Hillary is done!

Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.

Trumpbots don't even give a damn he joined Club RINO and became associated with Soros ...

Yes Breitbart, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting. NOT.

Breitbart, publishing Republican fantasies. I believe in freedom of speech, but you now have a situation where conservatives have spent untold millions of dollars to discredit the Clintons. Why not just propose better programs. If the only way you can win is by lying about your opponent for 30 years, you don't deserve to govern.

Former President Bill Clinton and henchman Hillary Clinton has brought all the scandals themselves. No one did it for them. They intentionally set up a private server to keep all her communications private from the US Government.
Yes Breitbart, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting. NOT.

Breitbart, publishing Republican fantasies. I believe in freedom of speech, but you now have a situation where conservatives have spent untold millions of dollars to discredit the Clintons. Why not just propose better programs. If the only way you can win is by lying about your opponent for 30 years, you don't deserve to govern.

Former President Bill Clinton and henchman Hillary Clinton has brought all the scandals themselves. No one did it for them. They intentionally set up a private server to keep all her communications private from the US Government.
i thought Bush and Reagan were responsible for the 142 Clinton Scandals
She has to be indicted, last week they came out and say she broke the rules, which is a nice way to say she broke the law. Before anyone says Powell or Rice, if they knowingly broke the law. They should also go to jail.

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