How did the party of Lincoln (GOP) end up being the Confederate Party

The Republicans quickly destroyed Lincoln's Republican party and replaced it with a conservative party. Was Lincoln a liberal?

This is just sheer idiocy. Did you "learn" this from a left-wing blog or something? :dunno:

Lincoln was very much a conservative. The first real modern liberal president was Woodrow Wilson, one of the most racist presidents in history and a Democrat.

He certainly wasn't a collectivist who sought to create a nanny state.

We don't know what kind of nation Lincoln would have tried to create had he lived, All indications are, however, that Lincoln was people oriented, one that was concerned about their way of life, was it good or bad and could it be better. We also know that during Grant's term some Republicans formed a liberal Republican group but they didn't last long.
Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
The solid south voted Democratic because it was the Republican party that was the party of Lincoln, but most of the solid south were conservative. So each election the south voted Democratic but that did not mean they shared the Democratic liberal beliefs. Still the Democrats wanted their votes no matter the beliefs and for the most part played down their differences. FDR's wife got involved but FDR less so. Then Truman desegregated the military and that was the beginning of the end of the solid south.
Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
The solid south voted Democratic because it was the Republican party that was the party of Lincoln, but most of the solid south were conservative. So each election the south voted Democratic but that did not mean they shared the Democratic liberal beliefs. Still the Democrats wanted their votes no matter the beliefs and for the most part played down their differences. FDR's wife got involved but FDR less so. Then Truman desegregated the military and that was the beginning of the end of the solid south.
The "conservative" south is a myth created by the liberal media. Republicans realized that integration was the logical future of the south early in the 20th century but the angry democrat KKK controlled southern politics continued to support and vote for and maintain decades of progressive and liberal and even border line socialist politicians. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the modern version of "separation of church and state" which was intended to limit Catholic education which was a threat to FDR and the KKK at the time. Democrats voted for segregation and democrats supported the KKK and democrats voted for FDR and Truman and that took care of the 20th century.
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Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
The solid south voted Democratic because it was the Republican party that was the party of Lincoln, but most of the solid south were conservative. So each election the south voted Democratic but that did not mean they shared the Democratic liberal beliefs. Still the Democrats wanted their votes no matter the beliefs and for the most part played down their differences. FDR's wife got involved but FDR less so. Then Truman desegregated the military and that was the beginning of the end of the solid south.
The "conservative" south is a myth created by the liberal media. Republicans realized that integration was the logical future of the south early in the 20th century but the angry democrat KKK controlled southern politics continued to support and vote for and maintain decades of progressive and liberal and even border line socialist politicians. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the modern version of "separation of church and state" which was intended to limit Catholic education which was a threat to FDR and the KKK at the time. Democrats voted for segregation and democrats supported the KKK and democrats voted for FDR and Truman and that took care of the 20th century.
So how come there are no liberals in the Republicans party?
But today's GOP identifies with Confederates.

He says this, then goes on to piece together a montage of false assumptions and erroneous characterizations complete with graphics and maps. I was prepared to review some evidence but all I got was pablum. There's not even anything there to refute... it's all speculative idiocy.

Here's what I take away from this thread and what redan might as well have posted:

Democrats have absolutely nothing to run on in 2016. Their policies have failed across the board for the past 8 years and there is no way they can defend them anymore. So they have decided to try and win this election by smearing the Republican party. They will go out there and post threads arguing the Republicans are racists, homophobes, xenophobes, bigots, zealots... people who want to bring back slavery and actively support the Confederacy... whatever it takes!
So this map:


and this map:


Are wrong? Wow, amazing.
Perhaps you can prove your allegations. I would love to learn how they are wrong.
So we need either an explanation with historical evidence or an apology.

I didn't say the maps are wrong. I said your conjecture and speculation are unsupported with facts. The maps don't prove a damn thing you claim they prove. You stated that modern Conservatives identify with the Confederacy. That's what you need to prove and the maps simply don't prove that. Do you have anything besides your OPINION? :popcorn:
So the map from 1860 shows the entire north is Republican.
The same map shows the entire south is Democratic.


The modern map shows

The entire South is Republican (used to be Democratic)

The heavily populated part of the north is either Democrat or split. (Used to be all Republican)

What does that tell you?????

And who is it calling for National Confederate day across the deep south? Democrats?

You can't debate with "I refuse to see anything except what I want to". That just looks stupid. If you think it's Democrats calling for National Confederate day, prove it.
Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
The solid south voted Democratic because it was the Republican party that was the party of Lincoln, but most of the solid south were conservative. So each election the south voted Democratic but that did not mean they shared the Democratic liberal beliefs. Still the Democrats wanted their votes no matter the beliefs and for the most part played down their differences. FDR's wife got involved but FDR less so. Then Truman desegregated the military and that was the beginning of the end of the solid south.
The "conservative" south is a myth created by the liberal media. Republicans realized that integration was the logical future of the south early in the 20th century but the angry democrat KKK controlled southern politics continued to support and vote for and maintain decades of progressive and liberal and even border line socialist politicians. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the modern version of "separation of church and state" which was intended to limit Catholic education which was a threat to FDR and the KKK at the time. Democrats voted for segregation and democrats supported the KKK and democrats voted for FDR and Truman and that took care of the 20th century.
This one statement is tarded beyond belief: The "conservative" south is a myth created by the liberal media.

If it were the "liberal south", why would the "liberal media" call it conservative.

You guys have such a determined ignorance, you make it too easy. I bet from your statements, even many Republicans on the USMB think you guys are tards.
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Ummm, it was Democrats who founded the KKK moron.
Ever hear of the "solid south"? The pro slavery faction of the democrat party survived long after the Civil War. The bi-polar left's favorite fantasy is that the democrat party which embraced segregation and the likes of former KKK member senator Robert Byrd for more than fifty years and tried to block the Civil Rights act were actually republicans in disguise. You almost gotta laugh that it is none other than the democrat party that insults 21st century Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. Perhaps the most notorious example of old time democrat party racism was the time the left wing bigots in the media created a cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as an insulting caricature of a slave when she was appointed Secretary of State during the Bush administration. Nobody ever apologized.
The solid south voted Democratic because it was the Republican party that was the party of Lincoln, but most of the solid south were conservative. So each election the south voted Democratic but that did not mean they shared the Democratic liberal beliefs. Still the Democrats wanted their votes no matter the beliefs and for the most part played down their differences. FDR's wife got involved but FDR less so. Then Truman desegregated the military and that was the beginning of the end of the solid south.
The "conservative" south is a myth created by the liberal media. Republicans realized that integration was the logical future of the south early in the 20th century but the angry democrat KKK controlled southern politics continued to support and vote for and maintain decades of progressive and liberal and even border line socialist politicians. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the modern version of "separation of church and state" which was intended to limit Catholic education which was a threat to FDR and the KKK at the time. Democrats voted for segregation and democrats supported the KKK and democrats voted for FDR and Truman and that took care of the 20th century.
So how come there are no liberals in the Republicans party?

? Donald trump...

He is an old time Democrat liberal like FDR....
But today's GOP identifies with Confederates.

He says this, then goes on to piece together a montage of false assumptions and erroneous characterizations complete with graphics and maps. I was prepared to review some evidence but all I got was pablum. There's not even anything there to refute... it's all speculative idiocy.

Here's what I take away from this thread and what redan might as well have posted:

Democrats have absolutely nothing to run on in 2016. Their policies have failed across the board for the past 8 years and there is no way they can defend them anymore. So they have decided to try and win this election by smearing the Republican party. They will go out there and post threads arguing the Republicans are racists, homophobes, xenophobes, bigots, zealots... people who want to bring back slavery and actively support the Confederacy... whatever it takes!
So this map:


and this map:


Are wrong? Wow, amazing.
Perhaps you can prove your allegations. I would love to learn how they are wrong.
So we need either an explanation with historical evidence or an apology.

I didn't say the maps are wrong. I said your conjecture and speculation are unsupported with facts. The maps don't prove a damn thing you claim they prove. You stated that modern Conservatives identify with the Confederacy. That's what you need to prove and the maps simply don't prove that. Do you have anything besides your OPINION? :popcorn:
So the map from 1860 shows the entire north is Republican.
The same map shows the entire south is Democratic.


The modern map shows

The entire South is Republican (used to be Democratic)

The heavily populated part of the north is either Democrat or split. (Used to be all Republican)

What does that tell you?????

And who is it calling for National Confederate day across the deep south? Democrats?

You can't debate with "I refuse to see anything except what I want to". That just looks stupid. If you think it's Democrats calling for National Confederate day, prove it.

Do you honestly not realize that people die, people move, times change, party's change platforms, societal culture changes, viewpoints change, and we don't live in a vacuum? You don't sound like a person who grasps those basic fundamentals.

And who is calling for National Confederate Day? ALL REPUBLICANS OF THE SOUTH? Because, unless THAT is the case, you can't hold every Republican in the South responsible. That's simply applying a blatant and bigoted stereotype. Is THAT how your mind operates? Because that's what it's telling me.
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Many of the redneck progeny forget that their forebears were also the victims of the Slave Power.

It is little wonder that being so ignorant, they are also greatly devoted to the modern slave power which the Citizens United decision helped create.
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Ummm, it was Democrats who founded the KKK moron.
Yea nit wit, back when the Democrats were the confederate party in the Deep South. Don't be such a shit head. No one can possibly be that ignorant all the time.

The Complete List of American Cities Where the KKK Is Known to Operate

The group, founded in 1865, has a long history of violence mainly targeted at African-Americans, Jews, immigrants and members of the LGBT community.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, called the KKK "the most infamous — and oldest — of American hate groups." The KKK's website states that the organization's primary goal is to "stop White genocide." They write, "We simply believe that the United States of America was founded as a white Christian nation."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s," writes a research team led by sociologist Rory McVeigh of the University of Notre Dame. "This initial untethering process was critical to the more durable subsequent realignment with the Republican Party."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s."


Professors David Cunningham, Rory McVeigh, and Justin Farrell cite data from five presidential votes between 1960 and 2000 in the paper, published in the December issue of the American Sociological Review. Brandeis reported that it shows that KKK activity "played a significant role in shifting voters' political party allegiance in the South in the 1960s — from Democratic to Republican — and it continued to influence voters' activities 40 years later."

How the Ku Klux Klan Helped Republicans Win Voters in the US South | VICE News


Why ignorant right wingers who think schools are for snobs think they know more than academics who actually do research is staggering. Their stupidity only matches their delusions. Even the most tarded of tards knows the KKK would never vote for a coalition party like the Democrats. They are white wing Republican through and through.

Only a total tool would constantly repeat "but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK" while completely ignoring the rest of history. Stupid shit. Go learn something. Fucking parrot. What's wrong with you.
How is it possible that today's Republicans think they aren't the Confederate Party?
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Ummm, it was Democrats who founded the KKK moron.
Yea nit wit, back when the Democrats were the confederate party in the Deep South. Don't be such a shit head. No one can possibly be that ignorant all the time.

The Complete List of American Cities Where the KKK Is Known to Operate

The group, founded in 1865, has a long history of violence mainly targeted at African-Americans, Jews, immigrants and members of the LGBT community.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, called the KKK "the most infamous — and oldest — of American hate groups." The KKK's website states that the organization's primary goal is to "stop White genocide." They write, "We simply believe that the United States of America was founded as a white Christian nation."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s," writes a research team led by sociologist Rory McVeigh of the University of Notre Dame. "This initial untethering process was critical to the more durable subsequent realignment with the Republican Party."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s."


Professors David Cunningham, Rory McVeigh, and Justin Farrell cite data from five presidential votes between 1960 and 2000 in the paper, published in the December issue of the American Sociological Review. Brandeis reported that it shows that KKK activity "played a significant role in shifting voters' political party allegiance in the South in the 1960s — from Democratic to Republican — and it continued to influence voters' activities 40 years later."

How the Ku Klux Klan Helped Republicans Win Voters in the US South | VICE News


Why ignorant right wingers who think schools are for snobs think they know more than academics who actually do research is staggering. Their stupidity only matches their delusions. Even the most tarded of tards knows the KKK would never vote for a coalition party like the Democrats. They are white wing Republican through and through.

Only a total tool would constantly repeat "but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK" while completely ignoring the rest of history. Stupid shit. Go learn something. Fucking parrot. What's wrong with you.

Yea then why did the grand wizard of the KKK endorse OWS ?

Commentarama: KKK Grand Wizard Gives OWS Thumbs Up
President Eulogizes Former Mentor--William Fulbright : Memorial: Clinton calls the late Arkansan a lifelong student and teacher and credits him with making the world a better place.

WASHINGTON — President Clinton on Friday delivered the eulogy for former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright, who gave his aspiring protege his first taste of national politics and warned him against the arrogance of power.

Speaking to a well-attended memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral, Clinton remembered his one-time mentor as a lifelong student and teacher who established the scholarship program that bears his name and that gave tens of thousands of U.S. students the opportunity to learn about the world beyond America's shores.

"We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better," Clinton told the family and friends of the austere and scholarly former senator, who died of a stroke last week at the age of 89.

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fulbright signed The Southern Manifesto in opposition of the Supreme Court's historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.[9]With other southern Democrats, Fulbright filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as voting against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.[10]

Southern Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Declaration of Constitutional Principles (known informally as the Southern Manifesto) was a document written in February and March 1956, in the United States Congress, in opposition to racial integration of public places.[1] The manifesto was signed by 101 politicians (99 Southern Democrats) from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.[1] The Congressmen drafted the document to counter the landmark Supreme Court 1954 ruling Brown v. Board of Education, which determined that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. School segregation laws were some of the most enduring and best-known of the Jim Crow laws that characterized the American South and several northern states at the time.

^^^ Bill Clinton's professed "mentor" ...J. William Fulbright -- Segregationist.
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Ummm, it was Democrats who founded the KKK moron.
Yea nit wit, back when the Democrats were the confederate party in the Deep South. Don't be such a shit head. No one can possibly be that ignorant all the time.

The Complete List of American Cities Where the KKK Is Known to Operate

The group, founded in 1865, has a long history of violence mainly targeted at African-Americans, Jews, immigrants and members of the LGBT community.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, called the KKK "the most infamous — and oldest — of American hate groups." The KKK's website states that the organization's primary goal is to "stop White genocide." They write, "We simply believe that the United States of America was founded as a white Christian nation."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s," writes a research team led by sociologist Rory McVeigh of the University of Notre Dame. "This initial untethering process was critical to the more durable subsequent realignment with the Republican Party."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s."


Professors David Cunningham, Rory McVeigh, and Justin Farrell cite data from five presidential votes between 1960 and 2000 in the paper, published in the December issue of the American Sociological Review. Brandeis reported that it shows that KKK activity "played a significant role in shifting voters' political party allegiance in the South in the 1960s — from Democratic to Republican — and it continued to influence voters' activities 40 years later."

How the Ku Klux Klan Helped Republicans Win Voters in the US South | VICE News


Why ignorant right wingers who think schools are for snobs think they know more than academics who actually do research is staggering. Their stupidity only matches their delusions. Even the most tarded of tards knows the KKK would never vote for a coalition party like the Democrats. They are white wing Republican through and through.

Only a total tool would constantly repeat "but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK" while completely ignoring the rest of history. Stupid shit. Go learn something. Fucking parrot. What's wrong with you.

Yea then why did the grand wizard of the KKK endorse OWS ?

Commentarama: KKK Grand Wizard Gives OWS Thumbs Up
You didn't bother reading you own fucking link?????????????????????????????????

Here, let me help you:

These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise, they are the product of crime." And lest you miss exactly who he's talking about, he adds: "Zionist owners of the predatory banks made more shekels while Americans have lost up to fifty percent of their savings." Well, at least he didn't say the Jews stabbed us in the back.

See? It's about hating Jews. Duh!
Today's Republicans love to go on about how they ended slavery and that Lincoln was a Republican.

But today's GOP identifies with Confederates. All through the south, Republicans whites look fondly of the days when they were confederates.


The ceremonies became a celebration of the Confederacy with veterans parading in full uniforms, songs, flowers and a “benediction or eulogy about the so-called Lost Cause.” The events, she said, were carefully advertised as “mourning” during Reconstruction because people knew the activities were bordering on treason.

“It is a way to sustain an identification as a Confederate. It’s a way to sustain your southern identity and to continue to resist the federal government. Even though there is no longer a Confederate army, even though there is no longer a Confederate government. These are very much places where what I call a Confederate identity, is perpetuated,” Janney said.
Southern states observe Confederate Memorial Day


Reconstruction and the Formerly Enslaved, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
But how could the guarantees of citizenship be extended to blacks when states had traditionally been the guarantors of rights and the former states of the Confederacy were now controlled by white southerners who championed white supremacy?


What States Celebrate Confederate Holidays? Alabama Rep. Alvin Holmes Wants Them Eliminated In Alabama, Seeks Bill

Here is a fairly current map of the US politically. Forget the western red states. Back at the beginning of the Civil War, they were territories and not states and even today, they are very sparsely populated. The vast majority of the GOP lives in the old Confederate States.

Now look at the map from 1860. Notice all the red states are GOP and all the Blue states are Democratic? The exact opposite of how those states are politically represented today.

So these are all the facts. How things were and how things are.

It's time for USMB Republicans to explain how they ended slavery.
Why are Lincoln's GOP states now mostly Democratic.
How the southern Democratic States became all Republican.
Why would Republicans who ended slavery want to fly the Confederate Flag and not the US Flag.
Democrats' Views on Confederate Flag Increasingly Negative
Did the populations exchange places or did the political parties change places.
Let it make sense from the Republicans at the USMB.


Ummm, it was Democrats who founded the KKK moron.
Yea nit wit, back when the Democrats were the confederate party in the Deep South. Don't be such a shit head. No one can possibly be that ignorant all the time.

The Complete List of American Cities Where the KKK Is Known to Operate

The group, founded in 1865, has a long history of violence mainly targeted at African-Americans, Jews, immigrants and members of the LGBT community.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, called the KKK "the most infamous — and oldest — of American hate groups." The KKK's website states that the organization's primary goal is to "stop White genocide." They write, "We simply believe that the United States of America was founded as a white Christian nation."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s," writes a research team led by sociologist Rory McVeigh of the University of Notre Dame. "This initial untethering process was critical to the more durable subsequent realignment with the Republican Party."

"Klan activism loosened entrenched party loyalties and directly contributed to the dealignment of white voters from the Democratic Party in the 1960s."


Professors David Cunningham, Rory McVeigh, and Justin Farrell cite data from five presidential votes between 1960 and 2000 in the paper, published in the December issue of the American Sociological Review. Brandeis reported that it shows that KKK activity "played a significant role in shifting voters' political party allegiance in the South in the 1960s — from Democratic to Republican — and it continued to influence voters' activities 40 years later."

How the Ku Klux Klan Helped Republicans Win Voters in the US South | VICE News


Why ignorant right wingers who think schools are for snobs think they know more than academics who actually do research is staggering. Their stupidity only matches their delusions. Even the most tarded of tards knows the KKK would never vote for a coalition party like the Democrats. They are white wing Republican through and through.

Only a total tool would constantly repeat "but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK, but the Democrats started the KKK" while completely ignoring the rest of history. Stupid shit. Go learn something. Fucking parrot. What's wrong with you.

Yea then why did the grand wizard of the KKK endorse OWS ?

Commentarama: KKK Grand Wizard Gives OWS Thumbs Up
You didn't bother reading you own fucking link?????????????????????????????????

Here, let me help you:

These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise, they are the product of crime." And lest you miss exactly who he's talking about, he adds: "Zionist owners of the predatory banks made more shekels while Americans have lost up to fifty percent of their savings." Well, at least he didn't say the Jews stabbed us in the back.

See? It's about hating Jews. Duh!

I am not reading that blog, I just posted any old link because I remember they did.
President Eulogizes Former Mentor--William Fulbright : Memorial: Clinton calls the late Arkansan a lifelong student and teacher and credits him with making the world a better place.

WASHINGTON — President Clinton on Friday delivered the eulogy for former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright, who gave his aspiring protege his first taste of national politics and warned him against the arrogance of power.

Speaking to a well-attended memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral, Clinton remembered his one-time mentor as a lifelong student and teacher who established the scholarship program that bears his name and that gave tens of thousands of U.S. students the opportunity to learn about the world beyond America's shores.

"We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better," Clinton told the family and friends of the austere and scholarly former senator, who died of a stroke last week at the age of 89.

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fulbright signed The Southern Manifesto in opposition of the Supreme Court's historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.[9]With other southern Democrats, Fulbright filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as voting against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.[10]

Southern Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Declaration of Constitutional Principles (known informally as the Southern Manifesto) was a document written in February and March 1956, in the United States Congress, in opposition to racial integration of public places.[1] The manifesto was signed by 101 politicians (99 Southern Democrats) from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.[1] The Congressmen drafted the document to counter the landmark Supreme Court 1954 ruling Brown v. Board of Education, which determined that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. School segregation laws were some of the most enduring and best-known of the Jim Crow laws that characterized the American South and several northern states at the time.

^^^ Bill Clinton's professed "mentor" ...J. William Fulbright -- Segregationist.
There you go again. 19 50 fucking 4. God dammit. Talk about the Blacks joining the Democratic Party in the middle 60's. Talk about why the GOP is 90% white, Christian and conservative today. Talk about why Republicans at the USMB supports Confederates. Talk about why the vast majority of the north was Republican, and the vast majority of the south was Democrat in 1860 and how those numbers reversed in the middle 1960's. Obviously you keep trying to change the narrative.

I'm sorry you feel so bad about your racist party that you have to reinvent history so you can justify being a Republican, but that's who you people are. Deal with it, but don't lie about about it. Not everyone has tard issues.

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