Hollywood Shuffle: Invisible Woman Diary (Melania Trump!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA ode (my last one thank goodness) inspired by Batman comics and Die Hard.

Signing off (God bless America),



As American socialite-businessman Bruce Wayne took the helm of Wayne Industries [WI], now that he was a grown man, having completed his education in Sweden, the company was interested in emerging markets/companies in Europe and America. Bruce wanted WI to invest in CBS Corporation (media), LG Chem ESS Batteries (manufacturing/energy), Evolution Gaming (casino-software), and Aptargroup (plastics). Bruce wanted WI to stay ahead in the modern race involving communications and consumerism. However, one night Bruce was fixated on a beautiful woman named Jennifer, which distracted him temporarily from his business negotiations --- it was a celebrity-charity benefit for the eco-activism group the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation.


No one knew Bruce Wayne was actually NYC's idolized masked vigilante known as 'Batman' (since his costume was designed to make him look like a bat-creature). Batman had a trusted sidekick-hero named Nightwing, who was actually Bruce's nephew Richard/Dick. Batman and Nightwing took flight every weekend evening, searching for crimes to tackle and dealing with NYC's nefarious crime-syndicate known as Black Mask which was involved in narcotics, black market munitions trading in Moscow, and 'political' ties to the terrorist group ISIS. Black Mask also ran a secret underground casino somewhere in NYC, which Batman and Nightwing constantly tried to find and destroy. Now, there was a movie about Nightwing being planned, directed by hot new Swedish film-maker Ang Edberg.


Everything was going smoothly for WI (Wayne Industries), Batman and Nightwing, and NYC in general, since Bruce/Batman promised the people that the work would be done to ensure that commerce was safe and vital in the city and unperturbed by the activities of Black Mask. However, on this celebrity eco-party evening, Bruce was hypnotized by the alluring and somewhat mysterious Jennifer who was wearing a stunning blue dress and being photographed by journalists in front of a relevant company board/placard. Bruce had to meet her. He whisked her away for a private tour of the WI building.


What Bruce did not know was that Jennifer was a spy working for Black Mask and wanted Bruce to be 'distracted' while Black Mask crashed the eco-celebrity party and kidnapped the host Leonardo DiCaprio to hold the celebrity-activist for ransom(!). Black Mask did just that and demanded that the White House respond with due action and post an official statement declaring that First Lady Melania Trump speak out on her husband's various media sex-scandals. You see, Black Mask simply wanted to create 'trouble' and 'panic' and had no real spiritual interest to see any Trump media-scandal come to light for some kind of 'disclosure intrigue/justice.' Now, Bruce Wayne was a pawn in this 'game' since he himself was whisked away to the WI building with Jennifer while Black Mask carried out its scheme.


Jennifer explained to Bruce that the Swedish film-maker Ang Edberg wanted to make a new movie about a female vigilante/superheroine named Invisible Woman who would serve as a double-entendre allusion to First Lady Melania Trump who was more or less 'invisible' during her husband's various media sex-scandals(!). Invisible Woman would be a justice-minded crime-fighter who would deal with the chauvinism in modern America that prevented women from speaking out and seeking justice. Jennifer explained to her date Bruce that she was offered the chance to play the role of Invisible Woman by one of Edberg's film-executives. Bruce told Jennifer she'd be absolutely perfect for the part.


Meanwhile, Black Mask had generated a deviant super-soldier named the Electrocutioner who had a fully conducting suit which enabled him to generate electric fields/energy all around him and use electricity to wreak havoc. Electrocutioner's job would be to terrorize Times Square while the White House was dealing with this new Leo DiCaprio hostage-crisis involving a statement-demand by Black Mask involving First Lady Melania Trump. Black Mask had orchestrated the entire scheme beautifully, and Bruce was nowhere to be found. He was in Switzerland with Jennifer! As Electrocutioner attacked Times Square, Nightwing (Dick) was helpless and wondered where the hell Batman was and why he wasn't helping.


New Yorkers pulled out their Ouija-boards and began desperately 'invoking' the spirit of Batman so Electrocutioner would not destroy Times Square completely. No one knew what to do. Strangely enough, Bruce/Batman got a strange mental tingling feeling while vacationing in Switzerland with his new 'girlfriend' Jennifer; the energy was from a Ouija-board(!). Batman called Nightwing on his mobile-phone and was filled in on what the hell was going on; Batman immediately left Jennifer (who was eerily grinning) and headed to Times Square to help Nightwing tackle Electrocutioner. Perhaps a little Ouija-fever would save the day.


Batman and Nightwing 'diffused' Electrocutioner with some nifty rubber insulating bars, some water-rifles, and a flame-thrower. Electrocutioner was hauled off to prison, but Leo DiCaprio was still a hostage-for-ransom. Tabloids wrote that celebrities joined to remind people of the crisis and save their friend Leo. Celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise tweeted, "Batman will solve everything." Batman and Nightwing wondered what the 'scope' of this Black Mask scheme exactly was, and Nightwing was still furious with Bruce with abandoning his post to 'reconnoiter' with his 'girlfriend' Jennifer. Batman assured Nightwing that Black Mask would not be able to use the media-labyrinths to create TrumpUSA insanity.


Batman and Nightwing got an inside-tip from a Black Mask defector offering information on where Leo was being held. They rushed to the scene and found only two guards and disarmed them and untied Leo and escorted him back to civilization. Leo was unharmed but emotionally traumatized. The Trump Administration convened a special security-meeting to determine the threat-level on the First Lady's welfare. Meanwhile, Black Mask convened for a special terrorism-meeting with ISIS in their secret headquarters in Prague.


Nightwing disseminated copies of a Batman stick-figure comic book doodle a handicapped African-American boy named Ethan all over New York papers and tabloids and even in Internet blogs. The doodle was of Batman dealing with a maniacal chainsaw-wielding criminal named 'Leatherface.' Nightwing used Ethan's doodle to 'sell' the notion that community cheer for Batman would enable the heroic vigilante to deal with the anti-social hysteria created by the ugly deeds of Black Mask. Batman congratulated Nightwing on the clever 'public-support campaign.'


BATMAN: Melania and Leo are both safe...
NIGHTWING: Black Mask wanted to simply break into some chemical lab!
BATMAN: Yes, that Aptargroup lab in Sweden was developing 'nanomytes.'
NIGHTWING: Nanomytes are tiny metal-ingesting cybernetic parasites, right?
BATMAN: Yes, and apparently Aptargroup has some strange discovery.
NIGHTWING: So Aptargroup is tied to Black Mask suddenly?
BATMAN: I suspect they've been 'allied' for some time now...
NIGHTWING: So that entire Leo-Melania-Electrocutioner thing was a 'distraction'(!)?
BATMAN: Yes; just think, Dick; with the right 'urban chaos,' Black Mask can create panic.
NIGHTWING: Black Mask is skilled at modern hysteria labyrinth maneuvers.
BATMAN: That's why TrumpUSA requires serious 'sociological' defense.
NIGHTWING: Did you hear about that new Invisible Woman film?
BATMAN: Yes, it will star Jennifer Connelly as the heroine; I think it's about TrumpUSA!
NIGHTWING: Hail to the media...



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