How long can they hold Kim Davis?

I still would like someone to post the law she is in violation of.

What law, at least in her state, states that marriage is between a man and a woman? Someone, anyone, point out in the COTUS where it is even implied that the federal government has a say in state issues. Of course it doesn't. And of course this has been argued over and over. But the truth is there is no law making gay marriage legal. There is only a SCOTUS ruling saying that laws banning certain laws. A ruling based on social bias then law.
The underlying law behind the court order is irrelevant. It is not her authority to challenge how the court has interpreted, in this case, civil rights laws. That fight is the responsibility relegated to the state legislation to enact new laws that counter the courts decision or the Governor, through the AG to make additional court challenges. In the meantime, the courts have authority to make court orders to enforce their interpretations of law. When an order is ignored, the court has the right to impose civil or criminal contempt charges which can result in fines or jail for the person ignoring the court order. It isn't really complicated. At some point someone has to have final authority of enforcing laws. In our system it is the courts.
Works for me. All of her friends know where to find her when she has her next birthday party!

Anyone not seeing similarities to this stuff and the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s? What ideological belief will be jailed or sent to the gas chamber next by the rainbow jackboots and their sychophants in positions of power?

Cults are cults. I warned all of you what this gay marriage crap would lead to. They're not going to stop until we are all wearing rainbow arm bands, or dead. But for now, jail will do. They're just getting warmed up...

Change your undies yet?
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Well, Leonard Peltier has been in prison for how long? Mostly in solitary, and that's because he said something the US govt didn't like.

Those in Guantanamo weren't even sentenced and they were there indefinitely until released.

I think you'll find the US CAN lock people up for as long as it chooses.
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

You did not address the content of my post.

I win.

This is not a contest.
You won nothing.
Why is she willfully disobeying?
Because of her religious beliefs that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

True. Based on her personal life, it appears that she believes that marriage should be between one woman, and four men (or maybe 3 men, with one husband, twice).

All done before she became a Christian.

...and yet, she is violating her oath of office, which involves the words, " help me god", after she became a Christian. Of course, I don't know if her fingers were crossed at the time....

So is President Obama.
In Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States, it says that "The president sees that the laws are faithfully executed."

Since President Obama ordered that the laws on immigration will NOT be faithfully executed, should he be impeached for breaking his Oath of Office of the President of the United States?

This thread is not about Obama. If you think he is shirking his duties, contact your representatives in Congress. Ask them to bring impeachment proceedings.

Your complaints about the president have nothing to do with Kim Davis.

It has everything to do with it,
When Dems go along with the program (issues) they get exempt from following the laws. Laws do not matter only their agendas.
To Dems she is a traitor who is not going along with the program so must be punished.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

When she decided to comply or is voted out of office. Whichever comes first. She might be there a while.

I am sure that by the time she is out of the slammer, she will have come up with at least 20 reasons why the rest of us will burn in her husband, who walked around today with a sign reading, "Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah" (Does this guy even have a job?)

And yet she's the one who has been issuing licenses to divorced couples all these years. Jesus was VERY clear on what he thought of divorce and didn't say a word about what he thought about gays. By "biblical standards" she was going to hell long before her office started issuing licenses to gay couples.
I still would like someone to post the law she is in violation of.

42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights

"Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia."

Being divorced isn't perversion.

Divorce is a sin. Jesus was VERY clear on the subject.

Now quote me all the passages where Jesus condemned gay people.
The followers of Jesus don't care about that. They have the really old Jews, who thought periods were icky, and Paul of course, who thoughts faggots were icky, after that is he stopped thinking Christians were icky...
What exact law?

42 U.S.C. § 1983

What exact law? What are her charges? Certainly you can say a judges order but what is that order based upon?

She isn't in jail because of a criminal code violation, she is in jail because because she ignored a lawful ruling by a Judge to do her duties as a governemnt agent.

Judges are empowered under United States Code Title 18 Chapter 21 for such actions.

18 U.S. Code Chapter 21 - CONTEMPTS | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

What law explicitly says anything about gay marriage except in states that actually passed such laws, this isn't one of them?

Please don't be obtuse, State laws limiting Civil Marriage were found to be unconstitutional and as such same-sex couples can legally marry.

The laws she is in violation of have to do with her failing to perform her job, and after official notification that she must perform her duties, refusing to do so. Hence the contempt of court proceedings.

I believe that is correct. She is an elected official, ergo cannot be fired. I dunno about recall policies down there.

She can be held as long as she remains in office and in a state of contempt of court.
The court is forcing her to abandon her religion.

No, that's a lie.

I hope the people who did this to her have good lawyers. They're going to need them.

No, that's moronic even by your standards, Silly.
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

She should do the job she was elected to do, or resign. If not...honestly, I say put her in solitary confinement in a 5x5x5 cell until her elected term is up, and fine her at least $10,000 per day. She should come out of this absolutely penniless.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?
There is no sentence per se...These contempt incarcerations usually run out of gas in a few days.
Probably after the weekend, her attorney will file a motion to have her released and if the judge wants to keep his job, he will.

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