Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'

Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'
The shocking revelation in the September 21 New York Times that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump as well as invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office is stunning. It is also disturbing because this just feeds into Trump's "narrative" about the "Deep State" working to undermine him.... The latter is a seems to be of great concern to CNN's historian commentator Douglas Brinkley as well as others in the liberal mainstream media..... "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.... Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.".... Can it really be called a "narrative" when it is confirmed by the actions of the Deputy Attorney General?

So if this is true, why is that Rosenstein still employed, and NOT in jail? Conspiracy to overthrow a duly, lawfully, legally elected President? Sedition? What the hell more does it take to actually remove these criminals and make an example of them? Other than the obvious, last resort method, that is. Democrat Doug Schoen: "Rosenstein’s Actions Are ‘Outrageous; He Can’t Continue to Supervise Mueller. ‘The only way it can finish fairly is with him out of the picture recused or fired.".
As always, Left-wing faux 'historian' Brinkley is more concerned with the effects of this on the Democrat agenda than getting to the truth. Which is typical of a man whose primary purpose in life is to spin his alleged 'histories' to the benefit of the left. Historians deal with historical facts. Douglas Brinkley ignores those. He is more of a revisionist, novelist or a comic book writer.
Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'

Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'
The shocking revelation in the September 21 New York Times that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump as well as invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office is stunning. It is also disturbing because this just feeds into Trump's "narrative" about the "Deep State" working to undermine him.... The latter is a seems to be of great concern to CNN's historian commentator Douglas Brinkley as well as others in the liberal mainstream media..... "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.... Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.".... Can it really be called a "narrative" when it is confirmed by the actions of the Deputy Attorney General?

So if this is true, why is that Rosenstein still employed, and NOT in jail? Conspiracy to overthrow a duly, lawfully, legally elected President? Sedition? What the hell more does it take to actually remove these criminals and make an example of them? Other than the obvious, last resort method, that is. Democrat Doug Schoen: "Rosenstein’s Actions Are ‘Outrageous; He Can’t Continue to Supervise Mueller. ‘The only way it can finish fairly is with him out of the picture recused or fired.".
As always, Left-wing faux 'historian' Brinkley is more concerned with the effects of this on the Democrat agenda than getting to the truth. Which is typical of a man whose primary purpose in life is to spin his alleged 'histories' to the benefit of the left. Historians deal with historical facts. Douglas Brinkley ignores those. He is more of a revisionist, novelist or a comic book writer.
NO SHIT!!!!!!!
Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'

Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'
The shocking revelation in the September 21 New York Times that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump as well as invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office is stunning. It is also disturbing because this just feeds into Trump's "narrative" about the "Deep State" working to undermine him.... The latter is a seems to be of great concern to CNN's historian commentator Douglas Brinkley as well as others in the liberal mainstream media..... "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.... Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.".... Can it really be called a "narrative" when it is confirmed by the actions of the Deputy Attorney General?

So if this is true, why is that Rosenstein still employed, and NOT in jail? Conspiracy to overthrow a duly, lawfully, legally elected President? Sedition? What the hell more does it take to actually remove these criminals and make an example of them? Other than the obvious, last resort method, that is. Democrat Doug Schoen: "Rosenstein’s Actions Are ‘Outrageous; He Can’t Continue to Supervise Mueller. ‘The only way it can finish fairly is with him out of the picture recused or fired.".
As always, Left-wing faux 'historian' Brinkley is more concerned with the effects of this on the Democrat agenda than getting to the truth. Which is typical of a man whose primary purpose in life is to spin his alleged 'histories' to the benefit of the left. Historians deal with historical facts. Douglas Brinkley ignores those. He is more of a revisionist, novelist or a comic book writer.
If you are concerned the President of the United States is not able to function appropriately to do the job, it isn't sedition to discuss it. The Pres is still there, so there was obviously no action taken.
Rosenstein could sure be "Anonymous" though, couldn't he?
If you are concerned the President of the United States is not able to function appropriately to do the job, it isn't sedition to discuss it.

To discuss what? Overthrowing the duly elected President?
So, one of the many Half-Wit, Lying, Scum-Bag Turds at CNN is beginning to suspect what all normal people know:

That there is a Deep State in Washington operating illegally against the Will of the People.

I guess that' s progress, but is it Progressive?

The NYT Article is stunning, but since we know the NYT is pervasively dishonest---there is great confusion as to what it means---which depends on who "leaked" it.

MaCabe? In an attempt to take other co-conspirators down with him?

Or one of the many Seditious Turds who work for Mueller---in an attempt to bait Trump into firing Rosenstein, so they can scream about Obstruction....since Collusion has turned out to be a Fraud?

We know the Article is Good News for America, because it shows the Rats are ratting each other out.

And we know that the NYT did not print it to serve the American Public. They don't do that at the NYT. They serve the Socialist Party, previously masquerading as the Democrat Party.

We don't know much else just yet---but its good news, by damn. It shows Panic in the Traitors.
So, one of the many Half-Wit, Lying, Scum-Bag Turds at CNN is beginning to suspect what all normal people know:

That there is a Deep State in Washington operating illegally against the Will of the People.

I guess that' s progress, but is it Progressive?

The NYT Article is stunning, but since we know the NYT is pervasively dishonest---there is great confusion as to what it means---which depends on who "leaked" it.

MaCabe? In an attempt to take other co-conspirators down with him?

Or one of the many Seditious Turds who work for Mueller---in an attempt to bait Trump into firing Rosenstein, so they can scream about Obstruction....since Collusion has turned out to be a Fraud?

We know the Article is Good News for America, because it shows the Rats are ratting each other out.

And we know that the NYT did not print it to serve the American Public. They don't do that at the NYT. They serve the Socialist Party, previously masquerading as the Democrat Party.

We don't know much else just yet---but its good news, by damn. It shows Panic in the Traitors.
I'm not at all sure it's against the will of the people to keep our country somewhat on track. Trump has had his way with the conservative agenda, but he's making a total mess out of foreign policy. Total. Mess.
If you are concerned the President of the United States is not able to function appropriately to do the job, it isn't sedition to discuss it.

To discuss what? Overthrowing the duly elected President?

You seem extremely dramatic & also ignorant concerning The US Constitution.

The 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism created for the purpose of transition of executive powers, which has NOTHING to do with, "Overthrowing the duly elected President."

What; you hate The US Constitution?
Trump's "story" that the deep state undermines him.

By Trump's "story", does he mean the fact that Trump is and was being undermined?
So, one of the many Half-Wit, Lying, Scum-Bag Turds at CNN is beginning to suspect what all normal people know:

That there is a Deep State in Washington operating illegally against the Will of the People.

I guess that' s progress, but is it Progressive?

The NYT Article is stunning, but since we know the NYT is pervasively dishonest---there is great confusion as to what it means---which depends on who "leaked" it.

MaCabe? In an attempt to take other co-conspirators down with him?

Or one of the many Seditious Turds who work for Mueller---in an attempt to bait Trump into firing Rosenstein, so they can scream about Obstruction....since Collusion has turned out to be a Fraud?

We know the Article is Good News for America, because it shows the Rats are ratting each other out.

And we know that the NYT did not print it to serve the American Public. They don't do that at the NYT. They serve the Socialist Party, previously masquerading as the Democrat Party.

We don't know much else just yet---but its good news, by damn. It shows Panic in the Traitors.
I'm not at all sure it's against the will of the people to keep our country somewhat on track. Trump has had his way with the conservative agenda, but he's making a total mess out of foreign policy. Total. Mess.

That's your personal opinion. Trump voters in 30 states disagree with you. You don't like Trump, tough that's not justification to sneak around behind the president's back scheming ideas on how to get rid of him. YOU PEOPLE voted Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House and she's bat shit crazy.
Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'

Historian Douglas Brinkley Worries Rosenstein Story Validates Trump Deep State 'Narrative'
The shocking revelation in the September 21 New York Times that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump as well as invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office is stunning. It is also disturbing because this just feeds into Trump's "narrative" about the "Deep State" working to undermine him.... The latter is a seems to be of great concern to CNN's historian commentator Douglas Brinkley as well as others in the liberal mainstream media..... "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.... Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.".... Can it really be called a "narrative" when it is confirmed by the actions of the Deputy Attorney General?

So if this is true, why is that Rosenstein still employed, and NOT in jail? Conspiracy to overthrow a duly, lawfully, legally elected President? Sedition? What the hell more does it take to actually remove these criminals and make an example of them? Other than the obvious, last resort method, that is. Democrat Doug Schoen: "Rosenstein’s Actions Are ‘Outrageous; He Can’t Continue to Supervise Mueller. ‘The only way it can finish fairly is with him out of the picture recused or fired.".
As always, Left-wing faux 'historian' Brinkley is more concerned with the effects of this on the Democrat agenda than getting to the truth. Which is typical of a man whose primary purpose in life is to spin his alleged 'histories' to the benefit of the left. Historians deal with historical facts. Douglas Brinkley ignores those. He is more of a revisionist, novelist or a comic book writer.

First off, the NYT is a paywall.

Rosenstein has very forcefully denied the NYT article but let's suppose Rosenstein did discuss the idea of utilizing the 25th A.

Here in a nut shell is the idea: "According to the report, Rosenstein told McCabe that he thought it could get Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John Kelly, then Homeland Security secretary, to start the process of removing Trump under the amendment."

OK; so let's say that is true & correct. What would be 'wrong' about a DAG telling a FBI Director that he (Rosenstein) is thinking about the possibility of discussing the potential use of the 25th A with John Kelly & Jeff Sessions?

What is wrong with that?
So, one of the many Half-Wit, Lying, Scum-Bag Turds at CNN is beginning to suspect what all normal people know:

That there is a Deep State in Washington operating illegally against the Will of the People.

I guess that' s progress, but is it Progressive?

The NYT Article is stunning, but since we know the NYT is pervasively dishonest---there is great confusion as to what it means---which depends on who "leaked" it.

MaCabe? In an attempt to take other co-conspirators down with him?

Or one of the many Seditious Turds who work for Mueller---in an attempt to bait Trump into firing Rosenstein, so they can scream about Obstruction....since Collusion has turned out to be a Fraud?

We know the Article is Good News for America, because it shows the Rats are ratting each other out.

And we know that the NYT did not print it to serve the American Public. They don't do that at the NYT. They serve the Socialist Party, previously masquerading as the Democrat Party.

We don't know much else just yet---but its good news, by damn. It shows Panic in the Traitors.
I'm not at all sure it's against the will of the people to keep our country somewhat on track. Trump has had his way with the conservative agenda, but he's making a total mess out of foreign policy. Total. Mess.

Really? Please explain to us the total mess in foreign policy? Are you referring to the strides in getting Nor Kor to the table and talk of denuclearization? Or the fact that Europe is now lowering their tariffs against US made products? The renegotiations of NAFTA etc... Putting pressure on China to level the import export field. Then there's the Syria/Russia/Iran war.
Are you claiming these have all been unsuccessful? If so please explain yourself.

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