Hint on Keeping Yourself Safe in a Pandemic


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You grab the nozzle at the gas station, put in your zip code.

Now you’ve got the virus all over your hands.

My Golden Retriever left me a sword to protect myself.

Just put your hand in (poop free for you Democrat’s requiring detailed instructions.

Petmate Arm & Hammer Disposable Pet Waste Bags Robot Check

*I bought all of their stock yesterday.
I need to be more careful Ingresch is me sekond language so I hurd pan de mic. I'm glad I caught it before da smoke.
Can U tale Ime board ?
I will wear disposable plastic gloves when I go to the gas station next time.

...then I throw them away. Easy peasy.
There's a lot of ways to be safe...

The only reason why we are so depleted from certain mineral and vitamins. It is because the foods we eat has not been supplying enough. It says in the Bible. God gave them rules and regulations to follow. To prolong their life while they are on this planet.
He told them to keep practicing the Sabbaths. It said for six years, you can harvest the land. But on the seventh, you are not allowed. On that year, let the ground rest so it can be replenish. So let the fruits and leaves drop onto the ground to rot. So that it can fertile the ground.
But no one has been keeping the Sabbaths. And there is a Sabbath, that you cannot harvest for seven years. The only ones that were able to do that. Was during the time of Joseph's reign.

Deuteronomy 5:33
Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

And if you want to be safe. Make sure that you don't eat anything that has been genetically modified.
It is kinda funny how Nancy Pelosi (Who is for partial birth abortion) hurried up and raised her hand to make sure that these kids eat the school lunches. They know if these kids stops eating it, that they will get better. They know that some parents will not feed their child every day. And so they want to make sure that the children stay sick during this pandemic. And so they made sure to have these kids come to the school around a crowd of other children, to pick up their school lunch. It would be cheaper to give the kids food vouchers which only can be used once a day to Trader Joe's or Sprouts Farmer market or whatever stores that sells foods that are healthy, to buy their lunch, instead of paying employees to open up the schools for a couple of hours just to hand out lunches.
But it shows why children are slow learners in these days. That they want to keep on administering to the children whatever is in those lunches. As if they are prepping them to harvest their organs.


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