How George Bush is in league with our enemies


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
Madison, WI
George W. Bush is the most incompetant and uneducated President in American History. But did you also know he was the most scheming and dangerous?

First, George W. Bush eats babies. I saw it myself, and got the inside scoop from a leaker inside the Chimp Administration. At local hopspitals around the D.C. area, distraught parents are told their newborn infant has died of an infection or something. The newborn did not die of an infection. A select number of infants are transported to the White House, where George Bush roasts them on a spit and eats them. Now why would he do this? Simple. He worships Satan. And he is dedicated to bringing about the birth of Mammon, the son of Satan, and kick-starting the apocalypse.

You see, when George W. Bush consumes enough Flesh of the Innocent, the Great Coup shall begin. It is common knowledge that Jews own everything. They just stage these "holocausts" every now and again to distract attention from this. PNAC, the which the Gospel of Lucifer (which George W. Bush added to his personal Bible) refers to as "the Zionist's Dagger", shall take hold of the government all sorts know...Jew stuff. Like eat babies!

After the Jews have seized full control of the government, the halls of congress will be transformed into a Dark Church and prepared for the comming of Mammon and the Great Cleansing. You heard right, your tax dollars are being used to bring the Son of Satan into the world.

But first he needs an excuse. You see, the Ceremony of the Summoning, which will bring Mammon into this world and the mortal plane, takes a number of days, seven to be precise. During this time the citizenry may storm the Dark Church and ruin everything. So George W. Bush will scare use fear. He will LET the Islamist terrorists win. But the Islamist terrorists aren't really Islamist terrorists, they're JEWISH terrorists! What, did you really buy that after 4,000 years of existance there are only a few million Jews?! HAH! Some millenia ago, the Jews put their plan into motion. They created a shadow-sect, that would hide their existance untilt he Great Coup. Muslims are that shadow-sect. Any idiot can see that Muslims' hatred of Jews is just a ruse, just like when you're a schoolkid and act mean to the girl you have a crush on. Anyway, Bush will let the terrorists destroy great swathes of America. He will convince the remaining survivors that the only way to win is guessed it...unleash the powers of Hell.

Unfortunately for the people of America, we will be turned to goblins. Slave goblins, to serve the master Mammon and his hand George W. Bush until the End of Days.

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