Hip Bursitis


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Um. Ok. I told the doc at todays visit that I have a hard time walking the dogs any more because of the pain in my left hip. And I gained weight. :(
Probably because it hurts too much to walk like I used to. Sigh.
Anyway, I said "it's the RA, ain't it?" and he leaned over, poked a finger on my thigh and I hollered OUCH!! How the hell did he know where to poke? All along the side of my thigh it is sore but where he poked...it was like a knife. He said "Bursitis of the hip".
He also said I might have to go to another doc and get a steroid shot in my hip. I said "oh HAYELL no", so he said it would just get worse and I said fine. So it gets worse.

Meanwhile, I googled it..or rather Bing'd it since Google is hiccuping big time tonight, and saw a few exercizes I could do myself without a damn needle poking me. And I might try some Aleve since it is supposedly better than my precious Advils I haven't taken in forever.

So anyone here know about Hip Bursitis? I had it on my elbow a few years ago and it went away. Maybe it will on my hip area, too?
Meanwhile, I am going to take Karma in the car tomorrow and find a place without HILLS. I live on a damn hill so getting down it is a piece of cake. Getting back up it to come home is another story. I refuse to be helpless. So..help me! Any suggestions on how to make this problem go away?
I was going to comment that bursitis in any joint is a real PITA - but particularly when it's the hip...... I've had 'tennis elbow' and such, which yes lasted for close to 6 months.

If you can't walk 'on land' - try going to a pool and walking up & down one of the 'lanes' for a few minutes each day. Then go soak in the hot tub for a bit : ))

That 'little bit' of exercise might help you with the weight loss, too. Good luck to you : ))
Take the steroid shot, you will feel much better
I plan to go down to the springs and walk karma there. All level ground, no hills.
I had it on my elbow too and refused the shot. It went away after about 3 months. The hip? That is going to probably take much longer. And I gotta get this weight off. The more weight on my ankles, the more pain in my joints. Thank goodness I didn't gain a helluvalot. I am about 15 lbs overweight so I gotta get to walking again..even if I have to stop and take breaks often.
Take the shot, if you don't feel better don't take it anymore

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