HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...

1st post
"what difference does it make" ? Really? you and obama and the entire administration lied to the american people for politcal gain. Thats what difference it makes.

Well no.

But lets get down to brass tacks.

What do you believe was root cause?

And what do you believe to be the remedy?
"what difference does it make" ? Really? you and obama and the entire administration lied to the american people for politcal gain. Thats what difference it makes.

Well no.

But lets get down to brass tacks.

What do you believe was root cause?

And what do you believe to be the remedy?

An inept President and adminstration who has also violated the Constitution. Impeachment.
"what difference does it make" ? Really? you and obama and the entire administration lied to the american people for politcal gain. Thats what difference it makes.

Well no.

But lets get down to brass tacks.

What do you believe was root cause?

And what do you believe to be the remedy?

why did they lie? they did not want a terrorist attack just before the election after obama had said that al qaeda was destroyed. Sending the UN rep out to lie was a stupid strategy and it backfired on them.

remedy: first tell the truth, then let congress decide if it was an impeachable offence.
"what difference does it make" ? Really? you and obama and the entire administration lied to the american people for politcal gain. Thats what difference it makes.

Well no.

But lets get down to brass tacks.

What do you believe was root cause?

And what do you believe to be the remedy?

An inept President and adminstration who has also violated the Constitution. Impeachment.

As I thought.

"what difference does it make" ? Really? you and obama and the entire administration lied to the american people for politcal gain. Thats what difference it makes.

Well no.

But lets get down to brass tacks.

What do you believe was root cause?

And what do you believe to be the remedy?

why did they lie? they did not want a terrorist attack just before the election after obama had said that al qaeda was destroyed. Sending the UN rep out to lie was a stupid strategy and it backfired on them.

remedy: first tell the truth, then let congress decide if it was an impeachable offence.

Same song.

Basically there were no "investigations" into the the exact SAME sort of activity under Bush. Heck..it took more then a YEAR to even START an investigation into 9/11.

You guys, now that you are out of power, are holding investigation after investigation dedicated to one thing.

Undoing the popular vote.

It's transparent.

And it's almost laughable.
5th post
Clinton wasn't President during 9/11.

Catch up.



You're better than that Sallow... I Hope.

Try again... this time with Dishonestly Dimissing what I Provided.



Try what again?

Clinton was not President during 9/11.

Another newsflash for ya.

It was Reagan and Poppa Bush that armed Osama Bin Laden and taught him the spook Ops necessary to get 9/11 done.

Good stuff. :thup:

Bonus Prize. Sonny Boy Bush took over a company started by Bin Laden's brother.

Da plot thickens.


Your gonna say that Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11?? You need to be more honest.

They armed UBL in Afghanistan because he was fighting the Soviets. The cold war. Remember.

As for the company? Loads of companies are bought and sold every day. UBL's brother started the company. Thats the family that disowned UBL BTW.

Try again.
You're better than that Sallow... I Hope.

Try again... this time with Dishonestly Dimissing what I Provided.



Try what again?

Clinton was not President during 9/11.

Another newsflash for ya.

It was Reagan and Poppa Bush that armed Osama Bin Laden and taught him the spook Ops necessary to get 9/11 done.

Good stuff. :thup:

Bonus Prize. Sonny Boy Bush took over a company started by Bin Laden's brother.

Da plot thickens.


Your gonna say that Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11?? You need to be more honest.

They armed UBL in Afghanistan because he was fighting the Soviets. The cold war. Remember.

As for the company? Loads of companies are bought and sold every day. UBL's brother started the company. Thats the family that disowned UBL BTW.

Try again.

No. Zip. Nothing. Nadda.

If anything he tried to prevent it. And conservatives, ever the obstructionists, thwarted his efforts. That's after they armed and trained that nutcase.
We all know the Secretary is well respected and that no one with any credibility has accused her of lying because there is no credible reason for her to lie...

But we in America have a conspiracy fringe that is alive and well..

:rofl: :rofl: :laugh2: :rofl: :rofl:

We all know that you're a nutjob, partisan sycophant with a sum total of zero integrity who will say anything to protect or promote your shameful party, Dainty.
10th post
Try what again?

Clinton was not President during 9/11.

Another newsflash for ya.

It was Reagan and Poppa Bush that armed Osama Bin Laden and taught him the spook Ops necessary to get 9/11 done.

Good stuff. :thup:

Bonus Prize. Sonny Boy Bush took over a company started by Bin Laden's brother.

Da plot thickens.


Your gonna say that Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11?? You need to be more honest.

They armed UBL in Afghanistan because he was fighting the Soviets. The cold war. Remember.

As for the company? Loads of companies are bought and sold every day. UBL's brother started the company. Thats the family that disowned UBL BTW.

Try again.

No. Zip. Nothing. Nadda.

If anything he tried to prevent it. And conservatives, ever the obstructionists, thwarted his efforts. That's after they armed and trained that nutcase.

Luv Ya S but your one dishonest MF.

Clinton did nothing about terrorism his entire term. He lobbed a few missiles. I read he killed a camel or two. Of course he did bomb that medical facility like mal said. That did some good on the war on terror doncha know.

Nobody thwarted his efforts to do anything because he didn't do anything. He was riding high with a good economy and figured why rock the boat.

The USS Cole.

Two embassies in Africa.

The kobar towers.

I'm sure there were more but hey, who can remember them all. I'm sure Clinton doesn't lose any sleep over the deaths that occured on his watch. I'm sure the current fuck in the WH doesn't lose sleep over his failing either. Hey. He got his second term. Its all Good. Its only four dead men. No sweat.
Last edited:
Try what again?

Clinton was not President during 9/11.

Another newsflash for ya.

It was Reagan and Poppa Bush that armed Osama Bin Laden and taught him the spook Ops necessary to get 9/11 done.

Good stuff. :thup:

Bonus Prize. Sonny Boy Bush took over a company started by Bin Laden's brother.

Da plot thickens.


Your gonna say that Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11?? You need to be more honest.

They armed UBL in Afghanistan because he was fighting the Soviets. The cold war. Remember.

As for the company? Loads of companies are bought and sold every day. UBL's brother started the company. Thats the family that disowned UBL BTW.

Try again.

No. Zip. Nothing. Nadda.

If anything he tried to prevent it. And conservatives, ever the obstructionists, thwarted his efforts. That's after they armed and trained that nutcase.

Sudan offered to turn over OBL......he turned them down......but i believe that proof was destroyed by Sandy Burglar....
Your gonna say that Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11?? You need to be more honest.

They armed UBL in Afghanistan because he was fighting the Soviets. The cold war. Remember.

As for the company? Loads of companies are bought and sold every day. UBL's brother started the company. Thats the family that disowned UBL BTW.

Try again.

Nah, no one armed bin Laden, ever.

You have to remember that leftists like Shallow are shameless liars. What they say will serve the party - and that is their only concern. These are people without even a hint of integrity. What Shallow says of bin Laden is a pack of lies, and he knows they are lies - but truth, lies or other are all the same to him. Shallow makes a statement based on whether it serves and promotes the party. The truth of the statement is never a concern.

What Osama bin Laden brought to the Mujaheddin was money. As a spoiled rich Saudi, he had millions and millions. The Muja accepted him because he could and did buy weapons. He also recruited Arabs to help fight the Soviets. He had no leadership role in the Mujaheddin and operated from Pakistan, mostly running a guest house where Arabs could prepare to go into Afghanistan and fight.

BBC News - Who is Osama Bin Laden?
Don't hold your breath there Mal.

He hates it when he's wrong and gets called on it.

Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11 not the day? Just everything leading up to it.
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Don't hold your breath there Mal.

He hates it when he's wrong and gets called on it.

Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11 not the day? Just everything leading up to it.

Bush nor Clinton had anything to do with it but if trying to stop 9/11 was a Possibility, it was Clearly on the President who had years to get the Mastermind behind 9/11 seeing as KSM Killed Americans on American soil at that same WTC Complex in 1993, later finishing the job months after Clinton left Office.

Clinton was too busy using Intern's Dresses as Cumrags to be bothered with anything else.

Sallow can't take issue with the List @ my Link...

Otherwise he would. :thup:


Don't hold your breath there Mal.

He hates it when he's wrong and gets called on it.

Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11 not the day? Just everything leading up to it.

Bush nor Clinton had anything to do with it but if trying to stop 9/11 was a Possibility, it was Clearly on the President who had years to get the Mastermind behind 9/11 seeing as KSM Killed Americans on American soil at that same WTC Complex in 1993, later finishing the job months after Clinton left Office.

Clinton was too busy using Intern's Dresses as Cumrags to be bothered with anything else.

Sallow can't take issue with the List @ my Link...

Otherwise he would. :thup:



Your right there. The dirtbags who flew the planes are the ones who ultimately to blame. They killed those 3,000 people. To bad John O'Neil was the only one paying attention.

Clinton had the opportunity to do something especially after the first attack in 93. But he didn't. He let it all slide.

I find it odd that loads of folks don't see what all was going on with terrorism and the attacks on Americans before 9-11. Hell. We were being attacked all over the world.

Its easy to blame Bush because he was the sitting POTUS when those 3,000 people were killed and the buck stopped at his desk just like Benghazi stops at Barrys desk.
All of them including Diplomat David Foy.

And several thousand Americans in the Twin Towers and Pentagon.

I remember the Pentagon...

Wasn't that hit with an Aircraft?...

Where and when was it that a President first got a Warning of that VERY thing being a Possibility?...

"Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida's Martyrdom Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White House,"


That's correct... Clinton had 2 years after being given this Report... A Report which I am to understand his VP Assisted with.

What did they do for 2 years after that Sallow?...

And new Security for Airports, Aircraft, Flight Training Schools?... Anything?


And save the August 6th PDB only a MONTH before 9/11...

It's Title just Regurgitates the Declaration of War that al Qaeda declared on us in 1996.

KSM, the Mastermind behind 9/11 Attack the WTC the first time in 1993 under Clinton...

Clinton FAILED to get KSM for 8 years.

KSM Finished the job on 9/11.

Save that Tripe for people who didn't Live through that Era. :thup:



Clinton wasn't President during 9/11.

Catch up.



Clinton and Co. had a two year heads up that the attack was being worked on. Did he do ANYTHING about it?
Just watching the left and adapting the tactics Sallow.

Really now?

Which Republican US President has ever been impeached?

Nixon did the right thing and stepped down. Why is it that when a Democratic politician screws up they have to be dragged kicking and screaming from office? The Benghazi attack and the subsequent effort to cover it up are orders of magnitude more serious than Watergate.....or Fast and Furious for that matter.

Face it Sallow, the Obama admin, contrary to his promises is more corrupt than Nixons, or Bush the seconds. I think that Bush the Firsts was more corrupt, but he only had four years, Obama will surpass him handily.
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