Horse Too Expensive; Teen Jumps With Cow


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
The picture with the article is awesome. :) I'm just too lazy to go to the effort of trying to post it.
Horse Too Expensive; Teen Jumps With Cow
Cow Still Stubborn Despite Training
VERONIKA OLEKSYN, Associated Press
POSTED: 4:14 am CDT April 5, 2011
UPDATED: 5:59 am CDT April 6, 2011
LAUFEN, Germany -- When Regina Mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old didn't sit in her room and sulk. Instead, she turned to a cow called Luna to make her riding dreams come true.
Hours of training, and tons of treats, cajoling and caresses later, the results are impressive: not only do the two regularly go on long rides through the southern German countryside, they do jumps over a makeshift hurdle of beer crates and painted logs.
"She thinks she's a horse," the golden-haired Mayer joked on a recent sunny afternoon as she sat atop the impassive brown-and-white, grass-munching cow.
Horse Too Expensive; Teen Jumps With Cow - Family News Story - WSMV Nashville
[ame=]YouTube - Unbelievea-bull: Girl rides show jumping cow [champion horse][/ame]

Cows are great pets.

Too cute.
I saw that on yahoo news and thought it adorable. She really loves that cow too. NO beef on the table when she gets her horse. YAY!

I havent been around cows often. Not live ones anyway. Just whats at the market, lol. Anyway..friend of mine had one. I got in the pen with it..big arena, and it chased me! When I got up on the fence, it started hopping around like a puppy wanting to play! I realized it wasnt wanting to hurt wanted to PLAY. So I played with it. Tag. It was great! I told her if she was raising it to slaughter it, Id haunt her. She kept it til it died of old age. :lol:
We had a couple of milk cows when I was young; one was a calf that I had raised from a few days old. I named her Lovey because she was absolutely the most loving animal. When I called her she would come RUNNING. Kinda unnerving; I know exactly what you felt...

BTW, don't ever go into a cow pasture with a dog that isn't a cow dog. The cows will chase the dog..and the dog will hide behind you. I know whereof I speak, lol.
And cows don't care if they tromple you. Horses will avoid it at all costs; not cows, they have cloven feet, they don't have to worry about how slippery you are underfoot!
I saw that film clip when it was on the news! Too cute!! I love cows! There's a pasture with Black Angus across the road from where I live and I love watching them. (My daughter thinks I'm nuts! She never was much of a country girl. ;))

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