Hollywood and Denial Of Terrorism?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Interesting op-ed:


Is Hollywood too timid for the war on terror?
Thanks to political correctness, you don't see much about the greatest conflict of our time on the big screen.
By Andrew Klavan, ANDREW KLAVAN's most recent novel is "Damnation Road."
January 26, 2007

I RECENTLY attended "FBI 101," a G-man seminar for Hollywood writers. I do this kind of thing a lot: law enforcement seminars, ride-alongs, citizen academies and the like. It's a simple deal. The writers get information and research contacts; the lawdogs get a fighting chance at being portrayed realistically and maybe, on occasion, even sympathetically.

Now, in my case, the federales were preaching to the converted. Any agency with a record of battling gangsters, communists and dirty pols can show up as good guys in my work anytime. And never mind just their record. Since 9/11 — chastened by blunders from within and above — the FBI has reinvented itself as a thin gray line against Islamic terrorism. Pulling 16-hour days, volunteering for repeated tours of duty at FBI outposts in the Middle East, constantly aware that their failures will be remembered when their successes are forgotten, the G-people are clearly heroes.

But if they're hoping that their seminar will win them props from filmmakers in general — a picture or two celebrating their courageous work in the war on terror — I suspect they are going to be disappointed. In the history of our time as told by the movies, the war on terror largely does not exist.

Which is passing strange, you know. Because the war on terror is the history of our time. The outcome of our battle against the demographic, political and military upsurge of a hateful theology and its oppressive political vision will determine the fate of freedom in this century.

Television — more populist, hungrier for content and less dependent on foreign audiences — reflects this fact with shows such as "24" and "The Unit." But at the movies, all we're getting is home-front angst and the occasional "Syriana," in which "moderate" Islam is thwarted by evil American interests. But the notion that this war is about our moral failings is comfort fantasy, pure and simple. It soothes us with the false idea that, if we but mend ourselves, the scary people will leave us alone....
These are the same idiots who may give Al Bore an Oscar for his box office bomb.

Enough said about their level of sanity, or lack thereof
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Excellent article, Kathianne. Whoever would have thought that the LA Times would have published such a straight-forward, truthful article?
9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) - Google VideoThis is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent...., 1 hr 30 min ...
video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6708190071483512003 - 97k - 25 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

- Cached - Similar pages

there are some excellent films on terrorism , hollywood may not be making many
terrorism films but there are many independent documentarys that are being seen by millions
TerrorStorm (Alex Jones) - Google VideoAlex Jones' latest film covers in detail the proven history of government sponsored terrorism, and focuses on the 7/7 London bombings and 9/..., ...
video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5948263607579389947 - 96k - Cached -

Similar pages
9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) - Google VideoThis is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent...., 1 hr 30 min ...
video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6708190071483512003 - 97k - 25 Jan 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

here are to excellent films on terrorism , hollywood may not be making many
terrorism films but there are many independent documentarys that are being seen by millions

Check out "Obsession"

Libs do hate anything that shows what America is up against

Newsweek Wonders if ‘24’ is a ‘Neocon Sex Fantasy’
Posted by Noel Sheppard on January 17, 2007 - 11:55.
With all the negative focus on an Emmy Award-winning television drama, one has to start wondering if the media are more afraid of “24” and any reference to terrorism than terrorism itself.

As NewsBusters has reported here, here, here, here, and here, the media have been in quite a lather about the first four episodes of the hit series' sixth season aired on Fox Sunday and Monday. Thanks to a report CNN did Tuesday (video available here, hat tip to Hot Air), we can now add Newsweek to the growing list of concerned media outlets. (Please be advised that it’s been difficult to identify whether this was just a web-broadcast on CNN.com, or something aired on television).

In his January 12 review, Newsweek’s Devin Gordon wrote: “Depending on your perspective, '24' is either a neocon sex fantasy or the collective id of our nation unleashed.” Much like other recent media carps and whines concerning this show, Gordon used his review as an opportunity to swipe at the current president: “At a moment when President Bush is squeezing our civil liberties to fight a war on terror, the writers of ‘24’ have come up with a story that asks whether something could ever happen here in America that makes civil liberties a luxury we can no longer afford.”

In CNN’s story about his article, Gordon stated:

If ‘24’ is true, then everything the neo-conservatives have been saying all along is true.


Nothing that happens on this show would ever happen in real life. So, for neo-conservatives to claim it as sort of a badge that they’re right is kind of like admitting that something that you watch in a fantasy world is reality.

Nothing that happens on this show would ever happen in real life? Isn’t that rather a bold statement in a post-9/11 world? In fact, prior to 9/11, mightn’t folks like Gordon have said the same thing about many spy/FBI/CIA novels and films such as those authored by Tom Clancy?

Potentially more pertinent, it seems specious to suggest that conservatives look upon “24” as a validation of their views on the war on terror. Instead, folks that consider the series as anything more than good entertainment see the show as posing possible downsides to inaction and complacency.

For some reason, folks on the left and in the media are missing this seemingly obvious distinction.


i will watch this film ,its not that i question there are Muslim extremist
or that they engage in terrorism ,but i am also aware that fact is manipulated
and the governments have a history of using false flag terror to advance their agendas and that the official story of 911 defies the laws of physics logic and reason .please view terrorstorm and 911 mystery's and you decide
i will watch this film ,its not that i question there are Muslim extremist
or that they engage in terrorism ,but i am also aware that fact is manipulated
and the governments have a history of using false flag terror to advance their agendas and that the official story of 911 defies the laws of physics logic and reason .please view terrorstorm and 911 mystery's and you decide

If I get bored I will. I'm not putting it down, I actually spent a significant amount of my life over at those websites and viewing their videos back in 2003. Some of us are not as closed minded as you might assume, but for me I had more credible sources that overcame any inclination towards that rabbit hole.
i will watch this film ,its not that i question there are Muslim extremist
or that they engage in terrorism ,but i am also aware that fact is manipulated
and the governments have a history of using false flag terror to advance their agendas and that the official story of 911 defies the laws of physics logic and reason .please view terrorstorm and 911 mystery's and you decide

I checked those sources. Their explanations defy the rules of logic and reason and ignore the laws of physics. Give me sufficient time to track down my old textbooks (written pre-9/11 if you actually believe the conspiracy goes that far) and present the equations and Newtonian laws that explain every 'phenomenon' that 9/11 conspiracy whack jobs blame on some government conspiracy.

Oh, and one more question. If the government is both evil and powerful enough to kill thousands of innocent people just so they can manipulate oil prices, then how did they not see the conspiracy theorist stuff forming and kill those people, too?
I checked those sources. Their explanations defy the rules of logic and reason and ignore the laws of physics. Give me sufficient time to track down my old textbooks (written pre-9/11 if you actually believe the conspiracy goes that far) and present the equations and Newtonian laws that explain every 'phenomenon' that 9/11 conspiracy whack jobs blame on some government conspiracy.

Oh, and one more question. If the government is both evil and powerful enough to kill thousands of innocent people just so they can manipulate oil prices, then how did they not see the conspiracy theorist stuff forming and kill those people, too?

the Illuminati is indeed this evil and this powerful and its not about oil prices
its about the establishment of the new world order polls show a majority Americans believe the government was complaisant in the 911 attacks running around killing everyone is not necessary however they have been at his a long time and through media control ,threat, intimidation can keep the truth under control as they did with the liberty ,only a few key whistle blowers like john O'Neil need to be murdered to silence many ,I do believe however this time they underestimated the independent media ,the average man and the power of the INTERNET

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"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor..."
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