How far will the corona virus hysteria go?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?
Ask trump, it's his show.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Seems the damage done with the hysteria will out weigh the benefits. considering this virus will continue to be around and mutate for years to come. Cant help but feel the media is salivating over the man made desperation.
They will try and use it as a means to their end.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Essentially the flu! Go tell Italy where it is killing 1 out of 15 who get it.
When this virus runs its course it will be viewed as a bad flu that we got a handle on and Trump will be viewed as a hero.....too many people are recovering from it for it to be the new plague that the media hopes it is....
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
What Democrats have said trump created the virus?

What constitutional rights have been stripped away from you?
Shutting down our country to save a very small percentage of old people, of which I am one, is insanity. At some point, common sense has to enter the equation. Otherwise we are creating economic calamity in the middle of a robust economy. For what? Was this all calculated by China? The spawning of the virus, Xi hiding the outbreak, the temporary hospitals being built in days, all to amplify the effect?
Not just young and healthy people are recovering from seems that if you get to a doctor and start treatment early its beatable rather quickly...
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Essentially the flu! Go tell Italy where it is killing 1 out of 15 who get it.
Except they are still very old people who are in bad health.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Essentially the flu! Go tell Italy where it is killing 1 out of 15 who get it.
Except they are still very old people who are in bad health.

Got it. If we kill 1 out of 15 old people then there is nothing to worry about.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.

and i wonder over the next few months how many people with pre- diabetes will tip their conditions over the edge as they sit around at home eating all the food they hoarded over the last three days, instead of going to work or going to the gym. How many more will down more alcohol and or O.D. on drugs? sedentary life style unfortunately has its own dangers and it wont be calculated in the equation.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Essentially the flu! Go tell Italy where it is killing 1 out of 15 who get it.
Except they are still very old people who are in bad health.

Got it. If we kill 1 out of 15 old people then there is nothing to worry about.
At least in Italy. The people dying of this flu are not far from death as it is.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
That is crazy and dead wrong. Democrats do not believe trump created and spread the virus, Tipsy. You should be ashamed to suggest it. They even know that he locked down travel from China to stop it. But, they also know that he told us all this was not going to be a serous thing. Speaking for the administration Kudlow even said it was almost totally contained. Then the people started dying at the nursing home in Kirkland, Wa. Trump over rode instructions from CDC and brought back those people from the cruise ship, officials over rode objections from CDC and even brought them back on the same airplane, the sick and the uninfected. Administration had them met in California with personnel not properly brief on precautions and unprotected from the disease themselves and they spread it in the long beach area and return home to bring it to cities in the eastern United States. The president was more worried about the economy and how this looked for his campaign than those that were getting sick and minimized the danger and effects we were to see. The infection at the nursing home ran rampant and still is. Nothing trump said has turned out to be true. He lied to the country and the country knows it. His own pronouncement spooked the financial industry and destroy chunks of the public's retirement account and still he minimized the danger. His erroneous statements, outright falsehoods and missteps of his administration's response, handling the pandemic have made it worse, for for our country. Most of us not panicking, while others panic just because sports team owners, not wanting to risk their players or endanger fans shut down sports entertainment, causing another cry across the land. The country hears republicans trying to compare to Obama, but the public knows Obama is not president, Trump is in charge of this fiasco and that fact scares them. The panic buying will end, my guess within 3 weeks, even though the infection numbers are going to go way, way up, because now, they are starting to test for it, those it is no longer containable and the public knows that also. It does not help that there are Republicans (some right here on this board) still minimizing, saying it will mainly effect older Americans and poor Democrats, as cold, uncaring, and heartless as that sounds. We are in for a rough road, but panic in the herd is wasted energy. Right wing trump supporters need to be rallying around their country, not their President. He's toast.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Hey we can all work at home and never have to leave the house. We can wear doctor masks and with gun in hand

"git offa my property"

"Only if you put pants on first"
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
That is crazy and dead wrong. Democrats do not believe trump created and spread the virus, Tipsy. You should be ashamed to suggest it. They even know that he locked down travel from China to stop it. But, they also know that he told us all this was not going to be a serous thing. Speaking for the administration Kudlow even said it was almost totally contained. Then the people started dying at the nursing home in Kirkland, Wa. Trump over rode instructions from CDC and brought back those people from the cruise ship, officials over rode objections from CDC and even brought them back on the same airplane, the sick and the uninfected. Administration had them met in California with personnel not properly brief on precautions and unprotected from the disease themselves and they spread it in the long beach area and return home to bring it to cities in the eastern United States. The president was more worried about the economy and how this looked for his campaign than those that were getting sick and minimized the danger and effects we were to see. The infection at the nursing home ran rampant and still is. Nothing trump said has turned out to be true. He lied to the country and the country knows it. His own pronouncement spooked the financial industry and destroy chunks of the public's retirement account and still he minimized the danger. His erroneous statements, outright falsehoods and missteps of his administration's response, handling the pandemic have made it worse, for for our country. Most of us not panicking, while others panic just because sports team owners, not wanting to risk their players or endanger fans shut down sports entertainment, causing another cry across the land. The country hears republicans trying to compare to Obama, but the public knows Obama is not president, Trump is in charge of this fiasco and that fact scares them. The panic buying will end, my guess within 3 weeks, even though the infection numbers are going to go way, way up, because now, they are starting to test for it, those it is no longer containable and the public knows that also. It does not help that there are Republicans (some right here on this board) still minimizing, saying it will mainly effect older Americans and poor Democrats, as cold, uncaring, and heartless as that sounds. We are in for a rough road, but panic in the herd is wasted energy. Right wing trump supporters need to be rallying around their country, not their President. He's toast.
I don’t see you bemoaning the greater number and disproportionate deaths of old people from flu.
When this virus runs its course it will be viewed as a bad flu that we got a handle on and Trump will be viewed as a hero.....too many people are recovering from it for it to be the new plague that the media hopes it is....
..except that this is not the flu, lol.


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