House passes USMCA deal, giving Trump big win on trade, and Natzi tries to make it her deal!

Can you list the specific parts of the USMCA that are a "win" for the United States, and explain how they will help?
Can you list all the cocks you swallowed last night?

When is your STUPID ASS going to figure out that I don't waste my time engaging pathological liars and pieces of shit like you. All you do is lie. If I actually answered your question you would not hear the answer, you would just keep spewing out bullshit. Answering your questions is a colossal waste of time because you don't want answers. You live in a world of lies and stupidity.

As for other folks here, everyone has known for decades that NAFTA has SUCKED for America, and it took a great president like Trump to finally get rid of it and negotiate a good deal. Thats the news, and that fascist c*nt Pelosi had nothing to do with it.

You guys see what I mean? Posts 28, 29 and 30, the dumbfuck GAYtor has his eyes and ears totally shut. He does not want to hear the truth. He does not want facts. He wants to live in his fantasy bullshit world

I am the only one that has posted any facts you dumb bitch.
Speculation and scare predictions are not facts you dumb fucker....

I gave hard facts about the size of markets and the amount of changes between the two.

You have given nothing at all but meaningless talking points.
What is this?...its nonsense from some NAFTA fan...

If you like the USMCA then you are also a NAFTA fan as they are basically the same thing with a few tweaks...some good for us, some not so.

anyone can lie about anything in the bill...and you found it...good for you...

Show me the lies in what I cannot because you do nto know a fucking thing about either NAFTA nor USMCA other than what you get in your talking points emails.

Show me how even one thing I posted is wrong...just one.

tell you what...don't except the truth and do not invest in America...go ahead be a ne'er-do-well loser and watch us winners win...this new deal is the best deal for all three nations...not just two of them....

I just gave you the truth and to steal the cannot handle it. This new deal is a minor tweak of the old deal and the best thing about it is that it is a new deal that will last at least 16 years...removing uncertainty which is what people want.
Its all speculative.....and nonsense....

you just use words that you do not even know what they mean.

Tell me where I am wrong, why can you not do that since you are a self proclaimed expert?

Tell me where Trump's ITC is wrong.why can you not do that since you are a self proclaimed expert?

Here, I will make it even easier on one major change and explain how it will make a big difference in our economy. Should be easy since your job requires you to be an expert on them.
Lets make it easier. Any deal where we win a bit more is good for us. We have spent many decades paying others for everything. Like it is our birthright. We protect people and pay them for it. Our nation is a sieve. You obviously do not want any manufacturing jobs to return here by your posts. Manufacturing was what helped to make us great. China steals practically all of our technology and uses what it can for their own purposes. You only care about massive government thinking that this is real wealth building. We have a problem bringing the idea to production here. So China does the production for us. And we pay a cheap price for their products based on our technologies. But their economy is growing by this method. And their military is growing massively as they are putting out a naval vessel warship every 6 weeks now. It is true that our military is much better then theirs. It is also true they can build up to several more warships alone for everyone we put out. And their economy is growing big time with an endl3ess amount of people to work in their manufacturing plants at economical wages. Even so they are becoming middle class when they has no middle class at one time. They won't need us at some point.
So to you USMCA is no better than NAFTA?....

Not in any significant way. As I said the best thing about it is the certainty for the next 16 years.

Even the numbers that Trump's admin put out about the expectations are just minor things.

Tell me, why is it better since you seem to think so and you are an expert.

The USMCA reduces job outsourcing in the auto industry, which will boost manufacturing jobs in all three countries. Starting in 2020, all car exports are required to have 75 percent of their components made in either the U.S., Canada, or Mexico to qualify for zero tariffs. This will strengthen the manufacturing hubs and corresponding local and regional supply chains in North America.
So to you USMCA is no better than NAFTA?....

Not in any significant way. As I said the best thing about it is the certainty for the next 16 years.

Even the numbers that Trump's admin put out about the expectations are just minor things.

Tell me, why is it better since you seem to think so and you are an expert.

The agreement mandates that 40-45 percent of cars will be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour, which will primarily improve the wages of U.S. workers. But the deal also requires Mexico to make it easier for its workers to form unions, enabling them to also benefit from the deal.
Chinese currency manipulation has created real trade problems, as it has allowed China to increase its export advantage. The USMCA constrains currency manipulation by establishing a mechanism to monitor and take action against unfair currency devaluations. It also puts pressure on China to stop the practice by preventing the signatories from committing to new trade deals with China if it continues this strategy.
Lets make it easier. Any deal where we win a bit more is good for us. We have spent many decades paying others for everything. Like it is our birthright. We protect people and pay them for it. Our nation is a sieve. You obviously do not want any manufacturing jobs to return here by your posts. Manufacturing was what helped to make us great. China steals practically all of our technology and uses what it can for their own purposes. You only care about massive government thinking that this is real wealth building. We have a problem bringing the idea to production here. So China does the production for us. And we pay a cheap price for their products based on our technologies. But their economy is growing by this method. And their military is growing massively as they are putting out a naval vessel warship every 6 weeks now. It is true that our military is much better then theirs. It is also true they can build up to several more warships alone for everyone we put out. And their economy is growing big time with an endl3ess amount of people to work in their manufacturing plants at economical wages. Even so they are becoming middle class when they has no middle class at one time. They won't need us at some point.

You are aware the "C" in USMCA stands for Canada and not China...right?
Canada's protectionist dairy regulations had been a source of consternation for the U.S., but the agreement removes key barriers by expanding the range of U.S. dairy products that can be sold in Canada. It also forces British Columbia's stores to stock American wine alongside the province's own production.

And with this you prove me correct.

You cannot name one significant change...and you are an expert whose job depends on it.

Canada's protectionist dairy regulations had been a source of consternation for the U.S., but the agreement removes key barriers by expanding the range of U.S. dairy products that can be sold in Canada. It also forces British Columbia's stores to stock American wine alongside the province's own production.
So to you USMCA is no better than NAFTA?....

Not in any significant way. As I said the best thing about it is the certainty for the next 16 years.

Even the numbers that Trump's admin put out about the expectations are just minor things.

Tell me, why is it better since you seem to think so and you are an expert.

The agreement mandates that 40-45 percent of cars will be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour, which will primarily improve the wages of U.S. workers. But the deal also requires Mexico to make it easier for its workers to form unions, enabling them to also benefit from the deal.

It is not workers making earning at least $16 an hour, it is workers making an average of 16 dollars an hour. There is a big difference.

And it is also not 40-45%, it is 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck.

I thought you were an expert whose job relied on your knowledge...
USMCA goes further than any other trade agreement by requiring that between 40 percent and 45 percent of any vehicle made in Mexico or anywhere else in North America has to be produced by workers making at least $16 an hour. Democrats who have advocated this over the years should be hailing it as a breakthrough. The agreement requires USMCA-compliant autos and auto parts to have a higher percentage of U.S. and North American content: Under NAFTA, that content requirement is 62.5 percent — under USMCA it’s 75 percent, the highest of any U.S. trade agreement. This means more auto parts jobs in the United States. There is also a new and unprecedented requirement that 70 percent of the steel purchased is from USMCA countries.

The USMCA will also provide U.S. farmers with better access to new markets in Canada and Mexico. That’s why nearly 1,000 agricultural groups support the agreement. In every part of the country, farmers badly need these new markets at a time when farm country is hurting with low prices, a shrinking China market and bad weather.

When Democrats Like Gator...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.
So to you USMCA is no better than NAFTA?....

Not in any significant way. As I said the best thing about it is the certainty for the next 16 years.

Even the numbers that Trump's admin put out about the expectations are just minor things.

Tell me, why is it better since you seem to think so and you are an expert.

The agreement mandates that 40-45 percent of cars will be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour, which will primarily improve the wages of U.S. workers. But the deal also requires Mexico to make it easier for its workers to form unions, enabling them to also benefit from the deal.

It is not workers making earning at least $16 an hour, it is workers making an average of 16 dollars an hour. There is a big difference.

And it is also not 40-45%, it is 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck.

I thought you were an expert whose job relied on your knowledge...

When Democrats Like Gator here...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.

And with this you prove me correct.

You cannot name one significant change...and you are an expert whose job depends on it.

Canada's protectionist dairy regulations had been a source of consternation for the U.S., but the agreement removes key barriers by expanding the range of U.S. dairy products that can be sold in Canada. It also forces British Columbia's stores to stock American wine alongside the province's own production.

I touched on is it again...nothing that will move the needle in our economy.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.
So to you USMCA is no better than NAFTA?....

Not in any significant way. As I said the best thing about it is the certainty for the next 16 years.

Even the numbers that Trump's admin put out about the expectations are just minor things.

Tell me, why is it better since you seem to think so and you are an expert.

The agreement mandates that 40-45 percent of cars will be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour, which will primarily improve the wages of U.S. workers. But the deal also requires Mexico to make it easier for its workers to form unions, enabling them to also benefit from the deal.

It is not workers making earning at least $16 an hour, it is workers making an average of 16 dollars an hour. There is a big difference.

And it is also not 40-45%, it is 40% of an automobile and 45% of a light truck.

I thought you were an expert whose job relied on your knowledge...

When Democrats Like Gator here...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.

I am the only one giving facts, you are giving talking points that are not even accurate.

You claim to be an expert on these agreements and you cannot even get a single point correct.

And with this you prove me correct.

You cannot name one significant change...and you are an expert whose job depends on it.

Canada's protectionist dairy regulations had been a source of consternation for the U.S., but the agreement removes key barriers by expanding the range of U.S. dairy products that can be sold in Canada. It also forces British Columbia's stores to stock American wine alongside the province's own production.

I touched on is it again...nothing that will move the needle in our economy.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.

When Democrats Like Gator...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.
USMCA goes further than any other trade agreement by requiring that between 40 percent and 45 percent of any vehicle made in Mexico or anywhere else in North America has to be produced by workers making at least $16 an hour. Democrats who have advocated this over the years should be hailing it as a breakthrough. The agreement requires USMCA-compliant autos and auto parts to have a higher percentage of U.S. and North American content: Under NAFTA, that content requirement is 62.5 percent — under USMCA it’s 75 percent, the highest of any U.S. trade agreement. This means more auto parts jobs in the United States. There is also a new and unprecedented requirement that 70 percent of the steel purchased is from USMCA countries.

The USMCA will also provide U.S. farmers with better access to new markets in Canada and Mexico. That’s why nearly 1,000 agricultural groups support the agreement. In every part of the country, farmers badly need these new markets at a time when farm country is hurting with low prices, a shrinking China market and bad weather.

When Democrats Like Gator...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.

Still parroting the talking points and not giving a single fact.
I am the only one giving facts, you are giving talking points that are not even accurate.
This is why I don't bother myself debating with do not want USMCA to be good for the nation because you hate Trump...cut off your nose to spite your are making a fool out of yourself....

And with this you prove me correct.

You cannot name one significant change...and you are an expert whose job depends on it.

Canada's protectionist dairy regulations had been a source of consternation for the U.S., but the agreement removes key barriers by expanding the range of U.S. dairy products that can be sold in Canada. It also forces British Columbia's stores to stock American wine alongside the province's own production.

I touched on is it again...nothing that will move the needle in our economy.

3. Restrictions on the import of U.S. ultra-filtered milk into Canada have been removed. This is a niche product used mostly by people like body builders and such looking for a boost in protein without extra sugar. Total sales in America are in the 130 million range and the companies that make it are very limited.

4. US producers will have access to an additional 3.6% of Canada’s dairy market. The entire Canadian Dairy market is about 10.5 billion total, so 3.6% of that is about 380 million. The US dairy market is about 47 billion, so the extra sales come out to 0.81% addition...less than 1% more sold...and that is only if they can take advantage of the full 3.6% extra that is open...which is not guaranteed. According to the US International Trade commission the new deal would add about 227 million a year to US dairy sales, or 0.61%. I guess they are not expecting the dairy companies to be able to take advantage of the whole extra 3.6% of the Canadian market.

When Democrats Like Gator...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.

With each of these post you do nothing but prove me correct. I provide facts and you provide insults, you have proven you have no knowledge of either NAFTA nor the USMCA...all you have are the talking points your party masters give you.
USMCA goes further than any other trade agreement by requiring that between 40 percent and 45 percent of any vehicle made in Mexico or anywhere else in North America has to be produced by workers making at least $16 an hour. Democrats who have advocated this over the years should be hailing it as a breakthrough. The agreement requires USMCA-compliant autos and auto parts to have a higher percentage of U.S. and North American content: Under NAFTA, that content requirement is 62.5 percent — under USMCA it’s 75 percent, the highest of any U.S. trade agreement. This means more auto parts jobs in the United States. There is also a new and unprecedented requirement that 70 percent of the steel purchased is from USMCA countries.

The USMCA will also provide U.S. farmers with better access to new markets in Canada and Mexico. That’s why nearly 1,000 agricultural groups support the agreement. In every part of the country, farmers badly need these new markets at a time when farm country is hurting with low prices, a shrinking China market and bad weather.

When Democrats Like Gator...say that the USMCA is just like the NAFTA agreement they oppose, they’re ignoring the facts to score political points.

Still parroting the talking points and not giving a single fact.
I gave you five posts full of facts but TDS forbids you from believing...

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