How did the party of Lincoln (GOP) end up being the Confederate Party

You got any more maps you wanna fucking post, moron?
You're a total idiot. Only the 1960-1968 electoral maps cover the black civil rights era. All of the maps I posted and the dixiecrat map you posted show exactly what I said: Segregationists were democrats in 1960, republicans in '64 tried to go independent in '68 and melted into the GOP ever since.

We don't exist in a 1960s vacuum, dipshit. And NO they didn't "melt into the GOP ever since" because as the maps I showed indicate, they went back blue again, then red, then red and blue, back to red. The maps constantly change with every election. All racists don't vote for republicans. All morons don't vote for democrats. People are all different, they think different ways and vote different ways... only a true stereotyping BIGOT thinks otherwise.
I was just kidding, but you are a simpleton. It must be the public schools. I'll break it down for you:

First, only 1960-68 relate to race relations in the US. In 1960, segregationist white democrats cast ballots for some guy who wasn't even running, just so they wouldn't have to vote for a yankee black sympathiser. The next cycle they broke party and voted R. Kennedy got shot and killed. Torn by about 100 years' stereotypical allegiance to the Dems, there was this dixiecrat effort in '68 for "conservative [about race] democrats". In years following, this group took the R position re entitlements, etc.

Can you guess where they are til today or do I have to chew that up for you too?

It's ok to be black and Republican, but you don't want to do so blindly. Black people who only vote Democratic should know what their party was up to for the better half of last century, too.

revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap
Everyone knows your history books were full of emojis and made up words. It shows.
He never had a history book. Only those little pamphlets you find on the bus or the subway.
You got any more maps you wanna fucking post, moron?
If you don't believe the Republicans are concentrated in the Confederate South and Democrats concentrated on both coasts, then you are truly too ignorant for words.
You're a total idiot. Only the 1960-1968 electoral maps cover the black civil rights era. All of the maps I posted and the dixiecrat map you posted show exactly what I said: Segregationists were democrats in 1960, republicans in '64 tried to go independent in '68 and melted into the GOP ever since.

We don't exist in a 1960s vacuum, dipshit. And NO they didn't "melt into the GOP ever since" because as the maps I showed indicate, they went back blue again, then red, then red and blue, back to red. The maps constantly change with every election. All racists don't vote for republicans. All morons don't vote for democrats. People are all different, they think different ways and vote different ways... only a true stereotyping BIGOT thinks otherwise.
I was just kidding, but you are a simpleton. It must be the public schools. I'll break it down for you:

First, only 1960-68 relate to race relations in the US. In 1960, segregationist white democrats cast ballots for some guy who wasn't even running, just so they wouldn't have to vote for a yankee black sympathiser. The next cycle they broke party and voted R. Kennedy got shot and killed. Torn by about 100 years' stereotypical allegiance to the Dems, there was this dixiecrat effort in '68 for "conservative [about race] democrats". In years following, this group took the R position re entitlements, etc.

Can you guess where they are til today or do I have to chew that up for you too?

It's ok to be black and Republican, but you don't want to do so blindly. Black people who only vote Democratic should know what their party was up to for the better half of last century, too.

revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap revisonistclaptrap
Everyone knows your history books were full of emojis and made up words. It shows.
He never had a history book. Only those little pamphlets you find on the bus or the subway.

If that load of bullshit is what is now in public school history books it's the best argument I've seen for getting rid of the Department of Education.
You got any more maps you wanna fucking post, moron?
If you don't believe the Republicans are concentrated in the Confederate South and Democrats concentrated on both coasts, then you are truly too ignorant for words.

Well I don't know who is concentrated where. I know that looking at red and blue on a map doesn't have a damn thing to do with racism or who wants to discriminate against minorities. And I've discovered that people who like to pull that kind of shit are usually the bigots and racists they decry.
You got any more maps you wanna fucking post, moron?
If you don't believe the Republicans are concentrated in the Confederate South and Democrats concentrated on both coasts, then you are truly too ignorant for words.

Well I don't know who is concentrated where. I know that looking at red and blue on a map doesn't have a damn thing to do with racism or who wants to discriminate against minorities. And I've discovered that people who like to pull that kind of shit are usually the bigots and racists they decry.
A lot of "I don't know" and get rid of education.

Wow, you sound like you are in the running for "Republican of the Year".
I'll break it down for you:

First, only 1960-68 relate to race relations in the US.

Let me break it down for you. jackwagon... when you start from THIS premise, we can pretty much tell why you are such a fucking bigot. Why in the hell would ANYONE accept that ONLY 1960-68 relate to race relations in the US? Did prejudice and racism begin in 1960 and end in 1968?

In 1960, segregationist white democrats cast ballots for some guy who wasn't even running, just so they wouldn't have to vote for a yankee black sympathiser.

Hold on... In Alabama, the voters had to vote for individual electors. You didn't vote directly for president, you voted for their electors. Kennedy beat Nixon in Alabama 300k to 200k in the popular vote... that is who the people of my state voted for... Kennedy. The electoral delegates are who decided to become undeclared. So now, we are talking about a very small group of influential people in the south. It had ZERO to do with "yankee black sympathizer" ...that is rhetoric designed to be intentionally inflammatory because you are a race-baiting bigot. Kennedy would have swept the South in '60, some of his strongest support was in the South.

The next cycle they broke party and voted R. Kennedy got shot and killed. Torn by about 100 years' stereotypical allegiance to the Dems, there was this dixiecrat effort in '68 for "conservative [about race] democrats". In years following, this group took the R position re entitlements, etc.

Can you guess where they are til today or do I have to chew that up for you too?

This is also nonsense and devoid of reality. LBJ was no John Kennedy. Goldwater was the predecessor to Reagan in bringing the Conservative philosophy into the arena. He was not a segregationist as far as anything I ever knew... where are the books saying that he was? Wallace (a Democrat) was a segregationist and did try to run for President in 1968. Most of the people in my state supported him. But in 1964, he ran against LBJ for the Democrat nomination and lost.

Alabama supported Goldwater the Republican.

So you jump completely over this race and it's the most important one... 1964. That is when the issue of segregation vs. desegregation was fought in the DEMOCRAT party. It was the DEMOCRAT party who had the "come to jesus" moment over which way to go.

So in 1968, the defeated segregationists backed George Wallace running as an independent. He cost Humphrey the election and Nixon won, and this was the last of the Dixiecrats.

It's ok to be black and Republican, but you don't want to do so blindly. Black people who only vote Democratic should know what their party was up to for the better half of last century, too.

I only see ONE political party who has historically been "up to" anything with regard to black people. The GOP is colorblind, they see people as people. It is the Democrats who need to divide us into racial groups. It's the Democrats who fall over themselves to pander.. or defend.. or favor on the basis of skin color.
You got any more maps you wanna fucking post, moron?
If you don't believe the Republicans are concentrated in the Confederate South and Democrats concentrated on both coasts, then you are truly too ignorant for words.

Well I don't know who is concentrated where. I know that looking at red and blue on a map doesn't have a damn thing to do with racism or who wants to discriminate against minorities. And I've discovered that people who like to pull that kind of shit are usually the bigots and racists they decry.
Now you think that voting for pro-segregation republicans has nothing to do with racism?
Now you think that voting for pro-segregation republicans has nothing to do with racism?

Who the hell was EVER a "pro-segregation republican"?
Every Republican after 1970 nit wit.

How the GOP Is Resegregating the South

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Decades of neglect set the stage for a gradual embrace of former segregationists, who had either left the Democratic Party, or has been ejected. The South’s shift to a Republican stronghold, the collapse of white support for the Democratic Party—all of these are part of the story.

It's Not Democrats or Republicans - It's Conservatives That are the Biggest Damn Problem - Forward Progressives
It’s clear to anyone who even knows basic history about our political parties that they’ve changed drastically over time. In fact, they’ve basically swapped sides. This is an argument Republicans often use to make a lazy attempt to bash Democrats. They’ll proudly profess that, “We’re the party of Lincoln!” Then they’ll point to the racist history of the Democratic party. And they’re right. Decades ago, Democrats were often the party associated with racism. But what’s also true is that was during a time when Democrats were supported by southern conservatives. You know, the same southern conservatives who are now strongly Republican.

Funny, your history is different than every actual historian in the world. Don't you know that makes you a fool? It's as ignorant as believe the world is only 6,000 years old and God put bones in the ground to show us what creatures on other planets look like.

And you are a fool. A really stupid one.
Now you think that voting for pro-segregation republicans has nothing to do with racism?

Who the hell was EVER a "pro-segregation republican"?
Every Republican after 1970 nit wit.

How the GOP Is Resegregating the South

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Decades of neglect set the stage for a gradual embrace of former segregationists, who had either left the Democratic Party, or has been ejected. The South’s shift to a Republican stronghold, the collapse of white support for the Democratic Party—all of these are part of the story.

It's Not Democrats or Republicans - It's Conservatives That are the Biggest Damn Problem - Forward Progressives
It’s clear to anyone who even knows basic history about our political parties that they’ve changed drastically over time. In fact, they’ve basically swapped sides. This is an argument Republicans often use to make a lazy attempt to bash Democrats. They’ll proudly profess that, “We’re the party of Lincoln!” Then they’ll point to the racist history of the Democratic party. And they’re right. Decades ago, Democrats were often the party associated with racism. But what’s also true is that was during a time when Democrats were supported by southern conservatives. You know, the same southern conservatives who are now strongly Republican.

Funny, your history is different than every actual historian in the world. Don't you know that makes you a fool? It's as ignorant as believe the world is only 6,000 years old and God put bones in the ground to show us what creatures on other planets look like.

And you are a fool. A really stupid one.

Again... you've failed to show when this magic transformation took place. You say "after 1970" but where and when did the immaculate transformation happen?

EVERY Republican supported Civil Rights and some Democrats from the South supported it... like LBJ! Again, the only place Civil Rights was an issue was within the DEMOCRAT party. And the Southern Democrats of the era who didn't support Civil Rights weren't like Strom, he was the only one who joined the Republican party. Wallace, except for the brief moment he ran for president, was a Democrat until the day he died. So was Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd. Who else besides Strom defected? ...So we KNOW what the segregationist Democrats would have done because they did it... they remained Democrats and began this fairy tale of an amazing "transformation" whereby both parties seemingly flip-flopped in the middle of the fucking night or something.

You're spouting just blatant idiocy all over the place... you say "You know, the same southern conservatives who are now strongly Republican." Like they're the same people from 1964. Anyone who was even voting age back then would be pushing 70 today. Times have changed dude. Why do act like we are living in the past?
Now you think that voting for pro-segregation republicans has nothing to do with racism?

Who the hell was EVER a "pro-segregation republican"?
Every Republican after 1970 nit wit.

How the GOP Is Resegregating the South

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Thus, it seems to me that minorities have a pretty good idea of what they are doing when joining the Democratic party. They recognize that the Democratic party of today looks and sounds a lot more like the Democratic party of the North that with near unity passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than the southern Democrats of the era who blocked it, and today would, like Strom Thurmond, likely be Republicans.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)
Decades of neglect set the stage for a gradual embrace of former segregationists, who had either left the Democratic Party, or has been ejected. The South’s shift to a Republican stronghold, the collapse of white support for the Democratic Party—all of these are part of the story.

It's Not Democrats or Republicans - It's Conservatives That are the Biggest Damn Problem - Forward Progressives
It’s clear to anyone who even knows basic history about our political parties that they’ve changed drastically over time. In fact, they’ve basically swapped sides. This is an argument Republicans often use to make a lazy attempt to bash Democrats. They’ll proudly profess that, “We’re the party of Lincoln!” Then they’ll point to the racist history of the Democratic party. And they’re right. Decades ago, Democrats were often the party associated with racism. But what’s also true is that was during a time when Democrats were supported by southern conservatives. You know, the same southern conservatives who are now strongly Republican.

Funny, your history is different than every actual historian in the world. Don't you know that makes you a fool? It's as ignorant as believe the world is only 6,000 years old and God put bones in the ground to show us what creatures on other planets look like.

And you are a fool. A really stupid one.

Again... you've failed to show when this magic transformation took place. You say "after 1970" but where and when did the immaculate transformation happen?

EVERY Republican supported Civil Rights and some Democrats from the South supported it... like LBJ! Again, the only place Civil Rights was an issue was within the DEMOCRAT party. And the Southern Democrats of the era who didn't support Civil Rights weren't like Strom, he was the only one who joined the Republican party. Wallace, except for the brief moment he ran for president, was a Democrat until the day he died. So was Lester Maddox and Robert Byrd. Who else besides Strom defected? ...So we KNOW what the segregationist Democrats would have done because they did it... they remained Democrats and began this fairy tale of an amazing "transformation" whereby both parties seemingly flip-flopped in the middle of the fucking night or something.

You're spouting just blatant idiocy all over the place... you say "You know, the same southern conservatives who are now strongly Republican." Like they're the same people from 1964. Anyone who was even voting age back then would be pushing 70 today. Times have changed dude. Why do act like we are living in the past?
The FACT that the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else, proves beyond a doubt, you are an ignorant turd.
The FACT that the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else, proves beyond a doubt, you are an ignorant turd.

Well, since LBJ showered black people with massive government benefits, they have largely supported Democrats. That's not because Republicans are racists. I would venture to say the majority of Democrats are probably still white... even with all the minorities. But you know, being WHITE doesn't mean someone is a racist. Just like surrounding yourself with black friends doesn't make you NOT a racist.
The FACT that the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else, proves beyond a doubt, you are an ignorant turd.

Well, since LBJ showered black people with massive government benefits, they have largely supported Democrats. That's not because Republicans are racists. I would venture to say the majority of Democrats are probably still white... even with all the minorities. But you know, being WHITE doesn't mean someone is a racist. Just like surrounding yourself with black friends doesn't make you NOT a racist.
Republicans showered the black people with the greatest gift, their freedom from slavery. Had the Republicans followed through with that start, blacks might never even considered voting Democratic. But today the party that gave blacks their freedom doesn't get their votes. Why? What were the massive government benefits that LBJ showered on blacks?
What were the massive government benefits that LBJ showered on blacks?

:uhoh3: Oh brother.... REALLY?
Yea, really. If they had so much, why live in ghettos and go to shitty schools?

You've been giving them presents since 1964, you've not fixed their shitty schools yet? Why are they still living in poverty? Why are their unemployed youth worse off than ever? For 50 years, Democrats have promised and promised the black community that they stood for them... that's why blacks have historically supported Democrats... has nothing to do with Republicans being racist.

In the wake of failed Democrat policies you have NO answer for why you've not done a damn thing to help black people in America. Every election, you trot out more of the same "carrot on a stick" bullshit to exploit them for their vote and you never deliver. And now, you've taken to calling the Republicans a bunch of racists when the history shows us who the true racists were. You have this far-fetched story about some amazing "transformation" to absolve yourselves from your past and to insinuate the true racists are the right. YOU are the problem, not the Republicans.
What were the massive government benefits that LBJ showered on blacks?

:uhoh3: Oh brother.... REALLY?
Yea, really. If they had so much, why live in ghettos and go to shitty schools?

You've been giving them presents since 1964, you've not fixed their shitty schools yet? Why are they still living in poverty? Why are their unemployed youth worse off than ever? For 50 years, Democrats have promised and promised the black community that they stood for them... that's why blacks have historically supported Democrats... has nothing to do with Republicans being racist.

In the wake of failed Democrat policies you have NO answer for why you've not done a damn thing to help black people in America. Every election, you trot out more of the same "carrot on a stick" bullshit to exploit them for their vote and you never deliver. And now, you've taken to calling the Republicans a bunch of racists when the history shows us who the true racists were. You have this far-fetched story about some amazing "transformation" to absolve yourselves from your past and to insinuate the true racists are the right. YOU are the problem, not the Republicans.
So is there a black problem in the United States?
Is the Democratic response just to black people or to poor people?
If there is a problem, what has been the Republican response?

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