How Hillary could still be President

Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

This guy needs to seek professional help. That is a level of idiocy that is truly astonishing.
1st post
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

This guy needs to seek professional help. That is a level of idiocy that is truly astonishing.
Which part, exactly?
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

This guy needs to seek professional help. That is a level of idiocy that is truly astonishing.
Which part, exactly?

Pretty much all of it. His thought that once Pence becomes POTUS only to relinquish that so that Ryan could then declare hilary as POTUS is the stuff of dementia.
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
Fox News host cites Kennedy-KGB meeting that didn't happen

No, that 1984 meeting never happened & one again you look like quite the ass.

You orange buddy chose a campaign manager who had been working for a Ukrainian strongman with ties to Putin & you think the Clinton campaign is not going to check up on him?

Really, Just how desperate are you assholes going to get to defend Agent Orange?

Campaigns can not ccept foreign donations. Campaigns can not collude with corporations in their ads. These things happen to be illegal.

Wow defending Trump getting help from the Russians to dupe you people is just beyond description.
5th post
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

Lessig needs serious meds.
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

This guy needs to seek professional help. That is a level of idiocy that is truly astonishing.
Which part, exactly?

Pretty much all of it. His thought that once Pence becomes POTUS only to relinquish that so that Ryan could then declare hilary as POTUS is the stuff of dementia.
That wasn't his thought. Pence would also be impeached. And Ryan would take office under great pressure to resign, considering he and his party would be benefitting from treason.
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
"Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS l"

Says a Russian spy.
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
"Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS l"

Says a Russian spy.

It must truly be blissful for you to live in such ignorance.

"When it comes to Russian collusion during the Cold War, Democrats wrote the playbook.

To understand the Democrats' hypocrisy, one must travel back in time to the presidential election of 1984. The economy was booming thanks to Reaganomics, NASA was flying high, and President Ronald Reagan was running for re-election.

No big fan of Reagan, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., reportedly recruited the Russians to work against the sitting president. According to widely published reports, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Kremlin in attempting to take down the president.

In a May 14, 1983 letter written by KGB Director Viktor Chebrikov to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, Chebrikov stated that Kennedy had sent his friend and former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., to meet with the Kremlin. During the meeting, Tunney apparently delivered "themes" that Kennedy suggested ought to be used against Reagan in the 1984 election.

The KGB director's letter, which was published in Paul Kengor's 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, stated that Kennedy had sympathy for the Soviet Union's positions, particularly on missile defense. In fact, Kennedy suggested that it was Reagan, not the Soviet Union, that was acting as the bully."

Russian dirty tricks? Democrats wrote the playbook on foreign government collusion
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

JakeStarkey did you write that?

nat4900 you?
10th post
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
"Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS l"

Says a Russian spy.

It must truly be blissful for you to live in such ignorance.

"When it comes to Russian collusion during the Cold War, Democrats wrote the playbook.

To understand the Democrats' hypocrisy, one must travel back in time to the presidential election of 1984. The economy was booming thanks to Reaganomics, NASA was flying high, and President Ronald Reagan was running for re-election.

No big fan of Reagan, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., reportedly recruited the Russians to work against the sitting president. According to widely published reports, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Kremlin in attempting to take down the president.

In a May 14, 1983 letter written by KGB Director Viktor Chebrikov to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, Chebrikov stated that Kennedy had sent his friend and former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., to meet with the Kremlin. During the meeting, Tunney apparently delivered "themes" that Kennedy suggested ought to be used against Reagan in the 1984 election.

The KGB director's letter, which was published in Paul Kengor's 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, stated that Kennedy had sympathy for the Soviet Union's positions, particularly on missile defense. In fact, Kennedy suggested that it was Reagan, not the Soviet Union, that was acting as the bully."

Russian dirty tricks? Democrats wrote the playbook on foreign government collusion
So, exactly like I said: according to a Russian spy. Except my post was shorter and less whiny.

Wait, I get never actually read a single word of that copy/paste job, did you? sure didn't.

Anyhoo, you're off topic. If Trump and Pence were to be impeached, Ryan would be in a very precarious position.
Last edited:
Mueller gets proof Trump colluded to win the election & the USSC declares Trump's candidacy invalid.

Why? It's not illegal as has been shown to you fools many times. Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS and nothing happened to him because it is not illegal. Your hero the shrilary was provably colluding with the Ukrainians and guess what, it doesn't matter because it is not illegal.
"Teddy Kennedy colluded with the rooski's way back when he was running for POTUS l"

Says a Russian spy.

It must truly be blissful for you to live in such ignorance.

"When it comes to Russian collusion during the Cold War, Democrats wrote the playbook.

To understand the Democrats' hypocrisy, one must travel back in time to the presidential election of 1984. The economy was booming thanks to Reaganomics, NASA was flying high, and President Ronald Reagan was running for re-election.

No big fan of Reagan, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., reportedly recruited the Russians to work against the sitting president. According to widely published reports, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Kremlin in attempting to take down the president.

In a May 14, 1983 letter written by KGB Director Viktor Chebrikov to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, Chebrikov stated that Kennedy had sent his friend and former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., to meet with the Kremlin. During the meeting, Tunney apparently delivered "themes" that Kennedy suggested ought to be used against Reagan in the 1984 election.

The KGB director's letter, which was published in Paul Kengor's 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, stated that Kennedy had sympathy for the Soviet Union's positions, particularly on missile defense. In fact, Kennedy suggested that it was Reagan, not the Soviet Union, that was acting as the bully."

Russian dirty tricks? Democrats wrote the playbook on foreign government collusion

You talking abiout that meeting that neverf happened again?

Tedc Kennedy could have delivered every secret we had to the Russians & it would NOT EXCUSE Agent Orange for his actions.

Trump has already lied multiple times about his campaign & the Russians. Manafort, Flynn, Ahent Orange Jr, Sessions - all lied about Russian connections. These are facts.

But hey, Donald never colluded because he said so & we know Trump dies not lie, right Dickweed.
Won't happen.

Repubs are impotent and worthless for governing but they've finally got their chance to push though bills that will further enrich the 1% at the expense of the working class. All you have to do is look at what they have done and what trump has done in the last 9 months.
But you clowns say he has done nothing. Which is it?
Won't happen.

Repubs are impotent and worthless for governing but they've finally got their chance to push though bills that will further enrich the 1% at the expense of the working class. All you have to do is look at what they have done and what trump has done in the last 9 months.
But you clowns say he has done nothing. Which is it?
His utter lack of legislative achievements is quite astounding. And his EOs that keep getting struck down and plain ignored...embarrassing.
"Crooked Hillary stole an hour from America. Very bad, tremendously awful" ~ Trump in a few weeks after Daylight Savings
Won't happen.

Repubs are impotent and worthless for governing but they've finally got their chance to push though bills that will further enrich the 1% at the expense of the working class. All you have to do is look at what they have done and what trump has done in the last 9 months.
But you clowns say he has done nothing. Which is it?
His utter lack of legislative achievements is quite astounding. And his EOs that keep getting struck down and plain ignored...embarrassing.
I'm more upset with the congress than Trump because anyone how understands how government works knows that's where the real problem lies.
Won't happen.

Repubs are impotent and worthless for governing but they've finally got their chance to push though bills that will further enrich the 1% at the expense of the working class. All you have to do is look at what they have done and what trump has done in the last 9 months.
But you clowns say he has done nothing. Which is it?
His utter lack of legislative achievements is quite astounding. And his EOs that keep getting struck down and plain ignored...embarrassing.
I'm more upset with the congress than Trump because anyone how understands how government works knows that's where the real problem lies.
Fair point...
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.
The left get more loony and deranged in their fantasy bubble world every day.
Lawrence Lessig lays out how Hillary Clinton could end up in the Oval Office

Its been almost a year later and they are still coming up with convoluted ways Hillary might become President.

What I don't get is why go through Pence & Ryan? Why not just theorize Pence would appoint her and resign? Sure there is no chance in Hades that it happens but its a little less convoluted than getting pence to resign for Ryan to appoint Hillary and resign.

Step One .... REHAB ...


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