How long can you be scared before you just get tired of it and stop being scared?



Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?


dude, you just get stranger and stranger
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Boy, the nutters were really disappointed when the Ebola threat fizzled out on them.

Of course they still trot out the, "thanks to Obama, ISIL will be marching down Main Street USA any day now to impose sharia law" mantra.

Yep, the Mexican epidemic that didn't happen crushed them also.

Diseased brains is the only answer I can come up with. And yes, they do live in a constant state of fear. It truly is sad and pathetic.
Hillary is the new big scare. and not without merit. She's so loopy she would bring peanut butter sandwiches to a cock sucking party.
Exhibit A: the AIDS pandemic, and the associated myth that, "Anyone can get it."

Really? I'm in a monogamous marriage and not an intravenous drug, exactly am I going to contract HIV?

Exhibit B: The national debt. But wait, we are now told that "It's not a problem." 'What? Me worry?"

Or is it the biggest fucking "bubble" in the history of the U.S., that could burst at any time, bringing us all to ruin?

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid of that one.
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
You're talking about climate change right?
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Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Really LOL You're dem party is a bunch of clowns
Here's an article that makes you the party of the paranoid.

Harry Reid: Senate must act this week on Zika virus funding
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Boy, the nutters were really disappointed when the Ebola threat fizzled out on them.

Of course they still trot out the, "thanks to Obama, ISIL will be marching down Main Street USA any day now to impose sharia law" mantra.

Yep, the Mexican epidemic that didn't happen crushed them also.

Diseased brains is the only answer I can come up with. And yes, they do live in a constant state of fear. It truly is sad and pathetic.
Look at the right wingers. Pretending they have no idea what I'm talking about? And one suggests I think the liberals won the midterm. And they call me nutz?
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?

Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Really LOL You're dem party is a bunch of clowns
Here's an article that makes you the party of the paranoid.

Harry Reid: Senate must act this week on Zika virus funding
There is a difference between taking appropriate steps and rounding up Americans an putting them in tents. Is dumb something that takes practice or does it come naturally? Better to ask GOP experts.

New Jersey Governor Facing Lawsuit From Nurse Quarantined During Ebola Scare
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?

I don't know Scared-Boy, why don't you tell us? How long?
Ebola, Eschmola. The CDC are a bunch of pussies to even call it a Level IV pathogen. It hardly killed anyone in the USA


^ This is how the pussies at CDC handle a laugher like Ebola


^ This is how the Obamaroids think we should handle Ebola
Remember the last midterm?


Isis was coming to your back yard.

Scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job.

The day after the election, Isis was getting pounded, and everyone stopped talking about Ebola and scary diseased children coming to take your job.

And then this election cycle started and dozen and a half GOP candidates started trying to out do each other. Who could scare the GOP base the most would win. It's worked in the past. Only it didn't. Not this time.

The base has turned. It seems they are tired of being terrified. Now, they have found someone to fix these imaginary problems with imaginary policies. How will that work out? Will Trump bring back Ebola only to say, there, I cured it? What happens when the wall doesn't get built, only a few sandbags? When Donald says we just "walk away" and the problems get worse, what happens then? Can enough Americans be convinced to make a show biz reality TV clown, commander in chief?
Really LOL You're dem party is a bunch of clowns
Here's an article that makes you the party of the paranoid.

Harry Reid: Senate must act this week on Zika virus funding
There is a difference between taking appropriate steps and rounding up Americans an putting them in tents. Is dumb something that takes practice or does it come naturally? Better to ask GOP experts.

New Jersey Governor Facing Lawsuit From Nurse Quarantined During Ebola Scare

The nurse should have been confined to one of the 19 Level IV bed at 4 hospitals in the USA. She was a walking bioweapon
How long can you be scared before you just get tired of it and stop being scared?

you mean like with that phony global warming bullshit

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