How I Defeated the Leftist Scourge with my Long Rod

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I was waiting on the state executioner to perform his duty. I had just been convicted by the state of possessing and practicing right wing politics. Now I was standing on the execution platform, hands tied behind my back, and a thousand or so onlookers yelling and throwing things at me. Most of the dark revelers were wearing clothing manifesting hard left symbolism, like Che’, Pro-abort, pro-pedo shit, the hammer and sickle, soccer teams, Bud Light, etc... Some were waiving flags about saving something called “Demockrissee”. The women in the crowd were God awful gross. Even now, in my darkest hour, I am still assessing women as whether they are good enough for me to bang or not. In this leftist crowd, nope. None measure up. They are all grosser than cat vomit.

Then came the state executioner. In an act that was supposed to be ironic, but was not because the younger generations do not know what irony is, the executioner was dressed all in black and wore a black hood. He was also carrying an axe. “What a fucking stupid way to die”, I muttered to myself. But I knew the end was near. The axe man was followed by a provost of the faceless, soulless state that had totally replaced our republic after the degenerates and criminals re-elected Biden back in 2024.

Society broke down completely. Then the leftist authoritarians took control. They made Joe Biden into some sort of unholy animatronic nightmare contraption and made him the figurehead of the new brutal regime. Everything the old man said was preprogramed. Sometimes they would make him sing old CCR songs for yucks. What a bunch of fags.

I fled the regime. Women and men who were not down with the new system were arrested, segregated and put into camps. Then they were executed. I became a prostitute in the female camps because, why not? These camps were brutal places, so a little pleasure went a long way.

But then the leftist stormtroopers noticed that when they shot the women prisoners in their heads, they were dying with smiles on their faces. This displeased the leftists. They wanted to cast misery on those they believed were the enemy. But these chicks looked happy! They knew that something was amiss.

They set a trap for me. They lured me in with a super hot Latino chick they knew I wanted to bone. It was AOC. It was not a lookalike either. It was really her. She was the head bartender in the officers’ bar at the camp. I had just thrust my meaty appendage into her dark musty nethers when the trap was sprung. I knew something was wrong when her cooch felt like sandpaper. “A FUCKING LEFTIST!”, I immediately thought. “Oh shit, IT’S A TRAP!!”

I was put on trial in front of some fuckwit judge that looked like Bernie Sanders. Hell, it probably WAS Bernie Sanders. Staying to true form, he stopped the trial 5 minutes into it, saying “Fuck his rights. He did not care about the rights of all those transsexuals he caused to die as the result of his being a conservative!! FUCK HIM!!!” Of course, I did not know what the fuck the old man was babbling about.

So, there I was, waiting for my execution. It was me, the state provost, and the executioner. The axe man stood next to me whilst the provost read the charges that I was supposedly guilty of. Among them, being white, being male, being a white male, usurping privilege, rape (because all sex is now rape), voting GOP, and not fucking trannies, inter alia.

It was all utterly ridiculous. However, I took great comfort knowing that in a moment I would never, ever, have to deal with such stupid shit and stupid shit people on this planet ever again. At this point, I wanted to go. I suddenly felt the execution’s elbow poke my ribs. I looked at him and said, “Get fucked, faggot!”. Then he lifted up his hood just a little so I could see his face.

The executioner was Hunter Biden. He looked at me with a smile on his face and asked, “Hey buddy, want a toot before I snuff ya?” I looked at his hands. It was a pill box filled with white stuff. Cocaine. What a degenerate fuck. I inhaled deeply, then blew hard, causing all the coke to blow out of the container and into the air. This REALLY pissed him off.

The provost had whipped the crowd up into a blood fury. It was time. I walked to the chopping block, knelt down, and placed my neck across it. Then the provost spoke to me the first time. “No, no, sir! It shall not be your head we are taking today. Uh, well, not THAT head, any way! Ha ha ha ha!” Hunter Biden was laughing too. I looked up to the cuck and asked, “What the fuck do you mean, you stupid twat?”

The provost continued, “You, Lord Long Rod, are a clear threat to DuuHmoCKriSseeY. And while your mind is strong and unbridled, your cock is even MORE powerful. Thus, we shall take your cock AND your balls from you, leaving you a eunuch who will sold into slavery as a proof reader at the Washington Post! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!”

I fell to my knees, face raised to the sky, and cried out “NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” to the heavens that someone, anyone, would hear me. But no answer came. I went limp. Both Hunter and the Provost faggot had to stand me up. Then additional guards appeared to hold me and extract my massive, dinosauric wang from my pants. It slipped out of one of the guard's hands and hit the floor. “WHUMP!!!”. It hit so hard that all the dust and debris on the floor jumps up 5 inches from the concussive impact. The provost looked at the executioner and said, “Oh my!”

I gave up. I was at the lowest point in my life. Then, I spied something that piqued my interest. There in the crowd was a beautiful young lady staring at me with a look of concern on her face. I recognized her immediately. It was AOC! Surely, she was feeling guilty of her betrayal of me back at the concentration camp. I saw the shame and sadness in her face, and it made me hard as a rock. NOTHING turns me on like hurt, vulnerable women!

My mammoth rod came to life, popping free of the clutches of evil, and knocking all of them out as it throbbed about wildly at the possibility of getting to split those silky brown loins again. Then it happened. Premature foam jet!! BOOM!!!

I blasted a load of foam right at AOC and all over her it went. It gushed. It made me smile, so then I shook my hips to send a few more ropes to cover everyone else. Everybody was panicked. Cries of “OH gross!! I got his wizzo in my mouth!!!” and “This is so unsanitary and unsafe…ewwww!!!!” filled the air. I loved it!!

When it was all over and I started softening up, I looked around me. The executioner, provost, and all the guards were dead. Their skulls had been cracked open. I then looked out to where the crowds had been. Empty. Except, there appeared to be one person standing nearby. It looked like a snowman. No, a snow WOMAN, with icicles hanging off her extremities. I remembered AOC, then started laughing at the spectacle. Suddenly, it fell over. She apparently drowned from the intake of such manly goo. She looked like she had fallen into a vat of cake batter. LOL!!

I collected myself and got the fuck out of there. First, I stopped by the nunnery, shanghaied a couple chicks with firm looking hips, and then retreated into the hills, where I have been ever since the leftist scourge overthrew the republic.

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