.

A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.

“Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote to Barrasso.

The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” the Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter
Sessions better be careful.

Reagan kept saying "I don't recall," then God gave him his wish.
That's not funny. That's mean. Alzheimers is no joke.
It is just. Funny and humor having nothing to do with it. I believe in Karma.
Don't try to justify it. It was over the line. Alzheimers is not a joke. You'd know if someone close to you had it. Also, karma is not meant to be vengeful.

Karma is merely tat for tit.
Poor LWNJ's......they really are pathetic. They tell us THE RUSSIANS are our friend and "the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back"! Meanwhile Obama bows and scrapes before THE RUSSIANS and tells them he'll "have more flexibility after the election". Then as soon as they lose power......THE RUSSIANS become a HUGE THREAT!!!! The RUSSIANS!!!! They're coming!!

Sessions better be careful.

Reagan kept saying "I don't recall," then God gave him his wish.
That's not funny. That's mean. Alzheimers is no joke.

My mother suffered form Alzheimer's and ultimately died of dementia... it's ugly watching a perfectly, physically healthy person lapse into that mental state.
I agree. It is a terrible disease. I do believe in Karma. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Reagan was basically a complicated man, a good man who did some bad things. The Iran-Contra mess was one of them.
Karma is about doing intentionally bad (or good) things.
Someone just told me that Sessions....during his latest congressional inquiry......addressed thorny questions with the Reaganesque, "I don't recall" for a total of TWENTY-FIVE times....

Now, this poor idiot either has serious recollection problems, or he's a lying piece of crap that has NO place to be called an attorney general.

Good Lord, even his orange boss doesn't like this clown.
Did you watch the hearing?

I did.

One dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said, "I don't recall" in a previous hearing. Do you think Sessions counted?

Of course he didn't. So of course when asked how many times he had said, "I don't recall", he is going to say..."I don't recall".

Then the same dickhead asked Session how many times he had said "I don't recall" in a different hearing.

Sessions gave the only answer he could. "I don't recall."

Then the dickhead asked Sessions how many times he had said "I don't recall" so far TODAY.

Sessions gave the only answer he could: "I don't recall."

So the dickhead ran up Sessions recollection count with bullshit questions like that.

Here is the only one thing that matters:

He lied blatantly when he said he didn't recall a meeting where Trump's foreign advisory brought up collaborating with Russians and Sessions told him no-way-Jose!

This is not one of those "forgettable" moments, especially considering how big Russian interference story got. Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings - PERIOD.
Sessions never sat in a meeting about colluding with the Russians to interfere in our election.

That is a lie.

Really. What was on the special prosecutor Muller’s Indictment, after all the details by the media of where to look for damning collusion evidence came forth?
Go ahead and quote a mainstream news source claiming Sessions was in a collusion meeting.

Go ahead.
The meeting which Sessions sat in with George Papadopoulos was to discuss arranging a meeting between Putin and Trump.

It was not a meeting in which collusion with the Russians to interfere in our election was discussed.

Go ahead. Anyone of you go ahead and prove me wrong. And then I'll spank you.
He learned well from Bubba, Cankles and Big Ears.

I'm sure that you ALSO "don't recall".....but the strategy was all Ronnie-baby's...

What did you have for supper on July 23, 2014?
Hardly the same thing.

What simply amazes me, is the fact that the Russian links between the Trump campaign wanting to LIFT sanctions imposed on Russia was a CRUCIAL part of the RNC platform..........That stated, how can ANY of the folks linked to Trump have FORGOTTEN when someone like Papadopolus or Page told Sessions that they were going to Russia to speak with Kremlin officials???
You would think snowflakes would understand 'forgettable moments', as their own criminal members have them so often, especially under oath

Even YOU (on second thought) would readily conclude that what you just wrote is pitifully LAME !!!........LOL
He learned well from Bubba, Cankles and Big Ears.

I'm sure that you ALSO "don't recall".....but the strategy was all Ronnie-baby's...

What did you have for supper on July 23, 2014?
Hardly the same thing.

What simply amazes me, is the fact that the Russian links between the Trump campaign wanting to LIFT sanctions imposed on Russia was a CRUCIAL part of the RNC platform..........That stated, how can ANY of the folks linked to Trump have FORGOTTEN when someone like Papadopolus or Page told Sessions that they were going to Russia to speak with Kremlin officials???
Not to mention the never ending praise Trump heaped on Putin.
Esmeralda wrote, "Karma is not about divine judgement."

Karma is about what goes around comes around..

You guys don't like that, I don't care.
- US Uranium, especially 20% of the US supply, should never have been sold, especially to nations hostile to the US.

Whenever a snowflake tells you 'nothing to see here', notice how their hands are behind their back. It's because they have 'blood' all over their hands.

Morons....will ALWAYS remain morons....and you're the paragon of morons who refuse to face even hard facts......

Let me ask you a very simple question for your half brain to handle.......

Has ONE ounce of U.S. uranium reached Russia's hands?

What you........are actually "concluding" is that Russia is the worst of deal-makers since after "bribing"Clinton, they got CRAP in return....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission assured Congress and the public the new owners couldn’t export any raw nuclear fuel from America’s shores.

“No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.

A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.

“Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote to Barrasso.

The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” the Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter

You could be 100% correct and I could believe every word. The thing that puzzles me and everybody else is what about that 150 mil to the Clinton Foundation and the half mil to Bubba for his rambling speeches. WTH was that all about? The Russians don't give that kind of money away as a civic gesture. They want blood.

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