Hillary is done!

Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
can anyone just imagine Hillary on "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader"? she should be forced to do it before she runs. and if she gets one question wrong,,,then she needs to go back home to Mexico!! Jeff: OK,,Madam Hillary. What Is The Capitol Of California??? Hillary: Ah, Uhm,,,California? Thats a State, right? a State here in the USA?
For the 30th year in a row...Hillary is done. lol
Yup. Day 10,951 of "Hillary is done this time, I swear!"

I'll never vote for the tart, but I've been reading for two decades on how this time she is finished.
Honestly, I'm torn between not liking her, and wanting her to beat these morons on the right who have been going after her for so long.

Revenge isn't a strong enough motivator to make me vote against my principles. Nothing is.
one thing for sure, the 1st graders aren't through chirping nonsense about Clinton.
Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
Just think she has done all this herself!
Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
Just think she has done all this herself!

just think, after she gets elected POTUS you'll get to whine about it for the next 8 years.
Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
Just think she has done all this herself!

just think, after she gets elected POTUS you'll get to whine about it for the next 8 years.
love the smell of repubs burning after elections
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
Just think she has done all this herself!

just think, after she gets elected POTUS you'll get to whine about it for the next 8 years.
love the smell of repubs burning after elections

they should be thrilled about electing Clinton. They'd have a built in whipping post and wouldn't need to skip a beat (pun) after Obama left.
What do you think of "little Rubio""?? Changed his mind fast enough Remember him calling Dump a psychopath ,,,,, are all repubs liars??
Just saw an msnbc poll. Shows only 19% of Americans think Hillary is honest. Following the report proving she lied about her email account. It's a beautiful day, Hillary ended her presidential chance. All on her own!
Poll this
In a recent Washington Post/ABCNews poll, 59% said Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 69% said that about Trump.

So, whom do voters say they trust? Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, John Kasich and Marco Rubio. With the exception of Bernie Sanders — and not since Tenzing Norgay has anyone fought so hard to finish second — none of those guys are still in the hunt.

Let’s drop the façade. This election proves we do not care at all if our candidates are honest — in fact, we don’t care all that much if they are habitual liars.
That's before the report came out last week about her lying about her emails. Lol, she is doing herself in without Trumps help. Just think when it's just them two, he will kill her.
You’re pathetic and ridiculous.
Just think she has done all this herself!

just think, after she gets elected POTUS you'll get to whine about it for the next 8 years.
Not as bad is you will whine when you have to say president Trump after the election. Hillary has hurt herself all by herself. Right now ole Sanders has a better chance than Hillary, but you looneys think it's Hillary's turn. Thank you for being that ignorant!
Politico: Hillary Clinton in Death Spiral Toward Defeat

Political analyst David S. Bernstein writes that Hillary Clinton is already making all the major mistakes that Donald Trump needs to win November’s general election.
From Politico Magazine:

It’s a terrifying moment for Democrats: Hillary Clinton’s double-digit lead in national polls has evaporated and panic is beginning to set in. Polls now show Donald Trump ahead of Clinton, or at worst only a few points behind. During the insanity of the Republican primary, it was easy for them to believe that Trump could never be president—that in a general election, mainstream voters would regard him as an absurdity. But Clinton remains a shaky candidate with historically high negatives, an email scandal that keeps getting worse and a stubborn primary opponent whose supporters may yet become a midsummer nightmare in Philadelphia. Meanwhile, the Republicans, seemingly in all-out civil war just weeks ago, have quickly fallen in line. Democrats are resigning themselves to a tough, ugly, painful and expensive street fight.

Politico: Hillary Clinton in Death Spiral Toward Defeat - Breitbart
Yes Breitbart, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting. NOT.

Breitbart, publishing Republican fantasies. I believe in freedom of speech, but you now have a situation where conservatives have spent untold millions of dollars to discredit the Clintons. Why not just propose better programs. If the only way you can win is by lying about your opponent for 30 years, you don't deserve to govern.
Yes Breitbart, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting. NOT.

Breitbart, publishing Republican fantasies. I believe in freedom of speech, but you now have a situation where conservatives have spent untold millions of dollars to discredit the Clintons. Why not just propose better programs. If the only way you can win is by lying about your opponent for 30 years, you don't deserve to govern.

Yo dumbass, they are reporting what that "bastion" of liberal lunacy Politco is saying. You really are fucking stupid

Since you're obviously too stupid to click the link Breitbart provided here:

How Hillary loses: Four mistakes that could cost her the election
When Hillary one day dies, as will all of us, her body will be quickly dismembered and little bits of it distributed to Democrat Party local chapters. Their saint; their relics!
Like the one republicans rigged in 2000 giving us the murdering swine GWB That one??


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