How is it possible

That you can have two kids that turn out to be polar opposites of each other???


Because they are individual human beings, not clones. I am the complete opposite of my brother. He is a crazy, violent, mentally ill psycho who has spent years in prison for violent offenses. I've never done anything either violent or illegal (except smoke pot when I was in college).

He failed school year after year, though they kept passing him through. He never graduated high school and spent half of his high school years in JDH. He finally got his GED while he was in prison. He can barely read. I put my way through six years of university.

He has spent most of his adult life unemployed or on assistance and sponging off my parents. I am self supporting with a good career. My parents have contributed nothing to me financially since I was 17, not even helping me pay for college.

It goes on and on. Polar opposites. I would not want to be anything like him and haven't had any contact with him since my parents died a decade ago.
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That you can have two kids that turn out to be polar opposites of each other???

Forgive me if this has already been suggested, but in my own personal experience, the kids could just be under the influence of different people. I take after my mom and my older sister is just like my dad...all that they care about is themselves.

God bless you and my mom always!!!

That you can have two kids that turn out to be polar opposites of each other???


amazing, isn't it?

i love my brother, but he and i are as opposite as two people can be.

and his sons are incredibly different from each other.

my husband and his sister? not even on the same planet.

that's why i have an only child. lol
Based on the assumption that Ravi's under the (misguided?) impression that DanK and Cereal_Killer are brothers, this almost certainly a neatly disguised dig at their different approach to moderating USMB.
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anais Nin

Unless they are twins, they grow up in different households.

Even in the same household? I can see that as my brothers and I all have different memories. But still.

Recently a younger brother was saying how he had missed some of the things the older siblings had experienced. My next brother, there are lots of us, asked if I remembered what he was referencing, I told him heck no, he has a memory of something that never occurred, he must have thought it once and in time it became his memory. It was something that was clearly disproved.

I read recently that older people remember things they've read or heard as if they happened to them. In our family of so many, each is different, each has different views, there are some similarities but consider you come from 4 grandparents who have 8 parents - do the math, before long you have hundreds thousands of genetic combinations that resulted in you. Add life experiences and the smorgasbord gets even more complex. Next throw in sex and birth order and ......

"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations." Anais Nin

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