Hoooo Haaaa Yeaaaaah We got Trump's lawyer!!!

What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

Do you need a tissue and a safe space?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yeah because that's what they are, if your goal is to be a crook you need to hire professionals to show you how to do it right.

Again, what law did Trump hire Cohen to help him break?

How the fuck would I know? and why would I care? Trump and Cohen can conspire to bugger the Queen of England for all I care.

I made a general statement about lawyers and what their purpose is.

Odd response considering your quote was in response to this...

What's disturbing is Trump may view lawyers as people to hire when you want to break a law

Er...umm.. I was espousing the view that "lawyers are people to hire when you want to break a law"

I've hired a lawyer before, but never to help me break a law. Anyhoo, lawyers are officers of the court.

Mueller is employing FBI tactics used against Mafia leaders. He's attacking Trump's attorneys to degrade his ability to have a proper robust defense. All Americans should be very disturbed by his actions against Trump's attorneys.

His 'investigation' is amounting to an attempted Coup d'etat. And George Soros has his hand in it. The judge who recently denied Cohen's request to review files seized by Mueller, officiated Soros' wedding. That's not 'Conspiracy Theory.' It's a very disturbing fact. I guess we'll see if Americans allow this Coup-attempt to happen. Very dark times.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.


Yeah because that's what they are, if your goal is to be a crook you need to hire professionals to show you how to do it right.

Again, what law did Trump hire Cohen to help him break?

How the fuck would I know? and why would I care? Trump and Cohen can conspire to bugger the Queen of England for all I care.

I made a general statement about lawyers and what their purpose is.

Odd response considering your quote was in response to this...

What's disturbing is Trump may view lawyers as people to hire when you want to break a law

Er...umm.. I was espousing the view that "lawyers are people to hire when you want to break a law"

I've hired a lawyer before, but never to help me break a law. Anyhoo, lawyers are officers of the court.

That's what is commonly known as a misallocation of resources, if you want to get your money's worth out of a lawyer make sure you utilize the full array of jurisprudent scumbaggery that's inherent in the species, it's both broad and deep.;)
Again, what law did Trump hire Cohen to help him break?

How the fuck would I know? and why would I care? Trump and Cohen can conspire to bugger the Queen of England for all I care.

I made a general statement about lawyers and what their purpose is.

Odd response considering your quote was in response to this...

What's disturbing is Trump may view lawyers as people to hire when you want to break a law

Er...umm.. I was espousing the view that "lawyers are people to hire when you want to break a law"

I've hired a lawyer before, but never to help me break a law. Anyhoo, lawyers are officers of the court.

Mueller is employing FBI tactics used against Mafia leaders. He's attacking Trump's attorneys to degrade his ability to have a proper robust defense. All Americans should be very disturbed by his actions against Trump's attorneys.

His 'investigation' is amounting to an attempted Coup d'etat. And George Soros has his hand in it. The judge who recently denied Cohen's request to review files seized by Mueller, officiated Soros' wedding. That's not 'Conspiracy Theory.' It's a very disturbing fact. I guess we'll see if Americans allow this Coup-attempt to happen. Very dark times.

You're counting on the American Public to ward off what you're asserting is actually happening?

Dream on pal, a large swath would not only welcome what you suggest is going on, they'd actually cheer it on and another large swath wouldn't care, the electorate is far too polarized and apathetic to raise any meaningful resistance to anything that involves the shifting around and/or concentration of power in Washington.

The mission of the two partisan Crime Families has been accomplished ; annihilate the potential for mass popular resistance via spreading division, mistrust, dehumanization & apathy.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

Let it go Mike. It's just one more case of empty hopes for a desperate Left jumping at every new story they can generate to keep something negative about Trump on the front page to give themselves a false pretense that they are actually accomplishing something real. That's what got them to the November 2016 election night gloating that they thought they had a great candidate and another election sewn up, until reality shit down their throats and the floor was yanked out from under them. They didn't learn after losing the House. They didn't learn after losing the Senate. They haven't learned after being spanked a hundred other times and ways, and they still ain't learning now. They have exposed themselves: Republicans might often be incompetent asses but the country now knows the Left isn't even in it for them at all. And people are tired of their lies.

They are too busy stringing up lights and parade banners for hoped celebrations they haven't even won yet to notice that all of their victories are ending up as empty barrels of dashed expectations. NOTHING will come of Hannity NOTHING much at all will come of Cohen. And what has come of Mueller? Some Dutch lawyer guy nobody ever heard of got a 30 day sentence on a technicality after combing heaven and earth for a crime?

THIS IS ALL GOOD NEWS. The happier and more confident these jackasses are now, the harder the floor will come up to hit them in the face when it really counts, when the rubber hits the road.
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What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.
I can't wait to find out what Trump's lawyer was involved with :thup:

Moonglow. It takes him three posts just to say three words. His way of trying to be top poster of the month next month. Whadda rip off.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

So what's your point?

You're angry because something's happened to a guy who is, at present, on Trump's side? Wait until he flips and then you hate him.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.
Actually stormy is a slut, whore, porn star who’s attorney claims her character has been impewnd

Actually, Stormy is a slut, whore, porn star who has evidence that is making Trump cry.
I thought last week it was you had Russian collusion making trump cry
Who knows what it will be next week

He's been crying a lot lately.

Fake News Feel Good Claim Of The Day. Making Trump Cry. Story at Eleven. See ya at the polls in 2020 when the real crying begins.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.
I can't wait to find out what Trump's lawyer was involved with :thup:

Was it Russian collusion?
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

You understand there are two different cases, don't you? Did fox forget to mention that?

We aren't going to support your fictional depiction of reality.
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

So you've started, now finish the list of people that should not be prosecuted for crimes under the law.
What crimes, douchebag?
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

So you've started, now finish the list of people that should not be prosecuted for crimes under the law.
What crimes, douchebag?
"lock her up"...what crimes LOL
What's next? Are you guys going to march on Mari-lago at night carrying torches and pitchforks? Sure glad you're going after Trump's lawyer because he was SOOOOO clearly involved with Russian Collusion. And Stormy Daniels was a Russian ballerina acting as a double agent.

So you've started, now finish the list of people that should not be prosecuted for crimes under the law.
What crimes, douchebag?

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