HIV / Syphilis Outbreak, Milwaukee

Maine is a new link. Drug injecters don't have to be homosexual to be suspect of nosocomial transmission of viruses. Maqdison, Wisconsin, 1996: hepatitis B contracted from a plasma center (nosocomial transmission), and the same year, people were protesting with HIV signs in front of the plasma center (false positive, or nosocomial transmission). Boycott this nastiness now. From the Latin nosocomialis 'time off from work.'
Maine is a new link. Drug injecters don't have to be homosexual to be suspect of nosocomial transmission of viruses. Maqdison, Wisconsin, 1996: hepatitis B contracted from a plasma center (nosocomial transmission), and the same year, people were protesting with HIV signs in front of the plasma center (false positive, or nosocomial transmission). Boycott this nastiness now. From the Latin nosocomialis 'time off from work.'
I have no idea what you just said, but if it has to do with drug addicts, we have a shitload.
Just yes or no--is that what you're trying to say? It's being spread by IV drug use?
I am NOT buying the spread by Oreo.
Yes, injecting drug users. They don't have to be gay. If they need money, a plasma center has the responsibility to screen them out of the process, which is not always successful.
a Yahoo search: 'hepatitis b virus creme filled cookies' will retrieve Hepatitis Flash Cards and one can see "cream filled cookies."

a Pubmed search retrieves the styrene link:

HBV / Styrene (1984)
Binding activity of HBsAg particles from chronic HBsAg carriers to polystyrene beads coated with polymerized human serum albumin: diagnostic releva... - PubMed - NCBI

HBV has already been used by the Chinese as a deliberate bioweapon against the Uighur in Xinjiang Province. The styrene links to towel-dispenser knobs, etc. in plasma centers. Nicholas Cruz-type individuals could use things such as cookies as a bioweapon.
It's been decades since last investigating, though the creme-filled cookie link is not at Pubmed. It may have been in a MMWR report. The back part of sytrene knobs on a towel dispenser seems a most dangerous location, because the fingers sometimes touch that area. Also, note that hep A is Picornaviridae and hep B is Hepadnaviridae.
Hepatitis B virus will go for sugar. NASA Astrobiology's Baruch S. Blumberg has already proven that. If infected, this virus has the ability to become part of the host's genome. What info of this type is available for HIV-1?
Journal Sentinel 7 Mar 2018 HIV, Syphilis Cluster Found in City
'At least 125 people -- including high school students -- have contracted HIV, syphilis or both in one of the largest sexually transmitted infection "clusters" discovered in Milwaukee.'

Intelligently, this should automatically mean boycott of all Midwest plasma centers immediately, because it's also a window of opportunity for accidental (and [italics]) deliberate nosocomial transmission. You don't need fifteen dollars all that much.
It’s a progressive disease
The HBV electrostatics of styrene connect to cordierite, which deposits, for example, are literally under the Yale University campus. This Italian study came out during the time of hepatitis B outbreaks in the U.S. in nursing homes, and medical installations due to faulty fingerstick devices (nosocomially). MMWR reported it, though never disclosed what companies were suspect, so the investigator has to dig deeply or be in a strategic position to find out about this window of opportunity concerning dirty Asian viruses.
Obviously we need to encourage more sexual promiscuity and drug use among young people.

Take away Christian values, take away god, and lets add AI as their God lmao which tells them it's ok to screw anything that walks, why you can be an " IT " if you choose , or you can be a dog, or plant if you choose, who needs moral values when we can teach society be what you want, screw what you want,, when you want why we will even have a LEFTIST PLANNED PARENTHOOD teach you how to do it even in first grade that way they can be expert sex addicts by the time they are five, and we have nice young rapist running around oh wait they wont be rapist because that would be judgemental on their preferences of sexual identity...

No morals whatever were you thinking of who the fk needs morals and values LOL < sarcasm>
Journal Sentinel 7 Mar 2018 HIV, Syphilis Cluster Found in City
'At least 125 people -- including high school students -- have contracted HIV, syphilis or both in one of the largest sexually transmitted infection "clusters" discovered in Milwaukee.'

Intelligently, this should automatically mean boycott of all Midwest plasma centers immediately, because it's also a window of opportunity for accidental (and [italics]) deliberate nosocomial transmission. You don't need fifteen dollars all that much.
It’s a progressive disease

It's a boofoo disease. True story.

No boofoo, no AIDS. There ya go.
Obviously we need to encourage more sexual promiscuity and drug use among young people.

Take away Christian values, take away god, and lets add AI as their God lmao which tells them it's ok to screw anything that walks, why you can be an " IT " if you choose , or you can be a dog, or plant if you choose, who needs moral values when we can teach society be what you want, screw what you want,, when you want why we will even have a LEFTIST PLANNED PARENTHOOD teach you how to do it even in first grade that way they can be expert sex addicts by the time they are five, and we have nice young rapist running around oh wait they wont be rapist because that would be judgemental on their preferences of sexual identity...

No morals whatever were you thinking of who the fk needs morals and values LOL < sarcasm>
I knew by kindergarten and that was thirty years before Al Gore and internet porn...
#34's "Leftist Planned Parenthood" is funny: PP abortionist links to the Clinton mafia at 8718 Douglas Rd., Temperance, Michigan. This address also links the Clinton mafia to the CIA.
#33: Close: Minneapolis, and the Somali census was known by 1978.

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