How close is this country to dying due to Democrats actions?

What? The probability the Democrats have finessed the voting system to their advantage is about the same as their manipulating the DOJ and the FBI. And probability is high THEY are doing BOTH. Trump impeach and indicted multiple times? The rape thing? The Georgia case? You have to be naive as hell or a Democrat voter NOT to see how corrupt the Democrats ARE.
Conspiracy much?. Nutjob
Trump isn't perfect...Nope! I get it. But on the other hand, Biden unilaterally abandoning things for random ill thought out reasons whatever seems to be pathological aspect of his governmental strategy. Just randomly do stuff! Abandon the southern border or Afghanistan without any forethought or strategic reason or planning, just do it, that's Biden's well thought out strategy! Biden gave millions to Iran and took the Houthis off the terrorist list, because, he likes to pretend to be the nice nice guy and panders to stupid people. Or something
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Trump isn't perfect...Nope! I get it. But on the other hand, Biden unilaterally abandoning things for random ill thought out reasons whatever seems to be pathological aspect of his governmental strategy. Just randomly do stuff! Abandon the southern border or Afghanistan without any forethought or strategic reason or planning, just do it, that's Biden's well thought out strategy!
This bill shows that Joe has NOT abandoned the southern border
This bill shows that Joe has NOT abandoned the southern border
Lesh: how is that being a Chinese bot thing working for you? Everything Biden does ruins America, and a real American that lives in America can see that every day. There is no argument here. If you support Biden you are not American.
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

I mean, if you think it's all because of the Democrats, then you're a part of the problem of the US's decline.
Lesh: how is that being a Chinese bot thing working for you? Everything Biden does ruins America, and a real American that lives in America can see that every day. There is no argument here. If you support Biden you are not American.
You’re fucking insane
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

Our country and it's people are getting older. The Democrats know this and are working to protect the American people from hardships now and those which will come in.the future. republicans aren't helping anyone , including themselves.

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