How long before someone gets violent?

White MAGAts are.

Why are they still letting you steal oxygen from human beings, you piece of shit?

Some of them white MAGAts are slackin'!

OR It's not like your dumbass claims at all. :itsok:
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The GOP MAGA are unhappy they are being thrown back, and their attempts to strengthen their power are being thrown back. They are weaker this year than last.

If and when any rise up, the LEO and armed forces will have a field day.

If that old man neighbor of Duke's acts up, the good guys will turn a rapid-fire 20mm cannon on him and his.
Since my state does require a permit to carry concealed and has for the last 11 years, I can guarantee you I've had more experience and training than any yahoo newcomer that think he can just strap on a gun a be legitimate. Apparently you know very little about the gun laws of this country. Being under the influence of a controlled substance and in the possession of a firearm is a federal crime. That's one of the charges Hunter Biden is scheduled to be tried for, in case you haven't heard. And nobody can carry a firearm within 1,000 yards of a school zone, no matter what state they're in.

Gee, for being a member of the party that wants more strict gun laws, you sure seem to support breaking the laws we already have in place.
Gee..assume much? Never been a D..just one of those things losers on this board assume...since the concept that I despise Trump and believe in equity, while being an issue-driven Independent, is too much for y'all to process.
I totally support Constitutional Carry and have said so many times. I imagine every third car dropping kids off at school here has a gun in the vehicle.

Hurrah for your what? You're a responsible gun owner? Most are.

You still support some whack-a-doodles that I wouldn't trust with a driver's license--much less a weapon.
No? My neighbor was 79 with a scoped 30-.06 right next to the door when the riots were going on.

You gonna dodge/outrun that pissed off old man's bullet? He said straight up: "If they come down this road, I'm gonna start blowing their fucking heads off."

I know he meant it, too. I liked 'im.

Old men know things, dumbass. I had a 79 year old ww2 vet grab me by the throat in a ptsd haze thinkin' I was somebody else

around 9 one night. (when I was 15 and cockstrong and had the world by the balls)

I got through to him, but he could have killed me. He wasn't a bad dude, just fuck he killed half of Dachau.

Things people had to do back then affected them.

Tell me moar how tough your throat is. All I'm gonna say is that discounting old men is a very stupid policy.

That guy would be well over 100 now if he was still living.

Yeah, he wasn't born to make it into this sorry millenia.
One need not discount needs only to wait them out. Just cut off the BP pills and collect the geezers wholesale~

The latest Leftist outrage against Trump is an assertion by some of the Leftists that Secretaries of the individual States have the power to unilaterally, without trial or hearing, simply remove Trump's name from the Presidential ballot in 2024. This is based on a rather loose, rather illiterate reading of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which reads as follows:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. "

Those with even a modicum of historical comprehension know that this provision was directed at Confederate officials and officers, all of whom are now very much deceased.

As noted in the linked article, not a single person persecuted (I use that word intentionally) by the January 6th committee or the U.S. Justice Department has even been accused of "insurrection" or "rebellion," let alone convicted of same, and there is a very good reason for that: it is unsustainable at law.

But the assertion is that Secretaries of State can do this on their own trial, no hearing...just DO IT.

As a practical matter, this probably makes no difference because only the Secretary of a looney, out-of-touch Leftist State (e.g., Massachusetts, California), would do such a thing, and Trump would have about as much chance of winning the Electoral Votes of such a State as I would.

But still, there are millions and millions of Republicans - some of them (us) "extreme MAGA Republicans" in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., who might seriously take umbrage with such a gambit.

It is a curiosity already that there have been no successful assaults on any of the anti-American bastards who have been carrying out the atrocities against Trump thus far. With the new blizzard of bullshit indictments, the number of possible targets is increasing geometrically. You can bet that the NYT, CNN, and so on are just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, so they can call it "yet another Republican assault on democracy."

I'd never do anything like that, but there are some crazy bastards out there.
By Trump's own definition, January 6 was an insurrection.

President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to “put … down very quickly” riots on election night should aggrieved Democrats take to the streets in the wake of his potential victory.


“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that. We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want,” Trump said.

“Look, it’s called insurrection,” he added. “We just send in, and we do it very easy. I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”

So like I said, by Trump's very own definition, January 6 was an insurrection.

He also said he would "put down very quickly" an insurrection by Democrats who took to the streets in the wake of his victory.

And he yet jerked off for over three hours during the MAGA insurrection while people were dying.

"We’d do that and put it down within minutes.”
The GOP MAGA are unhappy they are being thrown back, and their attempts to strengthen their power are being thrown back. They are weaker this year than last.

If and when any rise up, the LEO and armed forces will have a field day.

If that old man neighbor of Duke's acts up, the good guys will turn a rapid-fire 20mm cannon on him and his.
He died 2-3 years after them riots, dork.

And no, it wouldn't be good guys doing that.

As an aside, A scoped 30-.06 with the right driver doesn't have the fire rate of a 20 mm cannon, but it's much more accurate.

Also, you ever stood next to a 30-.06 being shot? Each shot is like a 3' circular blast around the end of the barrel.

Holy fuck! Like a shockwave. Would not recommend for home defense. Firing one will mess you up and disorient ya.
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One need not discount needs only to wait them out. Just cut off the BP pills and collect the geezers wholesale~
How Soylent Green of you, peckerhead.

I think you should collect high velocity copper-jacketed lead through your noggin.
He died 2-3 years after them riots, dork.

And no, it wouldn't be good guys doing that.

As an aside, A scoped 30-.06 with the right driver doesn't have the fire rate of a 20 mm cannon, but it's much more accurate.

Also, you ever stood next to a 30-.06 being shot? Each shot is like a 3' circular blast around the end of the barrel.

Holy fuck! Like a shockwave. Would not recommend for home defense. Firing one will mess you up and disorient ya.
After Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the military is not worried about you guys in the slightest.

Yes, their will be crazies on your side, and, possibly, on my side, who have had just so much of MAGA crap.

But without numbers, funding, command and control and organization, nothing of import can happen.
No? My neighbor was 79 with a scoped 30-.06 right next to the door when the riots were going on.

You gonna dodge/outrun that pissed off old man's bullet? He said straight up: "If they come down this road, I'm gonna start blowing their fucking heads off."

I know he meant it, too. I liked 'im.

Old men know things, dumbass. I had a 79 year old ww2 vet grab me by the throat in a ptsd haze thinkin' I was somebody else

around 9 one night. (when I was 15 and cockstrong and had the world by the balls)

I got through to him, but he could have killed me. He wasn't a bad dude, just fuck he killed half of Dachau.

Things people had to do back then affected them.

Tell me moar how tough your throat is. All I'm gonna say is that discounting old men is a very stupid policy.

That guy would be well over 100 now if he was still living.

Yeah, he wasn't born to make it into this sorry millenia.

Good thing about getting old is that you've been shooting for a lot longer than young, obese leftists.

They've been getting their food from a drive thru.

The old guys have been getting their food while it's running away.

You already have become violent.

You must not be able to read very well.

This falls right into what I said.

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