HIV / Syphilis Outbreak, Milwaukee

HIV has become a protected acquired disease. Politicians even refer to the areas inhabited by promiscuous sodomites who engage in risky sexual behavior as "HIV communities". I wonder if you factor in syphilis the CDC might take action.
The sodomite theory does not cover all of the epidemiology nor this intriguing syphilis link: a family (same DNA) of Nairobi prostitutes who developed natural vaginal mucosal immunity to HIV-1. The Scandinavian sailor who visited Nairobi is documented in Hooper, The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV/AIDS.
'Gaetan Dugas, a Canadian air steward who has had sex with some 250 men a year for the better part of a decade, comes posthumously to be known as Patient Zero, after Randy Shilts popularizes the theory that he was the key disseminator of the virus in North America and, indeed, might even have been the first to introduce the virus from elsewhere. As to the identity of that "elsewhere" opinions are divided, but people begin to hypothesize that American gays might have become infected in the Caribbean, or in Europe. And by the middle of the eighties Western scientists begin to hypothesize publicly -- albeit cautiously -- that the origin of HIV, like so many other life-forms including Homo sapiens, might lie in Africa.
Let us take a brief look at some of the possiblities. IN 1990, when this book began, the world was still in a panic about AIDS, and both the popular press and the scientific journals were awash with different theories of origin. These ranged from the worthy and plausible, through gently whacky conspiracy theories, to the exploitative, the paranoid, and the products of serious madness.

According to these versions, AIDS came from God, and it punished homosexuals, junkies, and other perverts and reprobates. Or it came from man, who was aiming at roughly the same groups that God was after. It came from outer space, on the tail of a comet. It came from Africa,through people eating monkeys. It came from Africa, through kinky stuff with monkeys. It came from Haiti, and had something to do with swine fever and voodoo rites. It cam scientists, from a hepatitis B, or smallpox, or polio vaccine gone wrong. It always been around, but had escaped only recently from the confines of an isolated tribe. It has always been with us, and was merely syphilis, malnutrition, TB, the effects of hard drugs -- or combinations of the above -- lumped together and given a new name
Insomuch as a book can be said to have a source, , this book probably began at one of those pavement cafes with wobbly tables that lie scattered across the cobblestones of Convent Garden in central London. It was June 1990, and I had arranged a final meeting with Professor Alan Fleming, a hematologist, who was just about to return to southern Africa to take up his new posting at the Baragwanath, the huge hospital serving Soweto.'
(Hooper, The River)
'I originally became interested in Fleming's work in 1988, after coming across a long, detailed article of his entitled, "AIDS in Africa" which contained a superb review of early epidemiological studies of HIV in Africa. It was exhaustively referenced and scrupulously detailed -- listing, in every instance,the geographical location, the year of testing, the size of the cohort (or group) tested, the number and percentage of HIV-positives, and the precise assay (test), or combination of assays, that had been used to establish HIV-positivity.

The data supported the hypothesis that HIV might might have been present, sporadically, earlier in Africa than elsewhere, but it also suggested to Fleming that HIV was a relatively new virus in Homo sapiens.
Over the next eight years, the Keppel Street library was to become a home from home,as I set about trying to work out what might have happened.....It is the February of 1959. It is a particular moment in the history of the world. The old order is breaking up; the barriers of time and space are tumbling. The first jet planes are taking off, heading for destinations -- Hong Kong, Nairobi, Sydney -- that once were days away, but now are just hours.
Over the next few weeks the American, Arno Motulsky, and the Belgian, Jean Vandepitte, with the help of other local doctors, start collecting blood samples from medical staff, hospital patients, and police recruits in Leopoldville, and from a large groups of villagers to the south living near the Angolan border. Motulsky is keen to investigate the relative incidence of two genetic traits in different ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa and their relationship to malaria...As Jean Vandepitte bids farewell to Arno Motulsky at the airport, neither man has any inkling of the additional significance which one of these 5-milliliter blood samples will assume just over a quarter of a century later.'
(Hooper, op cit) '
Will Wisconsin follow suit?

6 Oct 2017 Knowingly Exposing Others to HIV Will No Longer Be A Felony in California
Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

I really don't know what could be considered astoundingly more stupid ... :dunno:
The desire to change it from an felony to a misdemeanor ... Or their incredibly ignorant explanations as to why they are doing it.

Example of one of their explanations:
“Today California took a major step toward treating HIV as a public health issue, instead of treating people living with HIV as criminals,” Wiener said in a statement. “HIV should be treated like all other serious infectious diseases, and that’s what SB 239 does.”

Yes, they're nuts.

SB 239
Bill Text - SB-239 Infectious and communicable diseases: HIV and AIDS: criminal penalties.

In the report (post #41): ' Sen. Joel Anderson: "I'm of the mind that if you purposely inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regimen of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony. It's absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this." Anderson said the answer could be to extend tougher penalties to those who expose others to infectious diseases.
SB 239 deals with prostitution in item 2.).

'Robert R., a black youth from St. Louis, MIssouri, was just sixteen when he died in May 1969....the nodule was of Kaposi's sarcoma....In June 1987 Witte sent some of these samples to Professor Robert Garry, a young microbiologist from Tulane University, New Orleans, for further analysis. Garry tested the serum by Western blot, and detected antibodies to all the major proteins of HIV-1.....The two women doctors who were responsible for arranging the testing both claimed retrospectively that the autopsy had shown that Robert R. had probably regular passive anal intercourse; one stated that he could have been a male prostitute.'
(Hooper, The River, pp. 134-5, AIDS in the Pre-AIDS Era?).

The stats for Robert R. also fits those for heroin addiction in the U.S. at the time.
'But both Drake and William Cole, the physician who had spent most time with Robert, were much more cautious. They suspected that Robert (might [italics]) be gay, on the basis that the Kaposi's sarcoma had been found around the anus but not elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract, yet they pointed out that there were several other possible explanations.

I was unable to find out much about the gay scene in St. Louis, which was described by one informant as being "one giant closet" in the nineties, let alone the sixties. However, it seemed far more productive to investigate Robert's heterosexual activity, which was not in dispute -- even if the extent of that activity was. The only evidence about this subject in Robert's medical records featured in the autopsy notes, where it was recorded that "The patient dated his physical disability from an instance of of sexual relations with a neighborhood girl." With the help of some local journalists,I located the mother, who stoutly insisted that her son had not been gay, and who told me she only knew of his only having had sex with one girl, whom she named and described. She added that the woman was still alive, and that she "moved from house to house' as a vagrant.

Later, her account was apparently confirmed by a group of men whom I found drinking beside a barrier in the same street where Robert had gone to grade school, and where he and his family had been living in the late sixties.
The more I looked into the case, the more doubts I had about whether Robert R, had really died of AIDS.It was hard to imagine a case of AIDS cropping up this early and so far from Africa -- the apparent source of the HIV -1 epidemic. And furthermore, there appeared to be some uncertainty surrounding the fate of some of the tissue samples. When, at my request, William Drake tried to relocate some of the wax-embedded blocks from the autopsy at Deaconess in 1990, he found that they had disappeared.'

Then there was the question of the HIV testing. First, it seems that the Western blot test used may have been the sensitivity-enhanced Biotech assay, which had produced false-positive results in the case of James Moore's 1971/2 Lexington drug injectors. And in the late summer of 1990 there was further mystery, when somebody apparently broke into Garry's office, taking the notes on the Robert R. Western blot tests and a couple of Western blots themselves.'
(Hooper, p. 135)
'Robert had told his doctors that his grandfather had suffered "the same symptoms." Could he have had some sort of congenital immunodeficiency, perhaps exacerbated by a venereal infection with Chlamydia and KS? It is certainly possible, but it seems an inadequate explanation.

There is, however, another possibility -- one which involves one of the more shameful episodes in American history. In June 1908, research conducted by the Church of Scientology revealed that during the early summer of 1953 the Army Chemical Corps conducted secret open-air chemical warfare tests in St. Louis -- involving thirty-five aerosol releases at various places around the city, including the Monsanto plant. The Army provided a cover story to city officials and the local press, claiming that the experiments were intended to see whether smoke screens could protect the city from attacks by Soviet bombers. These experiments were part of a much larger chemical and biological testing program operated by the army (sometimes in conjunction with the CIA), which involved hundreds of similar releases staged in cities across the United States between 1949 and 1968.

Information released by the army in July 1994 revealed that the house where Robert was living in 1953 was sited less than a block from the "How" test site, one of the two 25-square-block areas where most of the releases took place. This area was described a "slum district" with a population density that was possibly one of the highest of any residential district in the country." Apparently the choice of socioeconomic group was "to minimize public questions about the tests."

The St. Louis tests all involved zinc cadmium sulfide, a yellow crystalline substance that appears to be a mixture of zinc sulfide and cadmium sulfide. It is sometimes referred to as "FP" for fluorescent particle, because it glows in ultraviolet light, making it easy to trace in diffusion experiments....FPs can cause lung damage similar to that from bronchopneumonia, while acute cadmium poisoning can cause pulmonary edema, pneumonitis, and death. One of the prominent findings at Robert R.'s autopsy was St. Louis, Robert would have been aged between three and five months.'
(Hooper, p. 136)
Examining the Cluster

'One thing is certain. Had the CDC Task Force realized in 1982 that it would be confronting an asymptomatic period of ten years rather than ten months, there would have been even greater alarm -- for,of course, the longer the symptomatic period, the greater the potential for infectees to unknowingly infect others. In fact, an analysis of the known dates of sexual encounters between couples and the dates of onset of AIDS suggests that there are nine other men, apart from Patient Zero, who could quite plausibly have introduced HIV to the central part of the cluster, any of whom could have directly or indirectly infected Dugas himself. It is noteworthy that of these ten possible "sources," four (O, LA1, NY9, and NY19) had links with Europe, one (LA1) had visited Africa, and three (O, NY1 and NY5) are known to have visited the Caribbean and, in particular, Haiti, prior to the onset of symptoms.'
(Hooper, p. 68)

O - Patient Zero

LA = Los Angeles

NY = New York

Hooper continues:

'It is clear that if there was a "Patient Zero" for North America, then there are several plausible candidates for the role. it is equally clear that even if the role played by Dugas may have been exaggerated, many of the key events of the early dissemination of HIV AIDS in North American gays are contained within the borders of Darrow and Auerbach's cluster study diagram.

NY9 French ballet teacher, date of death, --

NY18 Italian, date of death, --

LA1 date of death, -- ; notes:Flight attendant: Kenya, Tanzania, Italy, Greece, France, UK.'
(Hooper, p.64-5)
Beware Eastern Wisconsin: Boycott Plasma Centers

Before the Uighurs were Muslim, they lived in the same valley the Han Chinese claim as their original homeland. Uighurs know about hepatitis B, aka "The Dragon" "The Silent Disease" and how it is used by the Colonizer.

Urumqi, 4 Sept 2009 Bizarre Needle Attacks Spark Riots

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