How Hunter Biden's Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
How Hunter Biden's Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

Michael Forsythe, Eric Lipton and Dionne Searcey

An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Biden and two other Americans joined Chinese partners in establishing the firm in 2013, known as BHR and formally named Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co.

The three Americans, all of whom served on the board, controlled 30% of BHR, a private equity firm registered in Shanghai that makes investments and then flips them for a profit. The rest of the company is owned or controlled by Chinese investors that include the Bank of China, according to records filed with Chinese regulators.

One of BHR’s early deals was to help finance an Australian coal-mining company controlled by a Chinese state-owned firm. It also assisted a subsidiary of a Chinese defense conglomerate in buying a Michigan auto parts maker.

Don't worry folks. Orange man bad. That's all.
How Hunter Biden's Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

The Bidens have been doing a GREAT DEAL for the Chinese. Just the other day I was watching a government insider being interviewed on Real America's News Channel saying that back when Joe Biden was VP for Obumma, he did all kinds of things for the Chinese including setting up some law or situation to where the Chinese were given 7X preferential treatment over Americans in various business opportunities!

Between the Clintons, Biddum and other democrats, they have practically built and trained China bringing them up from a 3rd World Shithole to the verge of being the world superpower.

And Democrats are both eager and willing to serve.
How Hunter Biden's Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

Michael Forsythe, Eric Lipton and Dionne Searcey

An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Biden and two other Americans joined Chinese partners in establishing the firm in 2013, known as BHR and formally named Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co.

The three Americans, all of whom served on the board, controlled 30% of BHR, a private equity firm registered in Shanghai that makes investments and then flips them for a profit. The rest of the company is owned or controlled by Chinese investors that include the Bank of China, according to records filed with Chinese regulators.

One of BHR’s early deals was to help finance an Australian coal-mining company controlled by a Chinese state-owned firm. It also assisted a subsidiary of a Chinese defense conglomerate in buying a Michigan auto parts maker.

Don't worry folks. Orange man bad. That's all.
Cobalt for China? You mean, China the 8th largest producer country of cobalt on the planet with us being the 12th and producing less and less since 2015? Interesting. We only produced 600 metric tons in 2020. Surprised they are not getting it from the world leader, the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose production has shot up like crazy since 2015, making them the undisputed world leader many times over, producing 95,000 metric tons in 2020. We consumed 7,300 metric tons in 2020. I would be surprised if most of that didn't come from DR Congo.
Cobalt for China? You mean, China the 8th largest producer country of cobalt on the planet with us being the 12th and producing less and less since 2015? Interesting. We only produced 600 metric tons in 2020. Surprised they are not getting it from the world leader, the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose production has shot up like crazy since 2015, making them the undisputed world leader many times over, producing 95,000 metric tons in 2020. We consumed 7,300 metric tons in 2020. I would be surprised if most of that didn't come from DR Congo.

I guess that you never heard of the phrase 'cornering a market'.
You can return to your nap now.
Cobalt for China? You mean, China the 8th largest producer country of cobalt on the planet with us being the 12th and producing less and less since 2015? Interesting. We only produced 600 metric tons in 2020. Surprised they are not getting it from the world leader, the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose production has shot up like crazy since 2015, making them the undisputed world leader many times over, producing 95,000 metric tons in 2020. We consumed 7,300 metric tons in 2020. I would be surprised if most of that didn't come from DR Congo.

Yeah, but you're replying to trolls, so....
I guess that you never heard of the phrase 'cornering a market'.
You can return to your nap now.
Dude, you don't corner the market going for the 600 metric tons. You go for control of the 95,000 metric tons. That is where you corner the market. You can go back to sleep after you take a math class.
Cobalt for China? You mean, China the 8th largest producer country of cobalt on the planet with us being the 12th and producing less and less since 2015? Interesting. We only produced 600 metric tons in 2020. Surprised they are not getting it from the world leader, the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose production has shot up like crazy since 2015, making them the undisputed world leader many times over, producing 95,000 metric tons in 2020. We consumed 7,300 metric tons in 2020. I would be surprised if most of that didn't come from DR Congo.

Haven't you read the following:
Haven't you read the following:
Cobalt is not listed as a rare earth element or rare earth metal . That is probably why it was not mentioned in either of the two articles you posted.
The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals or (in context) rare-earth oxides, or the lanthanides (though yttrium and scandium are usually included as rare-earths) are a set of 17 nearly-indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals.

Again, you do not corner the market by buying into the 600 metric ton (six hundred metric ton_ production, you have to go for the 94,000 metric ton(ninety-four thousand metric ton) production.
Go DR Congo, young man, or you won't corner the Cobalt production market. In two posts, I have given you the production, consumption, the undisputed charts showing each, even spelling it out using digital numbers and in English words and also the definition of rare earth elements/metals, (17 of which Cobalt ain't one of them, by the way) etc. You will get it sooner or later, unless denying reality.
Cobalt is not listed as a rare earth element or rare earth metal . That is probably why it was not mentioned in either of the two articles you posted.
The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals or (in context) rare-earth oxides, or the lanthanides (though yttrium and scandium are usually included as rare-earths) are a set of 17 nearly-indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals.

Again, you do not corner the market by buying into the 600 metric ton (six hundred metric ton_ production, you have to go for the 94,000 metric ton(ninety-four thousand metric ton) production.
Go DR Congo, young man, or you won't corner the Cobalt production market. In two posts, I have given you the production, consumption, the undisputed charts showing each, even spelling it out using digital numbers and in English words and also the definition of rare earth elements/metals, (17 of which Cobalt ain't one of them, by the way) etc. You will get it sooner or later, unless denying reality.
Ok, however what is a sitting President's son doing selling something we need to make batteries for this great new green world, to China? And making millions?

You don't see a problem with that?
Ok, however what is a sitting President's son doing selling something we need to make batteries for this great new green world, to China? And making millions?

You don't see a problem with that?
Hunter needs to wake up In a cell in Gitmo without his daddy having any clue what happened to him...
Well, since he seems not to talk to his son, would he even notice, or be congnitave enough to even know he has a son?
Don't buy the 'I don't talk to my son' BS. That has-been debunkedmany times over.

The State Department destroyed in one of Pelosi's failed Impeachment attempts that perjury lie Biden Told.

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