How Do You Handle False Accusations Around Here?

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Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
You have your own personal troll already ?
I've had a few in my three years here, and usually put them on temporary ignore. On rare occasions I've reported them to the mods, but generally, I just take it all with a grain of salt. As long as they're not accusing you of criminal activity or pedophilia ( they will be banned for that), I try not to sweat it much.

Politically, I catch a lot of shit from both directions for being a Jill Stein voter in 2016. ( Trump is the only (R) I ever voted for.
there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me

That makes exactly zero sense. Someone's desire to cause trouble for you, or to see their posts, is meaningless if you have them on ignore. They only way you can see them is if another member does a cut-n-paste and then posts it...
No,.. you're annoying, but you're not the person I'm talking about, so you're good in that sense Harry.
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
You have your own personal troll already ?
I've had a few in my three years here, and usually put them on temporary ignore. On rare occasions I've reported them to the mods, but generally, I just take it all with a grain of salt. As long as they're not accusing you of criminal activity or pedophilia ( they will be banned for that), I try not to sweat it much.

Politically, I catch a lot of shit from both directions for being a Jill Stein voter in 2016. ( Trump is the only (R) I ever voted for.

Yeah, umm,.. that's actually the thing I'm worried about is that they will be accusing me for criminal activity, take my words out of context or something, and police will be at my door. Maybe I'm just worrying too much though. After all I haven't done or said anything illegal, but they might make it look like I did.

there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me

That makes exactly zero sense. Someone's desire to cause trouble for you, or to see their posts, is meaningless if you have them on ignore. They only way you can see them is if another member does a cut-n-paste and then posts it...

Just because I'm worried about the above.
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
You have your own personal troll already ?
I've had a few in my three years here, and usually put them on temporary ignore. On rare occasions I've reported them to the mods, but generally, I just take it all with a grain of salt. As long as they're not accusing you of criminal activity or pedophilia ( they will be banned for that), I try not to sweat it much.

Politically, I catch a lot of shit from both directions for being a Jill Stein voter in 2016. ( Trump is the only (R) I ever voted for.
Perhaps you or I will be banned for accusing others here of pedophilia, but others don't seem to have that problem.
Trump is the only (R) I ever voted for.
That is forgivable. Please don’t let it happen again.:p
For president, the only Dem I'd vote for is Tulsi Gabbard, although, I'll admit I wanted Bernie to stay in and face Trump instead of Hillary--it would have been a more reasonable, normal election then maybe.
(I still would have voted for Jill)
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
How would you know if they are reporting you since you never see any reports?

Cause they threatened to. The only thing that worries me is I don't know what they're saying about me. :/
I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.
Unless they accuse you of bestiality or pedophilia, they're free to say anything they want about you. At least in the badlands.
Yeah, well, it wasn't in the badlands where they were talking smack about me.
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.

Just fling some outlandish accusations back at them. We're living in a time where everyone makes up their own facts, so....
Honey, it's like cartoon characters fighting one another here. Tom vs Jerry, Elmer Fudd vs the Wabbit. It means absolutely nothing. This is a silly message board. Say your piece, let others say their piece and don't give it any more weight than someone's opinion in a comic book. If they say they are going to cause trouble for you, give them the finger and move on to your next topic.
This place isn't worth one minute of angst. Relax.
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So,... You actually do have a heart and caring side after all then Moonglow and no I'm not going to do that because two wrongs don't make a right.
So,... You actually do have a heart and caring side after all then Moonglow and no I'm not going to do that because two wrongs don't make a right.
This place is much like a grade school classroom with no teacher. Discussing with a mod is close to the rules since you may not call out or tell on mod actions in the public.

Complaining about what others do will only get you more derision. But, do ass you whant..
Now obviously if somebody says you said/did something and reports you for it and there is no written proof of it occurring the report will be dismissed and you won't get in trouble for it. However, will the person who reported you get reprimanded for it, because in real life when somebody fabricates stories about you it is a very serious offense. I am asking this question because there is currently a member on here that I am ignoring so they shall remain nameless but I still see their posts sometimes because they seem to be wanting to cause trouble for me and I'm sort of worried what they'll say next and what all they're saying about me in threads that I haven't seen, because who knows how big their lies are going to get.

Just use the miketx technique - tell 'em to eat a bag of dicks.
What I want to know is who are you and what have you done with Moonglow. XD That was actually really nice and sweet what you did by acting like that. :)
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