How Bad is Inflation?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Last August, used cars were selling for an average of $21,000. This August, they were almost $28,000. Same car, seven grand more. Over the same period, the price of gas jumped a full dollar a gallon, and more than that in some places. Been to the grocery store lately? The cost of a pound of steak is up by two bucks. A pound of bacon costs over seven dollars. Suddenly everything costs more: eggs, milk, coffee, mustard. These aren’t luxury items. These are things you buy every week. Are your wages rising as fast as your food costs? Vegetable oil is up sixty percent. Probably not. You’re getting poorer. That’s what inflation does. It causes poverty. The Biden administration is actively making this much worse.
Last August, used cars were selling for an average of $21,000. This August, they were almost $28,000. Same car, seven grand more. Over the same period, the price of gas jumped a full dollar a gallon, and more than that in some places. Been to the grocery store lately? The cost of a pound of steak is up by two bucks. A pound of bacon costs over seven dollars. Suddenly everything costs more: eggs, milk, coffee, mustard. These aren’t luxury items. These are things you buy every week. Are your wages rising as fast as your food costs? Vegetable oil is up sixty percent. Probably not. You’re getting poorer. That’s what inflation does. It causes poverty. The Biden administration is actively making this much worse.

Most of the car lots I see are pretty bare because of the microchip shortage.

How's that hope and change build back better coming along, girlie? :auiqs.jpg:
Inflation is making everyone but the very rich become poorer. Biden actually put us into a repeating cycle where shortages lead to greater demand and higher prices. It will only get worse as long as we have this dipshit Democrat party calling the shots. It's also a great reason to NOT pass the Democrat's Wet Dream bill otherwise known as the infrastructure bill. If that passes, things will get a lot worse.
Inflation is making everyone but the very rich become poorer. Biden actually put us into a repeating cycle where shortages lead to greater demand and higher prices. It will only get worse as long as we have this dipshit Democrat party calling the shots. It's also a great reason to NOT pass the Democrat's Wet Dream bill otherwise known as the infrastructure bill. If that passes, things will get a lot worse.
Which is why all the rich fat cats like Bill Gates are flaming Leftists.

They are enjoying this.
The pandemic slowed everyone down, its a workers world all over the globe.
How bad is inflation? You ain't seen nuthin' yet. The plan is for runaway inflation to diminish the value of our national debt and raise taxes at the same time. ($400k will become an average income.)

After that, we will abandon the dollar completely and move to government controlled digital currency.

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