How is Trump leaving our country after 4 years of being President?

How is Trump leaving our country after 4 years of being President?
1 - COVID-19 is surging. Worse than it was in the spring. Trump made masks a political statement. As it surges, he is saying little, providing no leadership.
2 - Obamacare has not been overturned and replaced by a better plan. A better healthcare plan has not even been proposed
3 - We just had the the biggest cyber attack on US institutions, ever. We have not heard a word from Trump.
4 - The wall on our border with Mexico is only a few hundred miles from what it was in 2016. Mexico did not pay for it. Money was taken from the Defense budget to pay for part of it.
5 - North Korea relations are no better than when Trump came to office and they have increased their capabilities in delivering a nuclear bomb
6 - Iran is openly increasing their nuclear capabilities
7 - The economy is in worse shape than when Trump came to office. See attached article.
2.7% less jobs - average unemployment during Trump's 4 years, 3.2%, only Bush higher - stock market up 47%, under Obama up 182% - Consumer spending up 3.2%, the least of any modern President - GDP up 4% over 4 years, the least of any modern President

There is absolutely no doubt that Trump will go down as the worst President in the history of the US

Trump didn't use his position make deals with China or Russia. He simply tried to give American Citizens priority and he is hated for that by the left. Biden on the other hand? he will be a compromised president, China undoubtedly holds plenty of info on him. He is bought and paid for like many senators both Republican and Democrat. Looks like the swamp and the deep state won, why you can be happy with that is pretty sad.
Trump did not make citizens the priority. Trump made Trump the priority. He fed the citizens a bunch of BS. Many bought in. Some are still giving their life to a false god in Trump. Many of the idiots are on the message board.
How is Trump leaving our country after 4 years of being President?
1 - COVID-19 is surging. Worse than it was in the spring. Trump made masks a political statement. As it surges, he is saying little, providing no leadership.
2 - Obamacare has not been overturned and replaced by a better plan. A better healthcare plan has not even been proposed
3 - We just had the the biggest cyber attack on US institutions, ever. We have not heard a word from Trump.
4 - The wall on our border with Mexico is only a few hundred miles from what it was in 2016. Mexico did not pay for it. Money was taken from the Defense budget to pay for part of it.
5 - North Korea relations are no better than when Trump came to office and they have increased their capabilities in delivering a nuclear bomb
6 - Iran is openly increasing their nuclear capabilities
7 - The economy is in worse shape than when Trump came to office. See attached article.
2.7% less jobs - average unemployment during Trump's 4 years, 3.2%, only Bush higher - stock market up 47%, under Obama up 182% - Consumer spending up 3.2%, the least of any modern President - GDP up 4% over 4 years, the least of any modern President

There is absolutely no doubt that Trump will go down as the worst President in the history of the US

i am late to this thread. so I assume that my input is neither novel nor surprising.

as i am not seeking a patent i will just state the obvious:

trump will leave as he arrived. without honor, dignity, mandate, morals, plan, and actual friends.
After 4 years of Biden, you will leave fucked, broke, naked bent over a fence post :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
btw. you are welcome for our vaccine. it will make you invade poland.
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
You are a Liberal, bleeding hearted, Health Care worker because you weren't intelligent enough to become an MD.
I know, I asked 100 people in Nassau County.
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
You are a Liberal, bleeding hearted, Health Care worker because you weren't intelligent enough to become an MD.
I know, I asked 100 people in Nassau County.
100. really. well, i know 200 people in nassau county who say that you are a joke. and being a highly educated scientist with connections to ugur sahin and özlem türeci, i can inform you of the fact that they developped the vaccine with my money.
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
You are a Liberal, bleeding hearted, Health Care worker because you weren't intelligent enough to become an MD.
I know, I asked 100 people in Nassau County.
100. really. well, i know 200 people in nassau county who say that you are a joke. and being a highly educated scientist with connections to ugur sahin and özlem türeci, i can inform you of the fact that they developped the vaccine with my money.
Non-US Citizen and accomplished at the Art of Idiocy...
As there is nothing to be gained by your Idiocy, Welcome to Ignore.
How is Trump leaving us?

A bigger smoking hole in the ground than the last disastrous Republican Administration..
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
You are a Liberal, bleeding hearted, Health Care worker because you weren't intelligent enough to become an MD.
I know, I asked 100 people in Nassau County.
100. really. well, i know 200 people in nassau county who say that you are a joke. and being a highly educated scientist with connections to ugur sahin and özlem türeci, i can inform you of the fact that they developped the vaccine with my money.
Non-US Citizen and accomplished at the Art of Idiocy...
As there is nothing to be gained by your Idiocy, Welcome to Ignore.
bye, felicia. 23 highly educated scientists in nassau county applaud your meltdown.
Better than ever, Trump's the man, now Biden and Harris will fuck it up because they are dipshits, welcome to $7.00 a gallon gas.:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
90% of the Liberals here either want bigger welfare checks or are married to Illegals.
yo. that's solid research, homes. obtained by whining at 23 people in nassau county. AWESOME.
I already asked you, "Why I should care about the opinion of a non-US citizen?".
Other than the fact that we are stupid enough not to kill our Representatives for using our money to pay your bills.
you are a joke. i know 23 very informed people in nassau county who confirm it.
You are a Liberal, bleeding hearted, Health Care worker because you weren't intelligent enough to become an MD.
I know, I asked 100 people in Nassau County.
100. really. well, i know 200 people in nassau county who say that you are a joke. and being a highly educated scientist with connections to ugur sahin and özlem türeci, i can inform you of the fact that they developped the vaccine with my money.
Non-US Citizen and accomplished at the Art of Idiocy...
As there is nothing to be gained by your Idiocy, Welcome to Ignore.
no appreciation for us Germans giving you the vaccine. typical.
How's he leaving our country? In the dead of some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
Actually Trump will leave Washington on his own 757, like the one that you can not afford.


Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi have their own airplanes. Does that make them great people.
Trump donated all of his Presidential wages to charity, you bet that makes him a great person
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, Mudd, well done.
Ya context does matter Obama was handed the worst economy since the depression and fixed it. The the blob went and broke it. Now again Biden will have to fix a terrible mess. If I thought there would be a nation left I would have most liked to have seen Trump win so he could clean up his own mess. Don't worry adults are in the room again and they will clean up the rights mess yet again.
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, evenflow, well done.
Thank you for making my point.
How's he leaving our country? In the dead of some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
Actually Trump will leave Washington on his own 757, like the one that you can not afford.


Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi have their own airplanes. Does that make them great people.
I know it upsets you that the US didn't send enough money to other countries.
I am fricking excited that Trump and the minions lost big time and continue to lose. The losing attempts to overturn the election make Trump look like a bigger loser every day. Trump is pathetic loser. You are a pathetic loser. Are you not sick of losing.
Especially since several non-White MAGA people won seats.

The usual tone of your posts is proof that you are an angry loser.
Angry loser? All I wanted was for Trump to lose. AND HE DID! Yahoo. The fact Republicans picked up seats in the house makes Trumps loss more embarrassing. Voters supported Republicans way more than they supported Trump. Republicans would have done even better without Trump leading the ticket.
How's he leaving our country? In the dead of some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
Actually Trump will leave Washington on his own 757, like the one that you can not afford.


Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi have their own airplanes. Does that make them great people.
Trump donated all of his Presidential wages to charity, you bet that makes him a great person
He used it as a write off. He paid $750 in tax the first 2 years in office. His own charity was closed down because too many funds were going to him. Trump will cheat anyone and anything for money and power.
How's he leaving our country? In the dead of some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
Actually Trump will leave Washington on his own 757, like the one that you can not afford.


Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi have their own airplanes. Does that make them great people.
I know it upsets you that the US didn't send enough money to other countries.
I am fricking excited that Trump and the minions lost big time and continue to lose. The losing attempts to overturn the election make Trump look like a bigger loser every day. Trump is pathetic loser. You are a pathetic loser. Are you not sick of losing.
Especially since several non-White MAGA people won seats.

The usual tone of your posts is proof that you are an angry loser.
Angry loser? All I wanted was for Trump to lose. AND HE DID! Yahoo. The fact Republicans picked up seats in the house makes Trumps loss more embarrassing. Voters supported Republicans way more than they supported Trump. Republicans would have done even better without Trump leading the ticket.
The Republicans who won ran as Trump supporters!
How is Trump leaving our country after 4 years of being President?
1 - COVID-19 is surging. Worse than it was in the spring. Trump made masks a political statement. As it surges, he is saying little, providing no leadership.
2 - Obamacare has not been overturned and replaced by a better plan. A better healthcare plan has not even been proposed
3 - We just had the the biggest cyber attack on US institutions, ever. We have not heard a word from Trump.
4 - The wall on our border with Mexico is only a few hundred miles from what it was in 2016. Mexico did not pay for it. Money was taken from the Defense budget to pay for part of it.
5 - North Korea relations are no better than when Trump came to office and they have increased their capabilities in delivering a nuclear bomb
6 - Iran is openly increasing their nuclear capabilities
7 - The economy is in worse shape than when Trump came to office. See attached article.
2.7% less jobs - average unemployment during Trump's 4 years, 3.2%, only Bush higher - stock market up 47%, under Obama up 182% - Consumer spending up 3.2%, the least of any modern President - GDP up 4% over 4 years, the least of any modern President

There is absolutely no doubt that Trump will go down as the worst President in the history of the US

Trump didn't use his position make deals with China or Russia. He simply tried to give American Citizens priority and he is hated for that by the left. Biden on the other hand? he will be a compromised president, China undoubtedly holds plenty of info on him. He is bought and paid for like many senators both Republican and Democrat. Looks like the swamp and the deep state won, why you can be happy with that is pretty sad.
Trump did not make citizens the priority. Trump made Trump the priority. He fed the citizens a bunch of BS. Many bought in. Some are still giving their life to a false god in Trump. Many of the idiots are on the message board.

How is Trump leaving our country after 4 years of being President?
1 - COVID-19 is surging. Worse than it was in the spring. Trump made masks a political statement. As it surges, he is saying little, providing no leadership.
2 - Obamacare has not been overturned and replaced by a better plan. A better healthcare plan has not even been proposed
3 - We just had the the biggest cyber attack on US institutions, ever. We have not heard a word from Trump.
4 - The wall on our border with Mexico is only a few hundred miles from what it was in 2016. Mexico did not pay for it. Money was taken from the Defense budget to pay for part of it.
5 - North Korea relations are no better than when Trump came to office and they have increased their capabilities in delivering a nuclear bomb
6 - Iran is openly increasing their nuclear capabilities
7 - The economy is in worse shape than when Trump came to office. See attached article.
2.7% less jobs - average unemployment during Trump's 4 years, 3.2%, only Bush higher - stock market up 47%, under Obama up 182% - Consumer spending up 3.2%, the least of any modern President - GDP up 4% over 4 years, the least of any modern President

There is absolutely no doubt that Trump will go down as the worst President in the history of the US

Trump didn't use his position make deals with China or Russia. He simply tried to give American Citizens priority and he is hated for that by the left. Biden on the other hand? he will be a compromised president, China undoubtedly holds plenty of info on him. He is bought and paid for like many senators both Republican and Democrat. Looks like the swamp and the deep state won, why you can be happy with that is pretty sad.
Trump did not make citizens the priority. Trump made Trump the priority. He fed the citizens a bunch of BS. Many bought in. Some are still giving their life to a false god in Trump. Many of the idiots are on the message board.

Really? as opposed to your fuck up democrats who want to crush small businesses even after they invest tens of thousands of dollars to make their businesses covid safe? Your democrats who tell police to stand down as they watch their cities burn and get looted? Your Democrat leaders are delusional. They tell people to eat chocolate icecream and be happy all while being completely out of touch.
Trump was tough on China which was probably part of why the CCCP allowed their sick infected population to come to the U.S, via air travel all while they had locked down internally.
If Trump had been a greedy bitch like Biden he surely would have allowed business as usual with China. To be fair though there are probably a few Republican Senators just as much on the take, selling out the American people.
How's he leaving our country? In the dead of some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.
Actually Trump will leave Washington on his own 757, like the one that you can not afford.


Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi have their own airplanes. Does that make them great people.
Trump donated all of his Presidential wages to charity, you bet that makes him a great person
He used it as a write off. He paid $750 in tax the first 2 years in office. His own charity was closed down because too many funds were going to him. Trump will cheat anyone and anything for money and power.

Bullshit. Fact Check yourself.

As Brown further noted, “Trump PAID, as in transferred to the US Treasury, $1 million in 2016 and $4.2 million in 2017. Note also that most of the overpayment was rolled forward, not refunded.”

People who own and run businesses take losses in some years, and pay little or nothing in taxes, and make great sums in other years and pay much more in taxes.

They also take advantage of tax breaks, tax credits, and tax incentives — just like you and I do.
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, Mudd, well done.
Ya context does matter Obama was handed the worst economy since the depression and fixed it. The the blob went and broke it. Now again Biden will have to fix a terrible mess. If I thought there would be a nation left I would have most liked to have seen Trump win so he could clean up his own mess. Don't worry adults are in the room again and they will clean up the rights mess yet again.
Obama killed this Nation, he was a fool of a president
Well thank you for a really bad opinion. Opinion is all it is. The facts remain the same Obama was handed the worst economy since the depression and fixed it the blob broke it. Fools tell you to put cleaners in your veins and bigger fools follow them.
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, Mudd, well done.
Ya context does matter Obama was handed the worst economy since the depression and fixed it. The the blob went and broke it. Now again Biden will have to fix a terrible mess. If I thought there would be a nation left I would have most liked to have seen Trump win so he could clean up his own mess. Don't worry adults are in the room again and they will clean up the rights mess yet again.
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, evenflow, well done.
Thank you for making my point.
Your whole ilk is hilarious! Foolish and dangerous but hilarious!
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, Mudd, well done.
Ya context does matter Obama was handed the worst economy since the depression and fixed it. The the blob went and broke it. Now again Biden will have to fix a terrible mess. If I thought there would be a nation left I would have most liked to have seen Trump win so he could clean up his own mess. Don't worry adults are in the room again and they will clean up the rights mess yet again.
Context is everything, which leftwing schills ALWAYS leave out. Well done, evenflow, well done.
Thank you for making my point.
Your whole ilk is hilarious! Foolish and dangerous but hilarious!
Somebody who voted for a 78 year old alzheimer patient shouldn't lecture anybody about what's foolish and dangerous. sheesh
No evidence trump colluded with Russia EXCEPT
You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...


Flynn Thing

Manafort Thing

Tillerson Thing

Sessions Thing

Kushner Thing

Wray Thing

Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius "Russian Law Firm of the Year" Thing

Carter Page Thing

Roger Stone Thing

Felix Sater Thing

Boris Epshteyn Thing

Rosneft Thing

Gazprom Thing (see above)

Sergey Gorkov banker Thing

Azerbaijan Thing

You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...


"I Love Putin" Thing

Lavrov Thing

Sergey Kislyak Thing

Oval Office Thing

Gingrich Kislyak Phone Calls Thing Russian Business Interest Thing

Emoluments Clause Thing

Alex Schnaider Thing

Hack of the DNC Thing

Guccifer 2.0 Thing

Mike Pence "I don't know anything" Thing

Russians Mysteriously Dying Thing

Trump's public request to Russia to hack Hillary's email Thing

You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...


The Trump email server that regularly communicated with a IP address from Russian Alfa Bank thing

Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king Thing

Russian fertilizer king's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign Thing

Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night Thing

Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery Thing

The create a joint cyber defense agreement with Russia Thing

Cyprus bank Thing

Trump not Releasing his Tax Returns Thing

The Republican Party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing

Election Hacking Thing

GOP platform change to the Ukraine Thing

Steele Dossier Thing

Sally Yates Can't Testify Thing

Intelligence Community's Investigative Reports Thing

You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...


Trump reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" Thing

Chaffetz not willing to start an Investigation Thing

Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation Thing

Appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by Trump in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation Thing

The White House going into cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and firing of Flynn Thing

Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama Thing

Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything Thing

Agent M16 following the money thing

Trump team KNEW about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway Thing

Let's Fire Comey Thing

Election night Russian trademark gifts Things

Russian diplomatic compound electronic equipment destruction Thing

You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...

Let's give back the diplomatic compounds back to the Russians Thing
Let's Back Away From Cuba Thing
Donny Jr met with Russians Thing
Donny Jr emails details "Russian Government's support for Trump" Thing
Trump's secret second meeting with his boss Putin Thing Secret meeting between former high commissioner Alexander Downer and Trump adviser George Papadopoulos when Papadopoulos told Downer that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton Thing Erik Prince Seychelles Russia backchannel meeting thing
Trump tweet admitting Russia helped get him elected Thing
Ukraine halting their investigation into Manafort and their cooperation with the Mueller probe right after an arms deal was negotiated thing
The many Russian nationals with prime seats at the inauguration and exclusive national prayer breakfast thing

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