hillary hurt a child and should be held accountable especially since her husband is a rapist.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
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Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.
Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.

No one held gun to head and forced her to defend the rapist...also...do not forget how she enabled bill....her husband and a rapist as well.
Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.
Lawyers with a conscience wouldn't have defended a kiddie rapist.
Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.
Lawyers with a conscience wouldn't have defended a kiddie rapist.

Well then its a good thing you're not a defense attorney because you would be out of business.

Defense attorney isn't something I would like to be but that's how our justice system work. Someone has to do it.
Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.
Lawyers with a conscience wouldn't have defended a kiddie rapist.

Well then its a good thing you're not a defense attorney because you would be out of business.

Defense attorney isn't something I would like to be but that's how our justice system work. Someone has to do it.
There's plenty of defense attorneys who say they won't defend certain types of criminals when they know they're guilty. Someone has to do it, but it doesnt have to be them. It's hard to have pity for a guilty child rapist who has a hard time finding a lawyer to defend them. The rapist is the one choosing to plead not guilty instead of accepting what they deserve. So no, I don't agree that somebody is obligated to defend them.
Hilary was doing her job as a lawyer for a defendant .Was she not supposed make her client look innocent? It sucks the man got away but this is how our justice system works.

Defending a criminal doesn't mean make shit up and get your client off by any means necessary. A "fair trial" doesn't mean get the perp off, it means present the facts and try to learn the truth of the case. She had evidence thrown out and accused the girl of wanting to have sex. She is a piece of shit for doing so. But hey, you're more offended by a man saying the word 'pussy' in a private conversation.
Child rapists who plead not guilty are the biggest pieces of shit and should die by any means possible. By pleading not guilty, they force their victim to testify against them, renewing the trauma. If they had a shred of decency, they would plead guilty and take their just punishment.

Democrats who defend child rapists are also pieces of shit, especially the ones on this thread defending Hillary as she accused a 12 year old girl of fantasizing about older men to get her client off. Anyone who defends that is sewage that runs in pipes beneath my feet.

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