House Manager's Case Against Trump For Impeachment Comes Down To A Single Word!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
YOU GUESSED IT. Trump said 'fight.'


That means that now we can impeach:
  • Joe Biden
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Barry Obumma
  • Donna Brazille
  • Sheila Jackson Lee
  • Maxine Waters
  • Chuckie Schummer
  • Kammy Harris
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Bill Clinton
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Cory Booker
  • Diane Feinstein
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Chris Coons
  • Adam Schiff
  • AOC
  • Andrew Cuomo
  • Gavin Newsom
  • Gretchin Whitmer and
  • Tom Wolf
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YOU GUESSED IT. Trump said 'fight.'

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That means that now we can impeach:
  • Joe Biden
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Barry Obumma
  • Donna Brazille
  • Sheila Jackson Lee
  • Maxine Waters
  • Chuckie Schummer
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Bill Clinton
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Cory Booker
  • Diane Feinstein
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Chris Coons
  • Adam Schiff
  • AOC
  • Andrew Cuomo
  • Gavin Newsom
  • Gretchin Whitmer and
  • Tom Wolf

Too bad Donald Trump minced his words. Had he said what was on all our minds that day, most of the people on the above list might now be absent from the planet.
Shampeachment #2.

This one has nothing to do with justice. It's solely about preventing Trump from running for office again.
And it FAILED!
Trump will be 78 years old in 2024. I would be surprised either way....if he runs again for president or not.
I'm betting on one of his kids.... and the next two years will tell me who that may be... I bet that Trump will have his server farm up and a conservative home will be cemented by 2022 and big tech will be apoplectic that they can not control the narrative.
Trump's defense team needs to hammer on the meaning of two other words that puts the words of Trump and even the actions of the rioters into a proper perspective.

"Reasonable Belief"
This one has nothing to do with justice. It's solely about preventing Trump from running for office again.

Shampeachment is right! If you remember or go back to watching the Clinton impeachment, it was a lengthy, thorough, methodical legal proceeding based in specific events and definable crimes.

Then came the democrats first impeachment farce over what a secret, hidden whistleblower supposedly overheard walking past an open door to the president as he inquired about someone's potentially illegal actions in a foreign country, then Trump's refusal to hand over documents because the House failed to follow proper legal procedures!

And now we have Farcepeachment, an impeachment whipped up in a day with no evidence, no witnesses, no facts and no crime based on a rally he gave where a few people there premeditatively got carried away with zealous fanaticism showing up with sticks, bats and bottles to overthrow the entire US government! No hearings, no discovery and no due process. Then presented with lies, inaccuracies, manipulated half-truths, based on a few tweets and hostile newspaper clippings from unnamed sources and the chief evidence being that Trump used the usual political rhetoric common in politics to oppose an election that remains unproven that it wasn't rigged.

Then concluded with QAnon aplomb that Trump had built up this secret army of warriors to somehow keep him in power most of which were 60 year old housewives and businessmen. The coup de grace being internet posts by zealots claiming they were doing the president's holy war based on 6 year old video and comments, spurious comments by hostile Trump detractors and allegations of what Trump should have done hours after the revolt at the Capitol had begun!

Meantime, DC had hundreds of armed police and the National Guard against maybe a hundred unarmed rioters carrying flags and bats taking selfies of themselves as they walked freely through the building.

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