How are you celebrating January 6?

Righteous shot? shooting an unarmed woman in the head is heroic to you, or is it that you would like to see more people killed in this day and age for opposing the people you really support? And you think you're independent of the "duopoly"? Hell man, this is how you support it....

Let me ask you this, had she been climbing through your window at your house, would you have let her in and asked her if she was armed or would you have blown her away once one leg was through the window?

I can tell you the answer for me is the latter.
He took a righteous shot that put an end to the threat of the people he was charged with protecting. That one shot sent the rest of the cowards fleeing like cockroaches when the light is turned on.

Did he testify? I had no idea but I do not really follow such things as it is all just for show.
He took a righteous shot
Not if his training was anything like mine in the use of Lethal Force.
I think it should be celebrated every year,
I raise a glass each time one of the traitor pals gets a long jail sentence.

At the same time, I savor your fascist sore-loser tears.

Also, I enjoy the thought of Ashli being forever entombed in the ice of the frozen eighth circle of hell, where the traitors end up.

It must suck hard for you that your weepy propaganda has had no effect at all on the legal system. Even DearLeaderTrump left all your fascist pals twisting in the wind. Your fascist masters used you and discarded you, and they're all laughing hard at what chumps you are.

Now, given your devotion to violent insurrection, should I be tipping off the FBI? It wouldn't be the first time I've helped the patriots track down traitors. And yes, I'm very proud of that.
I think it should be celebrated every year, like the British Guy Fawkes Day. With fireworks and burning effigies of Biden.

"The British comic book series V for Vendetta, which started in 1982, "centers on a vigilante's efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom". When developing the story, illustrator David Lloyd made a handwritten note on the intend anarchist protagonist, V: "Why don't we portray him as a resurrected Guy Fawkes, complete with one of those papier-mâché masks, in a cape and a conical hat? He'd look really bizarre and it would give Guy Fawkes the image he's deserved all these years. We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"

Guy Fawkes mask - Wikipedia

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia

The death of the traitor in your picture. The celebration of the hero that shot her.

The celebration of all those proud boy, and oath keepers pussies, sitting in a federal prison cell.

The ousting of the biggest pussy to ever sit in the white house, and his coming prosecution.

Oh, and the new law that will prevent the future attempts of Americas enemies on the right, from trying to overturn elections.

And finally, that we have Joe Biden as President, that will be bitch slapping everything the GOP house nutjobs think they're going to get passed, and two more years of packing the federal judiciary.

Happy January 6th everybody!!
I am willing to bet that your lethal force training included using it to prevent serious offenses against other persons.

it also trained me to know that Deadly Force is the LAST resort.

if she was only halfway through the window, Deadly Force was excessive.
A violent attempt to install a person who lost an election in the Whitehouse is not dissent. It`s treason and yes, I`m for shooting all traitors.
all Trump was guilty of was arranging a protest.

which the previous summer proved was NOT treasonous.
I'd like to see some fireworks..............

Especially one of these coming from DC..................or Marthas Vineyard

Not sure I would use the word heroic. Her being unarmed is totally irrelevant.

It has nothing to do with who they oppose or support. It has to do with the action they are committing at the time of the shooting.

Again, her political views are irrelevant. This is about her actions, not her views.
Certainly not if Ashley Babbit were a 250lb. Black, Drug dealer.....Then all hell would break loose....sad.
Let me ask you this, had she been climbing through your window at your house, would you have let her in and asked her if she was armed or would you have blown her away once one leg was through the window?

I can tell you the answer for me is the latter.
Well, it's OUR house, not yours or mine. And this Lt. Byrd is supposed to be a trained law enforcement officer, with the composure, and training not to over react to unarmed people....He failed in his duty on that day, and if this situation was in a different setting and it was a leftist Antifa, or BLM rally that a protestor was shot and killed at, the left would be calling for the death penalty for this cop...But, since it was a riot supporting the evil Trump boogeyman, the Cop is a hero, and no outrage....It's bullshit.
Not sure I would use the word heroic. Her being unarmed is totally irrelevant.

No it is not.....Unless you're for just open season on those you disagree with politically....You really want to live in that world?

It has nothing to do with who they oppose or support. It has to do with the action they are committing at the time of the shooting.

It has everything to do with the outrage over the incident....And for you to say it only has to do with the actions Babbit took at the moment disregards if there were other options for the Lt. to take.

Again, her political views are irrelevant. This is about her actions, not her views.

Not buying it....

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