How can there ever be peace here?

There is a tribe of Zionist "fascists" waiting to go to Zion to Caterpillarize that ugly looking yellow onion Dome and the Royal Stables aka Al Aqsa mosque and commence building the 3d Temple.No hurry. Just waiting on the go ahead. How 'bout them apples?
Yep. Ariel Sharon is in a coma, but his bulldozers keep on keeping on.

If we didin't have a lot of people including Jimmy Carter watching and complaining about Zionists, they'd go ahead and whack everybody, like they did, after the ancient mob of Habirus stoned Moses. The ancient invaders took advantage of the eruption of Thera, to escape from Egyptian control, with a lot of Egyptian gear, get to the Sea of Galilee, and kill every man, woman, and child, in Ai, Jericho, Hazor, and about 50 other places.

We are liable to lose the Earth as a human habitat, by the next eruption, of Thera. We are liable to lose the US mainland, when Yellowstone erupts. And of course, the US guarantees Israel's oil, and neither the US nor Israel develops CO2-neutral biomass, to compete with petroleum, but look at 'em all go get nuclear power!

The stampeding killers will bust all the chromosomes, of those they neglect to murder. Acidification and warming are accelerating, and the oceanic food chain is threatened. All this manifest-destiny-land-grab nonsense has a carbon footprint, so we might get to mass extinction event 6, before we see peace. Sorry about Yitzhak Rabin's death . . .
There is a tribe of Zionist "fascists" waiting to go to Zion to Caterpillarize that ugly looking yellow onion Dome and the Royal Stables aka Al Aqsa mosque and commence building the 3d Temple.No hurry. Just waiting on the go ahead. How 'bout them apples?
Yep. Ariel Sharon is in a coma, but his bulldozers keep on keeping on.

If we didin't have a lot of people including Jimmy Carter watching and complaining about Zionists, they'd go ahead and whack everybody, like they did, after the ancient mob of Habirus stoned Moses. The ancient invaders took advantage of the eruption of Thera, to escape from Egyptian control, with a lot of Egyptian gear, get to the Sea of Galilee, and kill every man, woman, and child, in Ai, Jericho, Hazor, and about 50 other places.

We are liable to lose the Earth as a human habitat, by the next eruption, of Thera. We are liable to lose the US mainland, when Yellowstone erupts. And of course, the US guarantees Israel's oil, and neither the US nor Israel develops CO2-neutral biomass, to compete with petroleum, but look at 'em all go get nuclear power!

The stampeding killers will bust all the chromosomes, of those they neglect to murder. Acidification and warming are accelerating, and the oceanic food chain is threatened. All this manifest-destiny-land-grab nonsense has a carbon footprint, so we might get to mass extinction event 6, before we see peace. Sorry about Yitzhak Rabin's death . . .
If all that comes to pass I may have to join Castro's Army.
If we didin't have a lot of people including Jimmy Carter watching and complaining about Zionists, they'd go ahead and whack everybody,

Hilarious, this idiot. Thank goodness for jimmy carter - who knew that an 85-year old was so powerful he could stop all those zionists with a single punch? :cuckoo:

I think of Lamont in American History X mocking the klan when I read posts from morons like this.
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Lets figure out this land issue rationally & without bias. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Once we know that we will know who is stealing who's land.
Habirus and their allies which killed everybody they could kill in the area of the Sea of Galilee to found Israel and Judea are from an area in Abyssinia.

That was a source of irony, in that Y'shua (Jesus) spoke Aramaic, from conquest by Aramid tribes, before the Romans took over Judea. The Aramids were also from Abyssinia.

But you cannot find Zionist fascists, who want to invade Ethiopia, unless they worked for Benito Mussolini, back in the 1930s and early 1940s. We CAN find Zionist fascists, who will distort every last bit of information and every public agenda, to justify their modern conquest.

The reason for any mosque is Judaism didn't suit dominant culture, until the industrial revolution, when seditious Christians decided 'settlement' of Palestine would suit a modern Crusade. Christianity was not sufficient, to dominant culture, until Constantine, but it has a lot of flaws, vis a vis virgin birth, Catholic media such as removal of vital gospels, and generally nasty fascists, which support Christianity, over time. Ask yourself 'the question!'

My answer is 'yes,' but take off, eh! :cuckoo:

So Islam developed. As for which building was where, when, this is not relevant. Zionist institutions are a nuisance, to the US and to the rest of the world.
Good thing we have AIPAC. And what in the world would we do without ZOG?
LMAO! :lol:

There is a tribe of Zionist "fascists" waiting to go to Zion to Caterpillarize that ugly looking yellow onion Dome and the Royal Stables aka Al Aqsa mosque and commence building the 3d Temple.No hurry. Just waiting on the go ahead. How 'bout them apples?
Yep. Ariel Sharon is in a coma, but his bulldozers keep on keeping on.

If we didin't have a lot of people including Jimmy Carter watching and complaining about Zionists, they'd go ahead and whack everybody, like they did, after the ancient mob of Habirus stoned Moses. The ancient invaders took advantage of the eruption of Thera, to escape from Egyptian control, with a lot of Egyptian gear, get to the Sea of Galilee, and kill every man, woman, and child, in Ai, Jericho, Hazor, and about 50 other places.

We are liable to lose the Earth as a human habitat, by the next eruption, of Thera. We are liable to lose the US mainland, when Yellowstone erupts. And of course, the US guarantees Israel's oil, and neither the US nor Israel develops CO2-neutral biomass, to compete with petroleum, but look at 'em all go get nuclear power!

The stampeding killers will bust all the chromosomes, of those they neglect to murder. Acidification and warming are accelerating, and the oceanic food chain is threatened. All this manifest-destiny-land-grab nonsense has a carbon footprint, so we might get to mass extinction event 6, before we see peace. Sorry about Yitzhak Rabin's death . . .
If all that comes to pass I may have to join Castro's Army.
Lets figure out this land issue rationally & without bias. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Once we know that we will know who is stealing who's land.
Habirus and their allies which killed everybody they could kill in the area of the Sea of Galilee to found Israel and Judea are from an area in Abyssinia.

That was a source of irony, in that Y'shua (Jesus) spoke Aramaic, from conquest by Aramid tribes, before the Romans took over Judea. The Aramids were also from Abyssinia.

But you cannot find Zionist fascists, who want to invade Ethiopia, unless they worked for Benito Mussolini, back in the 1930s and early 1940s. We CAN find Zionist fascists, who will distort every last bit of information and every public agenda, to justify their modern conquest.

The reason for any mosque is Judaism didn't suit dominant culture, until the industrial revolution, when seditious Christians decided 'settlement' of Palestine would suit a modern Crusade. Christianity was not sufficient, to dominant culture, until Constantine, but it has a lot of flaws, vis a vis virgin birth, Catholic media such as removal of vital gospels, and generally nasty fascists, which support Christianity, over time. Ask yourself 'the question!'

My answer is 'yes,' but take off, eh! :cuckoo:

So Islam developed. As for which building was where, when, this is not relevant. Zionist institutions are a nuisance, to the US and to the rest of the world.
Good thing we have AIPAC. And what in the world would we do without ZOG?

Yeah, what would we do without those freeloaders mooching our money?
Habirus and their allies which killed everybody they could kill in the area of the Sea of Galilee to found Israel and Judea are from an area in Abyssinia.

That was a source of irony, in that Y'shua (Jesus) spoke Aramaic, from conquest by Aramid tribes, before the Romans took over Judea. The Aramids were also from Abyssinia.

But you cannot find Zionist fascists, who want to invade Ethiopia, unless they worked for Benito Mussolini, back in the 1930s and early 1940s. We CAN find Zionist fascists, who will distort every last bit of information and every public agenda, to justify their modern conquest.

The reason for any mosque is Judaism didn't suit dominant culture, until the industrial revolution, when seditious Christians decided 'settlement' of Palestine would suit a modern Crusade. Christianity was not sufficient, to dominant culture, until Constantine, but it has a lot of flaws, vis a vis virgin birth, Catholic media such as removal of vital gospels, and generally nasty fascists, which support Christianity, over time. Ask yourself 'the question!'

My answer is 'yes,' but take off, eh! :cuckoo:

So Islam developed. As for which building was where, when, this is not relevant. Zionist institutions are a nuisance, to the US and to the rest of the world.
Good thing we have AIPAC. And what in the world would we do without ZOG?

Yeah, what would we do without those freeloaders mooching our money?
AIPAC exists from donations and the ZOG is elected. Why do you think the American people keeps ZOG in office? Your pissing and moaning won't change a thing.
Try giving them a generous donation and they'll go away.
If I was President, I'd outlaw AIPAC in the continental United States. I'd make it a federal crime for any member of AIPAC to officially contact a member of Congress.
I don't think so. The President doesn't make laws. And the ZOG lawmakers (Congress) won't pass 'em. Checkmate.
So Rhodescholar lost or is a loser, or both. .

I am merely re-inforcing the beatdowns I apply to the ignorant, racist trash permeating this forum with colorful language and shining symbols of their vanquished selves. Think of it like branding cattle with scars that will never heal.

Gee, you really have a high opinion of yourself, don't you? :lol:
The only people who get branded like cattle are Jews. :lmao:
Fact is ZOG RULES. That is why there will never be Sharia law in the USA. Repeat after me --- GOD BLESS ZOG!

Try giving them a generous donation and they'll go away.
If I was President, I'd outlaw AIPAC in the continental United States. I'd make it a federal crime for any member of AIPAC to officially contact a member of Congress.
I don't think so. The President doesn't make laws. And the ZOG lawmakers (Congress) won't pass 'em. Checkmate.
Try giving them a generous donation and they'll go away.
If I was President, I'd outlaw AIPAC in the continental United States. I'd make it a federal crime for any member of AIPAC to officially contact a member of Congress.
I don't think so. The President doesn't make laws. And the ZOG lawmakers (Congress) won't pass 'em. Checkmate.
I don't like the way AIPAC contacts representatives, and I don't like the way Christians and other Zionists have violated the separation clause, on their way to violating the standing army clause and enumeration of powers clause, to belittle the definition, of 'common defense,' and to exacerbate their sedition, over time, with aid to fascist Israel.

Let's see how they'd handle a righteous information, from the US Attorney. Pricks.
Hey, look at the bright side. Long after your life is over, Israel will still be thriving thanks to Zog's Christians & Jews. And you won't have to suffer over it any longer.

If I was President, I'd outlaw AIPAC in the continental United States. I'd make it a federal crime for any member of AIPAC to officially contact a member of Congress.
I don't think so. The President doesn't make laws. And the ZOG lawmakers (Congress) won't pass 'em. Checkmate.
I don't like the way AIPAC contacts representatives, and I don't like the way Christians and other Zionists have violated the separation clause, on their way to violating the standing army clause and enumeration of powers clause, to belittle the definition, of 'common defense,' and to exacerbate their sedition, over time, with aid to fascist Israel.

Let's see how they'd handle a righteous information, from the US Attorney. Pricks.
There will be no sharia law here in the USA thanks to ZOG.
. . . but no thanks, to ZOG. We might end up with a steady increase, in the number of Muslims, in the US, even if the Feds and NYPD are bugging them.

Know why? You Zion-nazis are assholes. People will have to get you out of influence, since you suck, and you are greedy about it. You don't have any sort of restraint. You are not like Meyer Lansky, who was a modest gangster. I guess when he got busted, you freaks all decided to go off.

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