Home Delivered Meals

Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)

The definition of white privilege: I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.

No - This is the definition of angry white privilege -
Beat it Goober!

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Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
I lasted about 2 weeks on the Paleo diet. I never realized how much I like bread and cheese.

Ohhhhhh cheeeeeeessseeee!!!!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.

I found myself about 30 pounds overweight. My son is a personal trainer. He suggested a "caveman diet". It worked like this, fast all day. Then one meal at night, nothing but protein. It worked like a charm. I maintain my weight by doing that caveman thing about once or twice a week. To be honest, you can fast all day and then eat whatever you want at night. Probably give you the same results.
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?
They deliver raw ingredients and instructions.
And? Is someone supposed to drop by and burp you after you eat?
Gee, would ya? That'd be swell!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.

I found myself about 30 pounds overweight. My son is a personal trainer. He suggested a "caveman diet". It worked like this, fast all day. Then one meal at night, nothing but protein. It worked like a charm. I maintain my weight by doing that caveman thing about once or twice a week. To be honest, you can fast all day and then eat whatever you want at night. Probably give you the same results.

Yea these diets tend to end up in a blur. Paleo, Atkins, Keto, South Beach, Caveman, etc.
Low carb has always worked for me.
I got 15-20 COVID pounds to lose prior to summer so measured portions in the low carb register will work!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.

I found myself about 30 pounds overweight. My son is a personal trainer. He suggested a "caveman diet". It worked like this, fast all day. Then one meal at night, nothing but protein. It worked like a charm. I maintain my weight by doing that caveman thing about once or twice a week. To be honest, you can fast all day and then eat whatever you want at night. Probably give you the same results.
Lucky for you it's Ramadan. All you have to do is convert right away!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?
They deliver raw ingredients and instructions.
And? Is someone supposed to drop by and burp you after you eat?
Gee, would ya? That'd be swell!
Alright, but you won't like it.
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen?
Trying this one starting Friday! :D

That does not sound like a compelling advertisement for the meal kit.

"Turn to us when you are hungry, lonely, and lazy!"

Sealybobo might be your only customer.

So you cook every night? .....
50 or 60% of the time.
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?
They deliver raw ingredients and instructions.
And? Is someone supposed to drop by and burp you after you eat?
Gee, would ya? That'd be swell!

Many people are saying that Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz & RonAnon Johnson take turns each night burping Donald after his Diet Cokes n hamburders!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.

I found myself about 30 pounds overweight. My son is a personal trainer. He suggested a "caveman diet". It worked like this, fast all day. Then one meal at night, nothing but protein. It worked like a charm. I maintain my weight by doing that caveman thing about once or twice a week. To be honest, you can fast all day and then eat whatever you want at night. Probably give you the same results.

I've found that being on the wrong side of 50 and having a 3 year-old running around really burns the calories!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?
They deliver raw ingredients and instructions.
And? Is someone supposed to drop by and burp you after you eat?
Gee, would ya? That'd be swell!

Many people are saying that Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz & RonAnon Johnson take turns each night burping Donald after his Diet Cokes n hamburders!
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Well I have not looked at the paleo diet but I catch, kill or grow most of what I eat. So I am likely on it and did not know it. I do buy most my pepper though as far as cayenne and black pepper goes. Been that way for over four years now. I don't seem to grow tired of it. I buy buns but have a bread maker machine. I have also been known to buy an ice cream cone also.
Sooo - I tried a couple fresh box meal services. Most were too much work - they deliver groceries & a menu.
Has anyone tried the Paleo/Caveman Diet? Apparently it is for hunters & gatherers.
I’m cool with cavemen. But they lived about half as long as we do. :)
Meals delivered to your house were "too much work"? What do you want, someone to chew for you?

No goofball - I like to cook, but for 2/3 of time I’m alone & want something I can toss in micro that isn’t frozen.

I found myself about 30 pounds overweight. My son is a personal trainer. He suggested a "caveman diet". It worked like this, fast all day. Then one meal at night, nothing but protein. It worked like a charm. I maintain my weight by doing that caveman thing about once or twice a week. To be honest, you can fast all day and then eat whatever you want at night. Probably give you the same results.

I've found that being on the wrong side of 50 and having a 3 year-old running around really burns the calories!
Lol you poor bastard. How the hell you end up with a three year old. My 26 year old girl friend started talking about kids and relationships late December. I told her in 25 years she would almost be my age and I would be dead. Did not go over well. She give me the 3 o'clock in the morning text. " I am lonely " about a week later and I have not seen her since. Lol. No loving for evenflow for a while. Just found me another last week though also late 20s so it ain't so bad.
Well I have not looked at the paleo diet but I catch, kill or grow most of what I eat. .....

That would be more impressive if you didn't live under the highway overpass.
Lol just a stupid peice of shit all the way around hiuh. You see dumb fuck you use birth control your moron fucking kid would not have to change his dumb fucking father's diapers.

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