How far will the GOP get pushed??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?
So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?
They should be pushed right out the door and made as relevant as the Whig party.
So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?

The Republicans have been a subsidiary of the Democrat party for years now. They try to make people think there's a choice, but in reality there isn't.

Trump was elected by those who believe his lunacy was necessary to show people there is no difference between the two parties.
So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?

So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?
Keep in mind that Trump can't break his oath to Putin for ANYTHING, lest he find some Novichok in his triple Whopper.
amoral culture
Like grabbing pussies and going out with Stormy Daniels?

+ far left wing economics
When have we had that?

+ hate based politics = Liberal
Like deporting brown people and building a wall along our border with Mexico? I suppose all the comments about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are "friendly based politics"?

So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?

So what has he done that's gotten other presidents impeached or could have? Be very specific.

So far, Trump voters and most of the GOP have put up with our President's coddling of Mother Russia, giving away our most sensitive intel right in the oval office, attacks on our judges, mainstream republicans, our law enforcement community, changing of his senior staff as often as his underwear, his womanizing, potty mouth language, hitting American taxpayers for money for his wall, after telling Americans Mexico is going to pay for it, shady offshore business deals, and a multitude of other things that would have gotten other Presidents impeached on the spot. Like little rodents, republicans in congress have turned a blind eye to all of this with only a few defections in order to get their agenda moved forward, despite the damage to their popularity. Likewise Evangelical Christian voters have looked straight forward with glazed looks in their eyes, and told everyone that "Our President is a GOD Fearin Man!" and this seems to give Trump an unlimited pass on anything he wants to do. So, what will it take before Trump supporters and the GOP say "enough!" and join Democrats in stopping him? How far will the GOP get pushed? Any thoughts?
Keep in mind that Trump can't break his oath to Putin for ANYTHING, lest he find some Novichok in his triple Whopper.
Keep in mind that Putin is STILL better than any Democrat. He loves America more than any democrat. Putin deserves oaths from Americans, especially oaths that vow destruction of the democratic party.

Keep that in mind.
After reading the posts in this thread, there can be no doubt, whoever coined the term "right wing huts" knew exactly what he (or she) was talking about.

The conservatives' collective inability to see the truth that's staring them in the face is proof.

Mueller and his investigating team see it, they see all of it, and are closing in on the idiot trump and his gang of swamp rats.

The idiot trump wants everyone to believe the investigation should never have begun.

Rational Americans know full well the idiot trump is guilty and is a pathological liar, whose only appeal is to the RWNs.
Intelligent people will not to join your Crazy Democrat Cult.
Blue dog democrats need to be pushed right along with them.

This is a liberal country with liberal values that embraces normal conservatism.

As proof liberals lost 30 states, the House, the Senate, and the White House :auiqs.jpg:

Yep, good ole NaziCon gerrymandering. The winds are changing...

You can't gerrymander a presidential election you stupid retard.

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