History's top villians of Science

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
1) The Catholic Church, for its ignorance and oppression of copernicus, gallileo, and other people of the enlightenment. Oh, and for burning witches at the stake.

2) William Jennings Bryan - for the Scopes monkey trial.

3) Tobacco Company Scientists and Oil Company funded Scientists, for decades of lying and deception about the risks of tobacco and climate change.

4) George Bush for his evangelical-based hostility to science, and for limiting stem cell research, climate science, and environmental science.
4) George Bush for his evangelical-based hostility to science, and for limiting stem cell research, climate science, and environmental science.

You may not like Bush, but its absurd to say he is a top villian of science because he limited stem cell research in the US for a couple years. Obama reversed all that and we are back on course now.

I would also point out that what Bush did only limited the research here, while the rest of the world was free to do whatever they wanted. Sorry, but Bush is not the son of Satan, hes not the next hitler, hes not the evil mastermind behind 9/11 and hes not a top villian of science.

Some people go so over the top with their hatred for political parties that differ for their own. Its childish, naive and pathetic. What a foolish thing to say.

By the way, this is coming from a pro stem cell atheist.
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1) The Catholic Church, for its ignorance and oppression of copernicus, gallileo, and other people of the enlightenment. Oh, and for burning witches at the stake.

2) William Jennings Bryan - for the Scopes monkey trial.

3) Tobacco Company Scientists and Oil Company funded Scientists, for decades of lying and deception about the risks of tobacco and climate change.

4) George Bush for his evangelical-based hostility to science, and for limiting stem cell research, climate science, and environmental science.

you do know bush was the first president to fund any kind of stem cell research at all.....

the rest i agree with....
Here's one you won't expect: Pythagoras.

That's right! The Father of Geometry. When he found that certain equations didn't fit with his perception of how the world should be, he and his followers knowingly suppressed their findings. Plato took up and expanded the same philosophy which then over the centuries influenced Christian doctrine. Information was limited to only the select few (i.e. when the Library at Alexandria was burned to keep the public from learning and only the clergy could read, especially since everything was written in Latin). Carl Sagan believed that had it not been for Pythagoras, we could already have interstellar travel.

I'd say old Pythagoras is the #1 villain to science.
what not one medical doctor named...o please....think of the great frauds medical doctors etc has brought us.....and lets not forget the drug companies..they all hire their peons to lie to the public and make tests turn out well...

i will not single out the catholic chruch anymore than any other organized religion...after all the christians believe the earth is only what...5k year old?
Jeez Red Dawn I thought you were gonna' post a legitimate list of Scientists. Instead you posted a selfish rant against G.W. and put your religi-phobia on display.
Science and Technology Thread FAIL!!!
Gotta agree with Mad Scientist ... only one you got right, and even then it's only barely. (Even a broken clock is right twice a day.)
Josef Mengele was the number one villain of science.

Anyone know anyone worse?

Even reading his name brings chills of hatred to my soul, as I'm sure even typing his name did for you.

Hell would be too good for him.
Jeez Red Dawn I thought you were gonna' post a legitimate list of Scientists. Instead you posted a selfish rant against G.W. and put your religi-phobia on display.
Science and Technology Thread FAIL!!!

thanks for the insightful critique of thread titles! :clap2:

I think there's a lot of people in history who have stood in the way of scientific progress.

If you want to start a list of bona fide scientists, a suggestion: start your own thread?

Then there were the T4 consultants who, despite their involvement in this murder machine, were appointed presidents of the German Society of Psychiatrists and Neurologists after the war.

President of the German Association for Adolescent Psychiatry, 1952-1961.]

From 1927, Villinger was a follower of Fritz Lenz, a leading advocate of the racial hygiene movement, and whose published works were credited with influencing Hitler. Between 1934 and 1938, Villinger was a member of Germany's criminal-biological Society, whose chairmen included Ernst Rüdin and Lenz.

On May 1, 1937, while serving as an associate judge of the High Court for Genetic Health in Hamm and Breslau, Villinger joined the Nazi party. That was a year and a half after the time that official records show that 2,675 notifications for sterilization were reported, 600 applications for sterilization were filed and 460 sterilizations were actually performed all under Villinger's direction. Villinger also relied upon the guidelines of the 1933 Sterilization Act to justify sterilizing what he deemed to be "asocials." As a military district psychiatrist in 1941, Villinger is listed in official Nazi records as a T4 consultant and thus was involved in the euthanasia program.

Josef Mengele was the number one villain of science.

Anyone know anyone worse?

Its hard to say who was worse but this guy:
Shirō Ishii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

was definitly quite a contender.
What is really shocking is that the US granted him immunity for handing over his research, he was apperantly employed at US facilities afterwards.

It was a pity that killing Chinese did not appear to be as bad as killing Jews, I do not mean to relativize the German crimes, I think there should have been more charges (I think there would have been more charges if the Nazis would have executed protestant White Americans, but nevermind), it is a shame that a guy like Hans Globke (Ko-author of the German race laws) could have one of the most important gouverment positions in west Germany.
4) George Bush for his evangelical-based hostility to science, and for limiting stem cell research, climate science, and environmental science.

You may not like Bush, but its absurd to say he is a top villian of science because he limited stem cell research in the US for a couple years. Obama reversed all that and we are back on course now.

I would also point out that what Bush did only limited the research here, while the rest of the world was free to do whatever they wanted. Sorry, but Bush is not the son of Satan, hes not the next hitler, hes not the evil mastermind behind 9/11 and hes not a top villian of science.

Some people go so over the top with their hatred for political parties that differ for their own. Its childish, naive and pathetic. What a foolish thing to say.

By the way, this is coming from a pro stem cell atheist.

Better scoot over to the confessional there sparky..quick likity split.

Bush changed the words on official scientifc reports to confirm his evagelical take on the global warming. Thats called lying. How many hail marys is that these days?

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