Hillary was awarded 3 delegates by coin toss!

Everything I have read said there were seven coin tosses. Can you provide evidence there were "over a dozen?"

Update: The initial 6-for-6 report, from the Des Moines Register missed a few Sanders coin-toss wins. (There were a lot of coin tosses!) The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50, which is what we'd expect.

Here’s just how unlikely Hillary Clinton’s 6-for-6 coin-toss victories were

In fact, there were at least a dozen tiebreakers — and "Sen. Sanders won at least a handful," an Iowa Democratic Party official told NPR.

Coin-Toss Fact Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton

Gone unmentioned so far is that even if Clinton won that Miracle Six — and there were no other coin tosses — it would make little difference in the outcome. That is, in part, because of the complicated way Iowa Democrats allocate their delegates — and what was being reported on election night and what wasn't.

Given the closeness of the race and the complexity of the caucus system, you'd be forgiven for assuming that Clinton earned her four-delegate statewide margin with six delegates earned via coin toss. But she didn't. The Iowa caucus process is thoroughly complicated, from start to finish. What matters here is that the delegates that were won with the coin toss were not actual convention delegates but county delegates. The tally that Clinton won by four delegates was "state delegate equivalents," a calculation that estimates how many delegates to the state Democratic convention will result from each side's winning enough county delegates.
So a Iowa Democrat operative told NPR that there were a dozen coin tosses and Bernie won about five. Sounds like bullshit.
Sounds like you're an idiot.

Here. Let me shed some light for you.

FACT: There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: It gets more complicated, to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) but by now, have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?

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