How about this Lady!


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
Progressives have continually accused Conservatives as not wanting any change.
How many times on this board have the left accused the right of not wanting progress, or change.

How about Herman Cain being very popular and not being a career politician?
Seems to me the tea party does want change.
They want a businesses man and not a lawyer.
How many of our past Presidents have been lawyers? A little over half of them were.
Dem's also say the Government can not be run like a business.

How about Mayor Hazel McCallion?
She is the Mayor of Mississauga, Ontario and has been their Mayor for 32 years.
She was elected in 1975 and was just recently reelected in Oct. of 2010.
She runs her city government like a business and it is one of the few cities in Canada that is debt free.
She had a career in a corporation same as Herman Cain.

I like this woman's style;
She was lauded as a hero in April 2006 during a police standoff involving a distraught man threatening to kill himself. The five hour standoff promptly came to a peaceful end when McCallion appeared on the scene and demanded he stand down so that police, paramedic and fire personnel could attend to more important matters. :lol:


The woman is extremely popular and is well loved by the people.

It seems to me that this is the type of hope and change America should take with Herman Cain.
As long as we keep electing Lawyers as presidents, senators and representatives, they are just going to keep making laws that are in the interest of lawyers.
I'm sitting on the fence with Herman Cain. While I admit I like many of the things he says, his speeches remind me too much of an old Martin Luther King rally. If I had to vote today, I'd vote for Newt.
I like Newt...a lot...and I am surpirsed he is not a front runner. The left does not want to see Newt win the primary becuase they know he will make minced meat of Obama in a debate. It is funny watching the news...they never mention Newt...they still mention Bachman even though she is at the bottom...but they never mention Newt. To the media, he is not even a consideration.

LMAO...they mention Palin and Trump more than they mention Newt.....
I like Newt...a lot...and I am surpirsed he is not a front runner. The left does not want to see Newt win the primary becuase they know he will make minced meat of Obama in a debate. It is funny watching the news...they never mention Newt...they still mention Bachman even though she is at the bottom...but they never mention Newt. To the media, he is not even a consideration.

LMAO...they mention Palin and Trump more than they mention Newt.....

I agree. Newt should be getting a bit more coverage in the news.
Just give me someone with common sense. You can not spend more than you have. As long as we elect the rich pretty box and girls this is what we get. I am not sure about Cain either but at least he know first hand what a job is and how to create them. something that has been missing in Washington for the past 11 or 12 years.

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