Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

Paws follows me around like a little puppy begging for attention..........two posts to my one...how pathetic is that? She just can't help herself....I bet spittle flies from her keyboard as she writes her latest fool-fueled rant.....she is more to be pitied than scolded. LOL!
Oh now I'm a she .
It's two to one because you are an endless source of laughable antics and inane yammering.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Let's see it. Someone needs to put out already. I'm tired of these douche nozzles who tease but never please.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

what's that? like four years of wishful thinking from rightwingnut loons.

so desperate. you're funny. :cuckoo:

but thanks for yet another loser troll thread.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

what's that? like four years of wishful thinking from rightwingnut loons.

so desperate. you're funny. :cuckoo:

but thanks for yet another loser troll thread.

Shillian, Hitlery is one of the global elites so she gets a pass but it's only going to take her so far. This bitch is guilty of a multitude of crimes and they are not victim less crimes either. Keep laughing...she deserves a prison cell right along the Bush crime family and Billy.
Just what WOULD it take for Hillary supporters to make them say hmmmmmm and kick her to the curb?
Her PERSONALLY stabbing them them with a knife....nah, that wouldn't work, either.
The woman who forgot about the 4 men lost on her watch in Libya, will skate.

The woman who laughed and smiled as she relayed a total BS story about sniper fire, will skate.

The woman who said she didn't support NAFTA when clearly she did, will skate.

The woman who called black youth super predators and saying they need to be brought to heel, will skate.

The woman who ordered the ransacking of Vince Fosters' office, will skate.

The woman whose billing records couldn't be found until after the stay of execution, will skate.

the bitch is gonna skate, get used to it, we should be already.
Obama's highly partisan DOJ is going to indict a D? dream on.

The FBI doesn't NEED to even indict. Just issue a statement that her remaining security clearances are revoked for grossly and arrogantly compromising National Security. --- And that she is INELIGIBLE to obtain Security clearances at that level ever again.. Don't need a criminal proceeding. The FBI has the authority to make that determination..

THEN -- we'll see who understands the severity of what was done for political gain -- and who would STILL VOTE for a person that the FBI deems not trustworthy enough to grant a clearance to..

Sure if she's ELECTED -- then THEORETICALLY she has access to anything the power whore demands. But that would be an interesting test of wills between the HildeBeast and the 3 letter agencies -- wouldn't it??
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Imagine if you will- Hellary doing the perp walk, hands cuffed, Slick Willie holding his jacket over her head as she is lead away to awaiting squad car. That would be beautiful......
Trump has the same base of support as Sanders and if you think Trump or Hillary is bad what about a borderline communist?
the bitch is gonna skate, get used to it, we should be already.

Because none of it is very important... that's why she will skate.

One more time, guy. I don't give a fuck if she sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica and Jennifer her first day in office.

Most Americans are voting on two things- Will she keep us out of wars, and will she not fuck up the economy.

I'm not convinced Trump will. He's too much of a hothead.
The FBI doesn't NEED to even indict. Just issue a statement that her remaining security clearances are revoked for grossly and arrogantly compromising National Security. --- And that she is INELIGIBLE to obtain Security clearances at that level ever again.. Don't need a criminal proceeding. The FBI has the authority to make that determination..

THEN -- we'll see who understands the severity of what was done for political gain -- and who would STILL VOTE for a person that the FBI deems not trustworthy enough to grant a clearance to..

Sure if she's ELECTED -- then THEORETICALLY she has access to anything the power whore demands. But that would be an interesting test of wills between the HildeBeast and the 3 letter agencies -- wouldn't it??

Yeah, the problem is, nobody at the FBI is going to commit career suicide and do that.

Get Real.

Now that the GOP has committed electoral suicide and nominated a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, no one is going to want to piss off the next boss.
the bitch is gonna skate, get used to it, we should be already.

Because none of it is very important... that's why she will skate.

One more time, guy. I don't give a fuck if she sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica and Jennifer her first day in office.

Most Americans are voting on two things- Will she keep us out of wars, and will she not fuck up the economy.

I'm not convinced Trump will. He's too much of a hothead.

Mrs. Clinton voted for two wars for sure and supported them up until she didn't, and they were effectively over. She is bragging about the murder of Kadaffi, you know regime change. She as SOS, and Obama, supplied the Syrian rebels, ISIS, with weapons. She sent Stevens into Libya to do just that.

So for at least the last 16 years there has not been a war Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has not supported. What makes anyone think she won't support more in the future is anyone's guess or delusion.

Her lies speak to her character and reports are she is every bit the hothead as Trump. She is just more insidious in hiding it.

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