Hillary IN- Let the stupid media horse race/circus begin, certainly no journalism/fact checking- GOP


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
GOP bs presented with a straight face, and with the Clintons the bs Pub propaganda has never really been topped, all those ridiculous "scandals" the GOP goes on about, despite no actual evidence- that hater dupes and all the other dupes think means something ETC ETC ETC. The disgrace of Pub propaganda goes on.

And certainly no straight talk about what the GOP has done to the country. See sig. Wrecked the economy over the long and short term, the stupidest wars ever, corruption and lies everywhere.

Breaking- Foster didn't, the travel office was nothing, White watergate showed the Clintons did nothing but lose money, and a 6 years super duper witch hunt came up with a BJ- that no gentleman would admit- or GO AFTER. ETC ETC ETC. Scumdog Pubs.

And of course, a year and a half or Fox Rush Savage Beck Hannity etc etc etc 24/7 total hate bs distraction/misinforming the dupes...Poor America. Luckily, we win again. The GOP got bs.
Hater Dupes,Hater Dupes,
Dupe Haters,Dupe Haters,
Hater,dupe,dupe Haters,


That about sums up Franco's repetitive posts....

I would love to see Hillary struggle against the likes of Scott Walker,or any GOP candidate...
Then watch the Dems shit their pants and beg Lizze to snatch the nomination from Hilly Baby...
Wow. Polishing Hillary's turds right out of the gate. Your hatred for the GOP is supposed to make her look good...how?

No. It is himself that he hates.

He shouldn't feel lonely, however. Everybody else does, too.
Hillary is like the cop that shot the kid in the back, except she was able to destroy the videotape of the coverup. Good for her
Meanwhile, back on earth, chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP lol- no hate just facts- some RW a-hole on MSNBC says "But what about Bill- And "Bill is the one person who repealed Glass-Steagle" OMG- What about Glass and Steagle and all the other Pubs who voted for it...OMG." And none of the pussy Dems call him on it. Just all so excited to have the horse race/controversy/ratings....ARRRGH.
Wow. Polishing Hillary's turds right out of the gate. Your hatred for the GOP is supposed to make her look good...how?

No. It is himself that he hates.

He shouldn't feel lonely, however. Everybody else does, too.
Any actual argument, or just stupid insults, hater dupe?And "hater dupe" is a political argument, not your personal-only insults. Get it? Read the book.
Hillary is like the cop that shot the kid in the back, except she was able to destroy the videotape of the coverup. Good for her
All you jack asses/hater dupes have is a COVER UP, nothing to cover up. LOL the power of BS BRAINWASHING.

I'm glad she's in. I am tired of her standing in the wings being all "inevitable". Now, we can start to watch what happens. Republicans should just ignore her and let the Left destroy her again (just as happened in 2008.)
Still waiting on anyone to name an accomplishment Hillary has done all on her own. Marrying Bill doesn't count
Hillary is like the cop that shot the kid in the back, except she was able to destroy the videotape of the coverup. Good for her
All you jack asses/hater dupes have is a COVER UP, nothing to cover up. LOL the power of BS BRAINWASHING.

I'm glad she's in. I am tired of her standing in the wings being all "inevitable". Now, we can start to watch what happens. Republicans should just ignore her and let the Left destroy her again (just as happened in 2008.)
She wasn't destroyed. She was beaten by a better story and a better speaker, with no baggage.
People..... Look at who you've given over power to in this Country...

Seriously. You think frankie is an aberration? You think all the hating, leftwing scum in here is the outer fringe element of the dimocrap scum party? You think they're just the usual 'bomb-throwers' and political Carney Barkers that turn up every national election cycle like your crazy Uncle at Thanksgiving Dinner?

You're nuts if you do. These are the same scumbags running through the halls of The White House. They're just not as well dressed

Go ahead, stay home this coming election. Give more power to these psychopaths; give your children even more reason to spit on your graves.

We either STOP these scum right now, or we're done as a Country.

Believe it.
Hillary is like the cop that shot the kid in the back, except she was able to destroy the videotape of the coverup. Good for her
All you jack asses/hater dupes have is a COVER UP, nothing to cover up. LOL the power of BS BRAINWASHING.

I'm glad she's in. I am tired of her standing in the wings being all "inevitable". Now, we can start to watch what happens. Republicans should just ignore her and let the Left destroy her again (just as happened in 2008.)
She wasn't destroyed. She was beaten by a better story and a better speaker, with no baggage.
You voted for a better story? Someone that had no accomplishments, just a tear jerker story based on race and hope?

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