House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The reckoning is coming.

Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor.

It was a day of many firsts for the longstanding bill known as H.R. 40, as it had previously never received a markup or a committee vote.

Spearheaded by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who took up H.R. 40's cause after the late Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) retired from Congress in 2017, the bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee along party lines.

The committee held a hearing on H.R. 40 back in February, which featured multiple reparative justice experts. The idea of reparations, while not new, has gained steam in recent years, and the legislation currently has 176 co-sponsors in the House, its most ever.

"Today, the U.S. Congress finally took the kind of action on reparations that movement advocates, experts and Black people have been demanding for decades," Dreisen Heath, a racial justice researcher for Human Rights Watch who testified at the hearing, said in a statement.

"This milestone moves the nation one step closer to comprehensively reckoning with the disastrous effects of slavery that have been compounding for Black people every day.

Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations
Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

That makes you feel justified? You think it's honest because it benefits you??? It could not possibly be lip service, because they are not scared of Black people, like all the other white people???

The lasting legacy of slavery lives rent-free in the minds of Black people. If white people wanted to enslave black people they would do it. Black people are too stupid to realize how inefficient slavery is. Racial discrimination is unavoidable, it's just that because white supremacy lives rent-free in Black people's minds, black people remain stupid.
If approved, and money sent out to......? There were free blacks in the US that had black slaves. There were indigenous tribes that had black slaves. There were most Northerners and Southerners that never had slaves and millions of Northerners that fought against slavery in the Civil War. Good luck figuring that out, as taking money from everyone that isn't black, is discriminatory and a violation of the Constitution.
Now, if they did issue out money, they would have to pay it out only to direct descendants of slaves. Once they get the money (and it ain't gonna be millions), the money they do get will just be spent on cars, computers, some property and other "things," and once it's gone, which would be quickly, they'd still be whining. No better off than they were.
And then what happens after they get the pay-off?
The corporate propaganda about "institutional racism" will end. . .

Global warming will stop, all endangered species will be saved, the air and water will be clean, everyone will have as much food and money that they need, there will be no hunger, no war, no poverty, and no one will ever ever have any bad feeling or be offended again.

Equal rights and equal treatment will be guaranteed for all.

We will all have the same houses and get rid of the super rich, and we will usher in a gold age of equality. . . well, except those politicians and CEO's that give us all these things, because, of course, they deserve more. . .


The reckoning is coming.

Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor.

It was a day of many firsts for the longstanding bill known as H.R. 40, as it had previously never received a markup or a committee vote.

Spearheaded by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who took up H.R. 40's cause after the late Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) retired from Congress in 2017, the bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee along party lines.

The committee held a hearing on H.R. 40 back in February, which featured multiple reparative justice experts. The idea of reparations, while not new, has gained steam in recent years, and the legislation currently has 176 co-sponsors in the House, its most ever.

"Today, the U.S. Congress finally took the kind of action on reparations that movement advocates, experts and Black people have been demanding for decades," Dreisen Heath, a racial justice researcher for Human Rights Watch who testified at the hearing, said in a statement.

"This milestone moves the nation one step closer to comprehensively reckoning with the disastrous effects of slavery that have been compounding for Black people every day.

Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations

You're not going to like the way this turns out, I guarantee it.
The reckoning is coming.

Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor.

It was a day of many firsts for the longstanding bill known as H.R. 40, as it had previously never received a markup or a committee vote.

Spearheaded by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who took up H.R. 40's cause after the late Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) retired from Congress in 2017, the bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee along party lines.

The committee held a hearing on H.R. 40 back in February, which featured multiple reparative justice experts. The idea of reparations, while not new, has gained steam in recent years, and the legislation currently has 176 co-sponsors in the House, its most ever.

"Today, the U.S. Congress finally took the kind of action on reparations that movement advocates, experts and Black people have been demanding for decades," Dreisen Heath, a racial justice researcher for Human Rights Watch who testified at the hearing, said in a statement.

"This milestone moves the nation one step closer to comprehensively reckoning with the disastrous effects of slavery that have been compounding for Black people every day.

Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations

You're not going to like the way this turns out, I guarantee it.
I think you're wrong.
And then what happens after they get the pay-off?
The corporate propaganda about "institutional racism" will end. . .

Global warming will stop, all endangered species will be saved, the air and water will be clean, everyone will have as much food and money that they need, there will be no hunger, no war, no poverty, and no one will ever ever have any bad feeling or be offended again.

Equal rights and equal treatment will be guaranteed for all.

We will all have the same houses and get rid of the super rich, and we will usher in a gold age of equality. . . well, except those politicians and CEO's that give us all these things, because, of course, they deserve more. . .


Institutional racism is not propaganda. But white racists tell themselves that and in their delusion of their own supremacy believe they can repeat this lie over and over and somehow everybody else will start believing it.
The reckoning is coming.

Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor.

It was a day of many firsts for the longstanding bill known as H.R. 40, as it had previously never received a markup or a committee vote.

Spearheaded by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who took up H.R. 40's cause after the late Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) retired from Congress in 2017, the bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee along party lines.

The committee held a hearing on H.R. 40 back in February, which featured multiple reparative justice experts. The idea of reparations, while not new, has gained steam in recent years, and the legislation currently has 176 co-sponsors in the House, its most ever.

"Today, the U.S. Congress finally took the kind of action on reparations that movement advocates, experts and Black people have been demanding for decades," Dreisen Heath, a racial justice researcher for Human Rights Watch who testified at the hearing, said in a statement.

"This milestone moves the nation one step closer to comprehensively reckoning with the disastrous effects of slavery that have been compounding for Black people every day.

Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations
What kind of reparations would you like to see and how would you generally see it rolling out?
And then what happens after they get the pay-off?
The corporate propaganda about "institutional racism" will end. . .

Global warming will stop, all endangered species will be saved, the air and water will be clean, everyone will have as much food and money that they need, there will be no hunger, no war, no poverty, and no one will ever ever have any bad feeling or be offended again.

Equal rights and equal treatment will be guaranteed for all.

We will all have the same houses and get rid of the super rich, and we will usher in a gold age of equality. . . well, except those politicians and CEO's that give us all these things, because, of course, they deserve more. . .


Institutional racism is not propaganda. But white racists tell themselves that and in their delusion of their own supremacy believe they can repeat this lie over and over and somehow everybody else will start believing it.

And yet? When people ask you to give a modern example, something that is actually happening today as an example of the establishment perpetuating racism?

I hope the commission comes back with the recommendation to make all the Negors pay back us White people for all the crime they have committed to us, for the damage with rioting and looting and for the goddamn welfare they got.

That is the kind of socially responsible reparations we need.
The reckoning is coming.

Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor.

It was a day of many firsts for the longstanding bill known as H.R. 40, as it had previously never received a markup or a committee vote.

Spearheaded by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who took up H.R. 40's cause after the late Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) retired from Congress in 2017, the bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee along party lines.

The committee held a hearing on H.R. 40 back in February, which featured multiple reparative justice experts. The idea of reparations, while not new, has gained steam in recent years, and the legislation currently has 176 co-sponsors in the House, its most ever.

"Today, the U.S. Congress finally took the kind of action on reparations that movement advocates, experts and Black people have been demanding for decades," Dreisen Heath, a racial justice researcher for Human Rights Watch who testified at the hearing, said in a statement.

"This milestone moves the nation one step closer to comprehensively reckoning with the disastrous effects of slavery that have been compounding for Black people every day.

Reparations are talked about as a way to fix the disparities that Black people in the country face because of the lasting legacy of slavery and subsequent racial discrimination.

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, released a study in November stating that reparations for Black Americans would have reduced health disparities in Black communities, which in turn would have lessened the effect that COVID-19 has had on them.

House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations
What kind of reparations would you like to see and how would you generally see it rolling out?

I appreciate the thoughtful question slade.

Funding black tradesmen and women to physically rebuild black community infrastructure to include building retail business, health care and recreational facilities.

Venture capital to aspiring black entrreprenures.

Increased funding for education in black communities.

2 and 4 year full scholarships for secondary educational or vocational education.

Funding for job training for older citizens

And then a cash payment of approximately 100,000 to every black citizen with incomes or net worth of less than 143,600 dollars, which is average the net wealth of white families.
I hope the commission comes back with the recommendation to make all the Negors pay back us White people for all the crime they have committed to us, for the damage with rioting and looting and for the goddamn welfare they got.

That is the kind of socially responsible reparations we need.
Then whites will owe us even more money.

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