I'm not sure.But I'm pretty sure our President { current occupant
of the office } can explain to us.As usual with deafening specifics.
As in No need to know.Just Shut Up and Obey.
Same basic ploy as with most Authoritarian drivel.
I'm thinking of those Big Matronly Female Prison guards.
Just a few loud stern words are necessary.
I wonder what Little Joey Biden pulled when playing hooky
from school and going before Miss Crabtree.
Probably his pet organ grinder monkey made him skip
school.But he did manage to collect some wild flowers for Miss Crabtree.
So's he could collect a nice kiss on the cheek.
Regardless of any Monkey business.
of the office } can explain to us.As usual with deafening specifics.
As in No need to know.Just Shut Up and Obey.
Same basic ploy as with most Authoritarian drivel.
I'm thinking of those Big Matronly Female Prison guards.
Just a few loud stern words are necessary.
I wonder what Little Joey Biden pulled when playing hooky
from school and going before Miss Crabtree.
Probably his pet organ grinder monkey made him skip
school.But he did manage to collect some wild flowers for Miss Crabtree.
So's he could collect a nice kiss on the cheek.
Regardless of any Monkey business.