Hilly has a bad heart valve


She went against the advice of her doctor and did not get it fixed. Apparently being president is more important than staying alive. Does that sound like mental illness to anyone?

Now, think about this, if you vote for her you are voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.

. . . and the alternative is ? ? ?


She went against the advice of her doctor and did not get it fixed. Apparently being president is more important than staying alive. Does that sound like mental illness to anyone?

Now, think about this, if you vote for her you are voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.

I think that the most likely reason of all... may have been that her heart was two sizes too small
She has Parkinson's. Which invariably leads to dementia.

She went against the advice of her doctor and did not get it fixed. Apparently being president is more important than staying alive. Does that sound like mental illness to anyone?

Now, think about this, if you vote for her you are voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.

I think that the most likely reason of all... may have been that her heart was two sizes too small
Let's see how many members here 'get it'.

She went against the advice of her doctor and did not get it fixed. Apparently being president is more important than staying alive. Does that sound like mental illness to anyone?

Now, think about this, if you vote for her you are voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.
Is this guy, Ed Klein, her doctor or just a right wing rumor monger

no one in the Clinton campaign cabal has challenged what he wrote. Don't you think they would have called him a liar by now if it wasn't true?

She went against the advice of her doctor and did not get it fixed. Apparently being president is more important than staying alive. Does that sound like mental illness to anyone?

Now, think about this, if you vote for her you are voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.
And you believe this Ed Klein guy? Who is trying to promote his newly delivered book?

if he is lying, why the silence from the Clinton camp? why haven't they denied it? why haven't they sued for slander? Answer: because its true.
Are we gonna find an issue or is this it?

Raising Kaine
Raising Kaine

In 2013, when he was sworn in as the new Virginia senator, it became apparent how small a world Virginia politics really is: His Virginian colleague in the Senate was none other than his old friend Mark Warner, under whom he had served as lieutenant governor. Together, they have used Virginia’s voting power in the Senate to move the United States further to the left.

In fact, Tim Kaine has the lowest score in the Freedom Index published by The New American. His cumulative score for his tenure in the Senate is a paltry one percent. The one vote in which he aligned himself with the Constitution — the anomaly — was on January 28, 2015 when he voted against an amendment to remove exemptions for fracking and natural gas storage from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This one correct vote is conspicuous by its loneliness.

On a range of bills dealing with everything from national security to federal involvement in housing to the environment to immigration to taxes to forcing employers to fund contraception, Kaine has voted the exact opposite of the Constitution 99 percent of the time.

As Kaine has continued to climb the political ladder, he has also continued to move to further and further to the left and progress in his abandonment of whatever principles he may have ever had. He appears to have made some sort of Faustian deal for political power: He has violated his oath of office wherein he swore before God that he would uphold the Constitution, and he has likewise abandoned his faith, though he claims otherwise.

Kaine describes himself as a “faithful” and “traditional Catholic,” even while supporting same-sex “marriage” and abortion. This dichotomy has caused more than one Catholic clergyman to publicly call Kaine out as an example of a bad Catholic. Fr. Thomas Petri, a Catholic priest in Washington, D.C., tweeted, “Senator @timkaine: Do us both a favor. Don’t show up in my communion line. I take Canon 915 seriously. It’d be embarrassing for you & for me.” Canon 915 forbids priests from administering Holy Communion to those who are excommunicated or obstinately persevere in grave sin.
This is the nineteenth major health problem posters have diagnosed with Hillary. If she has survived those nineteen killers she must be in great shape. Will health problems replace the usual communism-socialist routine or are the health problems only applicable to Hillary. Which has more impact on voters, communism/socialism or nineteen major health problems?
Ahh,,,another thread by and for the gullible.
All medical records are confidential and can be only made public by consent of the patient. That's a law. (HIPAA) Violation of that law means jail time and very heavy fines.
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I won't lose a wink of sleep if it fails.

(all for the national good an all)

wrong forum

so you think your candidate's failing health is funny? interesting.

I think the sad state of your mental health is hilarious. So, Trump is getting his ass kicked (according to you)

By a woman who

Has alzheimers
Has Parkinsons
Has a hole in her tongue
Has a bad heart valve
Wears a catheter
Can’t stand up for 5 minutes straight.

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