Hillary continues her blame game, says Bernie inflicted "lasting damage" on her campaign


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

She's toast, get over it, she walks the planet. One party down, one to go.
Hey, Hillary...

Look up the word "democracy"
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

Man, Ol'Bernie really set up shop in her head. I'm betting she hates him as much as Trump. I mean, how bad does one need to suck to have lasting damage done to you by Bernie Sanders?
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Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

Yeah--it's the truth. After he got his ass kicked in New York, and still didn't drop out, he might as well been working for the Trump campaign. He continued to campaign against her--even when there was no way possible he could win the nomination. Even after everyone had voted--he had to get booed by house Democrats before he conceded the nomination and endorse Hillary Clinton.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

He continually campaigned on a "rigged election," and stupid Sanders supporters believed it. When he changed his party status to Democrat, he signed off on all rules and regulations of the Democrat party, and agreed to the role of those Super Delegates. She kicked his ass by 3,775,437 popular votes, and he was still campaigning on a rigged election. Then Sanders supporters went hog wild over the Debbie Wasserman email that RUSSIA leaked, (while anyone with half a brain could have understood Wasserman's anxiety over the way he was campaigning.) They were actually on this board threatening to vote for Trump over that , and Trump wasn't shy about picking up on the collateral damage. How many Sanders supporters didn't vote, or voted for a 3rd party we'll never know.

In rhetrospect, Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 popular votes and no one cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So yes, when you look at Bernie Sanders--you can thank him for Donald Trump sitting in the Oval office today.


Sanders found his limelight in the media and was determined to never let it go.

Sanders campaigning on a free college education, was as realistic as Trump campaigning on a 1000 mile 40 foot high wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Sanders & Trump supporters match their political intellect to "dumber than shit."
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Bernie's out campaigning for Trump right now as he looks for others to
support his single-payer plan.

That'll give Trump 33 states, if any Dem is looney enough to support
that idea before the Working American public
As we now know, Bernie was right. The nomination was rigged.

No it wasn't rigged, there is no way you can LOSE by 3,775,437 popular votes and call it a rigged election :badgrin: Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders ass. She beat him worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Obama beat Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes and not one single person called it a "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You idiots are so easily manipulated its' astounding. Any candidate says something, you swallow it hook, line & sinker without EVER checking it out. Shit no wonder we have an Ass Clown for President today, too many DUMB ASS'S VOTE.

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As we now know, Bernie was right. The nomination was rigged.

No it wasn't rigged, there is no way you can LOSE by 3,775,437 popular votes and call it a rigged election :badgrin: Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders ass. She beat him worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Obama beat Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes and not one single person called it a "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You idiots are so easily manipulated its' astounding.


The result of the Dem primaries were predetermined. That means rigged.

DWS resigned over it. Where the fuck have you been?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign D.N.C. Post
Democrats in general are like this. They are thoroughly delusional, and believe because they are left wing that proves they are wonderful, no matter how awful they really are, and Hillary, she is awful awful...
As we now know, Bernie was right. The nomination was rigged.

No it wasn't rigged, there is no way you can LOSE by 3,775,437 popular votes and call it a rigged election :badgrin: Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders ass. She beat him worse than she did Trump at 3 million votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Obama beat Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes and not one single person called it a "rigged election."
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

You idiots are so easily manipulated its' astounding.


The result of the Dem primaries were predetermined. That means rigged.

DWS resigned over it. Where the fuck have you been?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign D.N.C. Post

When Bernie Sanders changed his party status, he agreed to all Democrat Party rules and regulations, including those Democrat Super delegates. He came out of the gate and started campaigning on a rigged election, which pissed Debbie Wasserman off. No suprise. You ate up the RUSSIAN NEWS, Trump campaigned on it, meaning you're just as stupid as a Trump supporter.

She beat his ass by 3,775,437 POPULAR VOTES--and that wasn't rigged. Obama beat Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41.622 votes and no one called it a rigged election.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Bernie Sanders is responsible for Donald Trump today. He played upon idiot college students promising them a free college education. He said he was going after the big banks on Wall Street, literally lying to his constituents, and never informing them that the Federal Government nor he has the authority to do that, as the Federal Reserve banks operate separately and independently of the Federal Government. Even AFTER he was called out on it during a debate, he still continued to campaign on it.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks


The ONLY person that campaigned on issues (that could be accomplished in this race was Hillary Clinton.)

Trump & Sanders are birds of the same feather. They manipulate the ignorant in this country, just on opposite sides of the bird. They both campaigned on a rigged election, they promised the moon and the stars to their constitutents (not even realistic promises,) they lied continually about policies on what they could and could not change, and now we have a National Disgrace sitting in the Oval Office--enthralled into the worst scandal in American History.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
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Bernie won Iowa raw vote, and DWS had the elites rig it so the public would hear "Hillary won" and then not be shown the vote total (aka the RAW DATA that Leftists HATE so much).

Given his big win in NH, Bernie should've been 2-0 with Iowa, but DWS and the Dems cheated, stealing Bernie's early thunder and burying him with BS....

The Dems cheat, steal, and lie, and nobody Dem ever cares....
The primaries were rigged.

It was their legal defense....they rigged and they are allowed to.
Florida judge dismisses fraud lawsuit against DNC

“The party has the freedom of association to decide how it’s gonna select its representatives to the convention and to the state party,” said Spiva. “Even to define what constitutes evenhandedness and impartiality really would already drag the court well into a political question and a question of how the party runs its own affairs. The party could have favored a candidate. I’ll put it that way.”
Bernie won Iowa raw vote, and DWS had the elites rig it so the public would hear "Hillary won" and then not be shown the vote total (aka the RAW DATA that Leftists HATE so much).

Given his big win in NH, Bernie should've been 2-0 with Iowa, but DWS and the Dems cheated, stealing Bernie's early thunder and burying him with BS....

The Dems cheat, steal, and lie, and nobody Dem ever cares....

The Republican Party held its own Iowa caucuses on the same day.

Despite a late challenge, Hillary Clinton was able to defeat Bernie Sandersin the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus by the closest margin in the history of the contest: 49.8% to 49.6% (Clinton collected 700.47 state delegate equivalents to Sanders' 696.92, a difference of one quarter of a percentage point).[1] The victory, which was projected to award her 23 pledged national convention delegates (two more than Sanders), made Clinton the first woman to win the Caucus and marked a clear difference from 2008, where she finished in third place behind Obama and John Edwards.[2][3][4][5] Martin O'Malley suspended his campaign after a disappointing third-place finish with only 0.5% of the state delegate equivalents awarded, leaving Clinton and Sanders the only two major candidates in the race.[6] 171,517 people participated in the 2016 Iowa Democratic caucuses.[7]

Hillary won 700.47 State delegates equivalents?

That is so stupid.

Fucking hilarious. Dems are so fucking corrupt.
To my knowledge, the Dems have never released the actual raw vote total from Iowa, obviously because Bernie won....
Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

Hillary lost because she sucked as a candidate, and because of Putin putting his thumb on the scale. There was not one singular reason for Trump's victory, but there were multiple reasons. Sanders isn't one of those reasons, no matter how much Hillary and liberals think.
Bernie's out campaigning for Trump right now as he looks for others to
support his single-payer plan.
That'll give Trump 33 states, if any Dem is looney enough to support
that idea before the Working American public

Be careful what you wish for...we might end up with single payer yet. Now that senators from populous states like CA are co-sponsoring Medicare-for-All, the momentum leads us in that direction. It doesn't swing the other way because Conservatives have no idea what health insurance is, what health insurance companies do, how it relates to health care delivery, or even have a viable alternative plan.

Conservatives just want to repeal Obamacare because Obama did it. There's no other reason to repeal it than politics of resentment. Conservatives had 7 years to come up with a replacement plan and couldn't. That means they were full of shit and led you around by your nose like a dupe.
Conservatives just want to repeal Obamacare because Obama did it.

Indeed, because none of today's "conservatives" are actually against "big government..." or something like that....

The House under Newt would've repealed O-Care on day 1.

The House under Ryan does nothing good for America.

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