Historic President Trump vs. Hopeful Biden Debate LIVE!


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
People, soon the historic debate between president Trump and hopeful Biden will commence.

Some highlights from the previous debates

Unfortunately I can't guarantee that PBS does not have "fact checkers" covering for Biden.
An additional link for your convenience.

I havent heard much about it. When is this debate?

Trump Clinton debate had 84 million viewers. I womder how many total viewers tonight’s will have including streaming.
I havent heard much about it. When is this debate?

Trump Clinton debate had 84 million viewers. I womder how many total viewers tonight’s will have including streaming.

They are projecting 100 million voters. The questions remain:
  1. Trump will be there. Will Biden actually show up?
  2. Will this be a straight up normal debate or will Joe throw some curve ball, some condition.
  3. We know what Trump will show up, but which Joe will? He has multiple personalities: will it be fairly sharp, presidential Joe? Or will it be Angry/Hostile Joe? Or will it be Demented/Forgetful/Scatter-brained Joe?
Hard to believe they can all be in the same body. Is Joe that transitional from one day to the next? Or does he deliberately FAKE some of this stuff?
let's see if Biden can KO The Orange Monster, something Crooked Hillary couldn't do
Screw Fake News PBS and their TDS commentary.

Here's an Alternative for those who wish to avoid the TDS Commentary.

PBS is gas-lighting the public. They claim president Trump did not condemn the neo-Nazi Biden voters at Charlottesville. This is completely false, president Trump condemned them totally.
PBS is gas-lighting the public. They claim president Trump did not condemn the neo-Nazi Biden voters at Charlottesville. This is completely false, president Trump condemned them totally.
Just watch it on Fox.

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