How come Boehner's and Cantor's bill got 36 votes?

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
They sent ANOTHER bill over to the Senate that had scant chance of passing. They wanted off-sets, for political purposes, in lieu of helping out people who need FEMA assistance.
Senate rejects House spending bill, raising fears of shutdown - The Hill's Floor Action
The Democrats also oppose this particular offset, which would gut the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program, a Bush-era direct loan program designed to help the nation's automakers create new fuel-efficiency technologies.

Both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers oppose the offset provision, warning that the cut would eliminate thousands of jobs.

Why are Boehner & Cantor sending over job-killing bills even the Chamber of Commerce objects to? :eusa_eh: :eusa_wall:
If I'm not mistaken the Reps want to pay for the disaster relief.

They want to use the subsidies for the green bs to pay for it. Works for me especially when Barry's green crap has cost we taxpayers half a billion already. Money we are last in line to get back. Solyndra anyone.??

Put that money to good use. Disaster relief.
If I'm not mistaken the Reps want to pay for the disaster relief.

They want to use the subsidies for the green bs to pay for it. Works for me especially when Barry's green crap has cost we taxpayers half a billion already. Money we are last in line to get back. Solyndra anyone.??

Put that money to good use. Disaster relief.

The "green BS" as you affectionately refer to it as, was instituted in 2005 by Bu$h II.
In 2005, recognizing a systemic shortage of private sector debt financing for certain types of
innovative clean energy projects — from renewables to clean coal to nuclear power — President
Bush signed into law bipartisan legislation that established the Title XVII loan guarantee
Why do I get the feeling that you're prolly overjoyed w/ the failure of the enterprise anyway?
Well Dot Obama came in pushing his green energy bs big time. Green was going to creat tons of jobs. It didn't.

In case you forgot the Bush administration nixed the Solyndra deal because of the instability of the company. Bush's DOE said no way. PW house as well.

Obamas administration totally ignored the reports from the Bush adminsistrations DOE and the PW eval. all in the name of Barry's Green agenda.

Now, who would you say screwed the pooch on that one Dot??
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Withholding emergency funds is now termed "the Cantor Doctrine" :rolleyes:

BTW- the chamber of commerce said Boehner/Cantor's bill was a job-killer that would kill 45,000 jobs :(
BTW- the chamber of commerce said Boehner/Cantor's bill was a job-killer that would kill 45,000 jobs :(

There would be a hell of a lot more jobs if the government stopped wasting money trying to "create" them.
They sent ANOTHER bill over to the Senate that had scant chance of passing. They wanted off-sets, for political purposes, in lieu of helping out people who need FEMA assistance.
Senate rejects House spending bill, raising fears of shutdown - The Hill's Floor Action
The Democrats also oppose this particular offset, which would gut the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program, a Bush-era direct loan program designed to help the nation's automakers create new fuel-efficiency technologies.

Both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers oppose the offset provision, warning that the cut would eliminate thousands of jobs.

Why are Boehner & Cantor sending over job-killing bills even the Chamber of Commerce objects to? :eusa_eh: :eusa_wall:

The federal government shouldn't be subsidizing industries in the first place, nor should they be paying people's bills because of natural disasters.
Herman Cain said their hostage-holding, tactic has got to stop:

Cain: House Republicans should fund FEMA now, worry about offsets later - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain — fresh off a surprise victory in the Florida straw poll that has re-energized his campaign — broke with House Republicans on Monday and urged Congress to fund the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster-relief program now, regardless of whether they can tie budget offsets to the bill.
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BTW- the chamber of commerce said Boehner/Cantor's bill was a job-killer that would kill 45,000 jobs :(

There would be a hell of a lot more jobs if the government stopped wasting money trying to "create" them.

Tell that to the Chamber of Commerce. Last I heard they weren't exactly "cozy" w/ the Democrats. ;)

What makes you think the Chamber of Commerce is opposed to businesses receiving corporate welfare?
Well, the GOP deliberately wanted to cut funds for one of Obama's pet projects, probably as a response to Obama's boondoggle, Solyndra. The Dems should say OK and add cutting the oil subsidies to Big Oil by an amount equal to the GOP's cuts of the Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program to the legislation. The Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program has more than $4 billion in unobligated funds. And Big Oil sure the hell doesn't need taxpayer paid subsidies, they have realized record profits for quite awhile.
That way,disaster relief gets it's money and a few billions dollars of the taxpayer's money is saved on top of that by the cuts put in with place with Big Oil and the Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program.
The winners are the taxpayers and at the same time both parties sacrifice programs that are dear to them.
Unemployment is going to go up when the next prez gets in office. This is a fact. You can't remove the government funding for green projects that don't work without people loosing jobs. The jobs shouldn't have existed in the first place, if the business Cant get out of the red on it's own like many green companies then they need to lock the doors. This is just a part of life.

The TPers were elected for one purpose.

Bring spending under control

If a bill comes to your attention that is not paid for, VOTE IT DOWN. That isn't to hard to understand is it? The Dems decided to test the TPers resolve with this FEMA issue, to see if they could put the pressure on by saying "how can you not fund disaster relief?" ... Their answer was simple "Cut from someplace and it will be funded"

it's a politia game to try to make the TPers "play ball" and compromise the very purpose to which they were elected ... I truely hope they can stick to their guns, this is only the first battle, but if they stick to their guns, they will come out of it stronger
Well, the GOP deliberately wanted to cut funds for one of Obama's pet projects, probably as a response to Obama's boondoggle, Solyndra. The Dems should say OK and add cutting the oil subsidies to Big Oil by an amount equal to the GOP's cuts of the Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program to the legislation. The Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program has more than $4 billion in unobligated funds. And Big Oil sure the hell doesn't need taxpayer paid subsidies, they have realized record profits for quite awhile.
That way,disaster relief gets it's money and a few billions dollars of the taxpayer's money is saved on top of that by the cuts put in with place with Big Oil and the Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing Loan program.
The winners are the taxpayers and at the same time both parties sacrifice programs that are dear to them.

None of this other crap should even be in the bill. If the legislation was to provide disaster aid, that's all they should be voting on.
Herman Cain (R) is right!!! Cantor (R) & Boehner (R) need to stop holding legislation hostage to appease the t- partiers.
It's not about FEMA, it's about the headline "Pubs (TPers actually) won't fund disaster relief"

The only problem is that it's coming at the wrong time. We just raised the dept ceiling, where did that money go? The people are on to the scam and are not putting the pressure on the Pubs or TP to do anything.

We JUST gave them money, why are they asking for more a month later? Didn't we raise the debt ceiling in a number that had a "T" behind it? And now they don't have 1B for disaster relief?

Get real, if they want more money, cut it from someplace
Herman Cain (R) is right!!! Cantor (R) & Boehner (R) need to stop holding legislation hostage to appease the t- partiers.

They don't have the votes.

We (TP) can join the other side and kill the bill. We aren't tired to the Pubs or Dems. Whichever side doesn't like the compromise, that's the side we vote with.

We don't have the votes to pass laws yet without lots of help (yet) but as long as the two parties are bickering, we have the votes to kill bills
If the dems and pubs can agree on a bill, they outnumber our 49 votes... But they have to agree to beat us
I honestly think the next budget impass will involve baby formula

"TPers in congress refuse to feed needy infants"

You know what? I hope they stick to the job we elected them to do. You want to feed needy babies? Take the money that your spending in places like solor cell companys that go belly up and pass a little of it to feed the poor innocent staving infants

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