How is this offensive?

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.

Please tell me why this is offensive and give a detailed reason as to why.

Please tell me why this is offensive and give a detailed reason as to why.
Because it offended some drunken, drugged-up libtards somewhere, so it should be burned and its ashes scattered over the North Atlantic.

IS there EVER a reason the libtard spaz on this bullshit?

I hear Blake Shelton is now being denounced as a racist and a homophobe by the Stalinist left.

Of course, he is a white guy.
o give me a quickly one forgets that breasts offended the damn conservatives and have to be covered....and what about want to not fun art projects.....cry me a mother fucking river with your gator tears
and you claim a majority of liberals want this taken down?

WASHINGTON (AP) — No longer will the attorney general be photographed in front of two partially nude statues in the Great Hall of the Department of Justice.

The department spent $8,000 on blue drapes that hide the two giant, aluminum art deco statues, said spokesman Shane Hix. For aesthetic reasons, he said, the drapes were occasionally hung in front of the statues before formal events. The department used to rent the drapes, but has now purchased them and left them hanging. - Justice Department covers partially nude statues

there is a link for ya

Please tell me why this is offensive and give a detailed reason as to why.

Well .. the guy standing up is an idiot so the Indians don't trust them with the bean and weeny supplies.

It makes white guys look like they're all Democrats, that's offensive. .. :eusa_doh:

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